"Report!" Zheng Zhi gasped, "No regrets!"

Long Feihu asked with a bright smile: "Why?"

"Report, because I want to be a special police officer!"

Zheng Zhi couldn't catch his breath and coughed a few times.

Long Feihu smiled and said, "I will make you regret it!"

Immediately afterwards, he raised his voice and said, "I will make all of you regret it!"


Next, Long Feihu really did what he said, let these exhausted students rest for only ten minutes, and immediately ordered them to come to a pond full of yellow mud.

Palm press, commonly known as push-ups.

Do palm presses in this mud, if you can't hold it, you will directly suffocate to death in the yellow mud.

Sure enough, it is going to bring the students desperate training, hell-style training!

And, it's not just that, Wu Di actually fiddled with a high-pressure water gun, and to see who moved slowly, a powerful water jet would shoot over.

This kind of high-intensity and terrifying training made everyone feel miserable.

But Liu Xu and Duan Weibing were treated more harshly.

These two people are both from the Spike Special Forces, and the level is not comparable to these ordinary retired soldiers or people from the police system.

A special police officer directly took a high-pressure water gun and fired at the two of them in turn.

You know, the power generated by this water column is not ordinary.

If you really want to keep pointing at someone and shoot, you won't be able to get up at all.

Suddenly, a female student couldn't stand it anymore, she sat up from the yellow mud, and cried, "I'm a girl, why do I have to practice like a boy?"

Wu Di shouted angrily: "Then you answer me, will criminals care if you are a man or a woman?"

The female student cried hysterically: "I can't take it anymore, I want to quit the Tigers!"

"Okay! Very good! I agree with you to quit! Get down!"

Wu Di shouted hoarsely: "You all listen to me! Tiger Commando, only the strong are welcome!"

This brutal training lasted for thirty minutes.

Successively, several students couldn't take it anymore and quit.

Half an hour later, Long Feihu ordered the students to come up and rest for ten minutes.

At this time, there are still people who are willing to spend more effort to rest on the yellow mud pond. They are exhausted and do not want to move.

Even Liu Xu is no exception. It's not that he doesn't have strength, but he doesn't want to be too special. Staying in the same pit helps to cultivate feelings.

Duan Weibing glanced at Liu Xu, panted and laughed twice, and said, "Tiger Commandos really deserve their reputation. This kind of intensity training is comparable to when I was in Langya! They... This is not recruiting special police members, they are recruiting elite special forces!"

Liu Xu said with a smile: "The Tiger Commando is number one in the police system nationwide. What we want here is the best of the best!"

Duan Weibing said: "I'm worried that there will not be a few students left in our current class!"

Liu Xu laughed loudly: "Only the elite among the elites are eligible to stay!"

Long Feihu looked at Liu Xu with imperceptible admiration in his eyes, but he quickly recovered his cold expression.

"Everyone can rest for ten minutes, Liu Xu! Except you! You only have one minute!"

I crack!I crack!

Everyone cast a sympathetic look at Liu Xu.

"Leader, this is not fair, I am also human!"

Liu Xu screamed, damn, I don't want to be special!

Long Feihu said with a grin: "I'm asking you strictly! You have to thank me!"

Wu Di and other special policemen couldn't help laughing.

"Leader, if you do this again, I will quit!"

Long Feihu couldn't believe it, and jokingly said: "You want to quit! That's fine! Wu Di, bring him the form!"

Wu Di shouted angrily: "Yes!"

Wu Di put down the water gun, turned around and walked away, aiming at Long Feihu with his eyes.

Of course he knew that Long Feihu was not willing to let Liu Xu go, he was a freak!

This kind of freak is not willing to let go anywhere?

At this time, Liu Xu smiled so cheaply, and looked at Long Feihu with his eyes, as if you were not willing to let me go.

Long Feihu became furious and picked up the high-pressure water gun from the ground.

"One minute is up! Liu Xu, continue to do push-ups!"

A torrent shot out from the gun barrel, sending Liu Xu into a fight.

Everyone burst out laughing.


This time it wasn't palm pressing, a team of special police came over carrying thick and long logs.

Long Feihu asked the students to lie in the yellow mud, and the special police put logs on the students. Even with the buoyancy of water, the weight made them unable to breathe.

Long Feihu paced back and forth by the pond, holding a loudspeaker and yelling loudly: "You staying here is just the beginning of a nightmare! Therefore, the gate here is always open for you. If you walk out of this gate, the nightmare will wake up." ! But if you are willing to stay here! I am the devil in your dreams!"

You have to hold such a huge log and do sit-ups in the water.

The wood is soaked in water and has a heavier weight.

Even though it was seven people together, it was too cruel.

When sitting up, Zheng Zhi sat in the water panting, gritted his teeth and said: "This is simply a life-threatening!"

In such a scene, not to mention those students from all corners of the society, even those veterans and people from the police system, all trembled in their hearts.

Zhao Xiaohei choked his voice and shouted: "The wood that has entered the water! It is twice as heavy as usual! Ah!"

Liu Xu said loudly: "Everyone keep breathing in unison! Shout slogans! One! Two! Three! Lie down!"

He also couldn't take it anymore, although his physical strength had doubled, but after all, it was only physical strength and did not represent his strength.

Strength and strength are two different things.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2136 The two most beautiful girls are occupied by him

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Because Liu Xu's performance was too good and too showy, Long Feihu specially arranged the female students in his group, next to him were Tao Jing and Ling Yun.

"One, two, three! Get up!"

At this time, Liu Xu played the role of a leader.

When the force is even and consistent, it really is a little easier.

Students in other groups followed suit.

Long Feihu's upper body was bare, his two chest muscles were extremely developed, and his stomach had a serious eight-pack abs.

Holding a megaphone, he shouted: "Are you cold?"

"not cold!"

All the students responded in unison.

"Is that hot?"

"not hot!"

The dragons and tigers shot fierce expressions, and shouted: "Okay! Lukewarm is right! Tiredness is the food of the commandos, fear is the drinking water of the commandos, and pain is what our commandos breathe every day." Oxygen! All of this finally became a loyal, dedicated, witty, brave, selfless and fearless Chinese public security special police commando!"

"Don't imagine that I will be merciful. Any kindness of mine will lead to a bloody lesson! Because... on the wall of honor..." Long Feihu suddenly became emotional, tears filled his eyes, and his voice became choked, "Honor On the wall, there are too many names I know, I don't want you to be next! Hurry up!"

At this moment, all the special police officers present had their eyes blurred by tears.

What Long Feihu said was also the pain in their hearts...

In China, three or four hundred police officers sacrifice their lives on the job every year. When fighting criminals, who dares to say that they will be safe from any danger?

Not every gangster is easy to deal with. In the eyes of those frenzied desperadoes, people in police uniforms are their natural enemies!

If a dog is in a hurry, it will jump over the wall, let alone a human?


Finally, until night fell, every student seemed to be falling apart. Standing in the mud, everyone's eyes were dull.

They have been squeezed out of the last trace of strength in their bodies, and they can still stand, which is already very remarkable.

At this time, the wind was blowing on the muddy and water-soaked clothes. Everyone was shivering from the cold, but everyone was doing their best to support them.

Even Liu Xu was exhausted, Nima, his exercise volume was more than three times that of others.

If Liu Xu hadn't had excellent mental quality, even if his physical strength was far beyond ordinary people, he wouldn't be able to hold on at this time.

Because the purpose of hell-style training is to make the trainee unable to hold on.

The night wind was blowing and it was cold, but the instructors didn't know if they were going to have dinner, so they just left them here.

Without an order to disband, who would dare to leave?

Liu Xu worriedly glanced at Ling Yun and Tao Jing standing on his left.

"Are you all right?"

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