Ling Yun and Tao Jing turned their heads and shook their heads at the same time, they were so tired that they seemed to have lost the ability to speak.

Liu Xu smiled and said: "Ling Yun, Tao Jing, I am very surprised by your perseverance. In fact, don't blame the leader and the instructors. They are cruel to us now. It is for the future when we become real special police officers. , and reduce casualties."

"Grit your teeth, we can pass!" Liu Xu took a deep breath, raised his voice, and continued: "The leader said, not only are we not tigers, we are not even small tigers, we are now little mice! Sooner or later One day, we will grow to the point where even they dare not underestimate us! Mice? We are mice, aren't they big mice?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

But after a smile, intense fatigue quickly spread, and many people were shaky and unable to stand still.

Liu Xu put one hand on Ling Yun's shoulder and the other on Ling Yun's shoulder, shouting loudly: "Stand firm! Don't let the big rats laugh at us! We are comrades in arms! We should support each other!"

Mutual support your sister!

Watching Liu Xu "hugging left and right", Tao Jing and Ling Yun, the two prettiest girls in the training camp, were taken over by him.

All the students followed him one after another, supporting each other with their companions, and stood still with their teeth gritted.

At this time, a convertible jeep came in the distance...


It was Yang Zhen who came by car.

He jumped out of the car flexibly, walked up to all the students in a few steps, folded his arms behind his back, and said with Ting Chest: "Today is your first day here, and there are more people left than I imagined." , This is our instructor's... mistake..."

"So, in the face of this mistake, we will try our best to make up for it! Don't expect us to be soft-hearted to you, because if we are soft-hearted to you, you will die in the future. How is it? Is there any smart person who wants to talk?"

Almost everyone was shivering from the cold, and their eyes were staring from exhaustion.

Except for Liu Xu, he rolled his eyes and said in a low voice, "I used these little tricks when I was training Fire Phoenix..."

Yang Zhen waited for a while, saw that no one spoke, and said, "Okay, since there is no one, it is your own choice! Now, you can go back to wash and sleep."

Everyone relaxed at this moment. A few were exhausted and relied on their teammates to barely stand, and immediately collapsed on the ground.

Yang Zhen smiled and said, "What are you waiting for! Is it comfortable to sit on the dirt floor? Do you want me to let you do a hundred more push-ups?"

The crowd immediately dispersed as birds and beasts.


After taking a shower, Liu Xu put on another uniform, and Zheng Zhi who was beside him asked puzzledly, "Liu Xu, what are you doing? You shouldn't just wear this to sleep, right?"

Liu Xu smiled, and saw that many people were looking at him. With that kind of look, he could vaguely feel that his limelight today had already become a rookie in the eyes of others.

"Think about it, what is this place?"

Zhao Xiaohei asked: "What is this place?"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2137 Those aunts are coming?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"This is the new training camp!" Liu Xu said, "Those instructors are training us to death one by one. Don't you really think that they will stop here and let us sleep comfortably?"

Duan Weibing changed his expression, nodded and said, "Liu Xu is right!"

Liu Xu smiled and said: "That's right, you see, maybe giving us an hour or two of rest time at most may be an overestimate. Just wait and see, if they are bad enough, they should let us They all fell asleep, and then rushed over to assemble urgently."

Of course Liu Xu knew that it would happen, and he was very impressed!

He clearly remembered that the special police would come to call for assembly, and he also saw smoke bombs thrown in the dormitory room.

"So, if you believe me, put on your clothes and sleep as long as you can!"

Liu Xu's words were deeply accepted by all the students.

Although it was his first day in contact with them today, Liu Xu had already established an image of a strong man in their minds, number 1 among all the students.

Even He Miao, who was extremely arrogant, was completely convinced by Liu Xu.

They quickly put on clean uniforms and went to bed.

These students were all exhausted, lying on the bed one by one, and after a while, the symphony of snoring sounded.

At this moment, Long Feihu and Tieniu, who were drinking tea in the monitoring room, looked surprised.

Tieniu smiled wryly and said: "Leader, this Liu Xu is constantly refreshing our understanding of him! This man is so smart!"

Long Feihu smiled and said, "Isn't it good to be too smart?"

"Of course it's good, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to control."

Long Feihu smiled and said: "You are worrying too much, I have observed him for a long time, and I think he is a good seedling worth cultivating."

"If you like the leader, that's the best."

Long Feihu pondered for a while, and said: "In a few days, the actresses of Director Zhang will arrive, Tieniu, are you ready for this?"

"The group of aunts are coming? Hey..." Tieniu smiled slightly, and changed the topic, "But don't worry about my work, I have arranged for Zuo Yan, the flower of our flying brigade, to receive them, but I am still a little worried !Last time I heard you say that all four are actresses, how far do we want to go? Those are all big stars that everyone is looking forward to!"

"What aunt, it's just a few actresses, just to experience life for Director Zhang's new film. I heard from the head of the detachment that Director Zhang's new film is about female special forces, so we just let them follow the new training camp to watch it for a while." God, just let Zuo Yan arrange for them to do some simple stress-free training." Long Feihu smiled immediately and said, "You too, what's the point of this, they are not really here to be special police."

"That's true." Tie Niu wrung his fingers and said, "Yang Ying, Gao Yuanyuan, Jing Tian, ​​and Fan Yan, tsk tsk, all of them are hot stars! Those boys don't know how excited they will be. ?”

Long Feihu said solemnly: "I am not worried that it will affect the training order of the new training camp. This is just a test for them. What is our Tiger Commando? Kick some out."

Tieniu smiled and said, "As long as you don't kick out the little traffic policeman, right?"

Long Feihu smiled and said: "I am very optimistic about him. Besides him, there are a few other ideal candidates in my mind, Duan Weibing from the Spike Special Brigade, He Miao, a Ph. Hei, Ling Yun from the criminal investigation department..."

Long Feihu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If Tao Jing can hold on, it's one of them!"

Long Feihu suddenly thought of something, showing a thoughtful expression, while staring at the monitor, he said slowly: "Tie Niu, tell me... If I transfer Liu Xu to Zuo Yan as an assistant, let him work with those girls When an actor gets in touch, does he still have the mental training?"

Tieniu was stunned, and said: "No way, leader, you can't test the little traffic police like this!"

Long Feihu's eyes became deep, and he said: "I want to test his concentration! If he has no intention of training because of a few actresses, he is not worthy of joining the tiger."

Tie Niu seemed to realize something, his expression became very complicated, and he hesitated for a long time before saying: "Leader, don't you find him as your successor?!"

Long Feihu smiled, nodded and said, "Tie Niu, we have been comrades in arms for many years, do you think he has the potential?"

Tie Niu pondered for a while, then smiled and said, "Leader, why didn't you consider me to take over?"

Naturally, Long Feihu knew it, and Tieniu sighed with emotion. In fact, he himself knew that being the leader of the Tiger Commando was definitely not based on seniority.

The tiger commando is different from other departments, and the position of the commando leader is also different from other positions.

Here, even if a governor is airborne to replace the leader, it is useless.

Because, what is more respected here is the strong!

If you don't agree with you, why are you in charge?

Long Feihu smiled and said, "You want to take my class? That's fine, I'll let you try?"

Tieniu smiled and said, "Okay! Seriously, the current junior traffic policeman is not qualified enough, but among this batch of newcomers, I am optimistic about two, one is the junior traffic policeman, and the second is Duan Weibing."

"Yes, Duan Weibing is also a very good talent, he is a treasure dug by Lao Lei! Now, it depends on their performance!"

"En!" Tieniu pointed at the monitor and said with a smile, "Leader, call Wu Di and Han Feng over now?"

The corners of Long Feihu's mouth curled up, and he said, "Wait! Wait for them to sleep for a while!"

Tieniu smiled and said, "Are we really going to be guessed by the little traffic police?"

"Yes! Let him guess right! With this level of practice, it's hard to wake up once you fall asleep! If the alarm goes off during a deep sleep, can't you get out of the mission?" Long Feihu glanced at Tieniu, "Tieniu, we Everything must be for the purpose of actual combat, we do not care about training for battle, we raise soldiers for a thousand days, and use them for a thousand days!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2138 I'm so tired, can I still miss men?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In the collective dormitory for female students, Tao Jing didn't have the slightest bit of heroic demeanor when she beat up thieves on the street, she just slumped on the chair with her arms and legs spread out.

"My dear mother, I have never suffered this kind of pain."

While taking off his mud-crusted military uniform, Ling Yun said, "What are you still doing! Hurry up, wash up and go to bed! Our sleep time is only three hours!"

Tao Jing said in pain: "Do you think I can still wake up now? I'm like a puddle of snot now!"

"Even if it's a snot, you have to get up quickly and wash off your tiredness with hot water!"

Tao Jing was dragged up by Ling Yun, and walked to the bathroom.

After a while, the sound of swishing water sounded.

"Wow! So much more comfortable! I feel like my whole body is heating up now!"

Tao Jing groaned with emotion.

Ling Yun was rubbing her hair with shampoo.

"Ling Yun, who do you think is the most handsome in our new training camp?"

Ling Yun said angrily: "How tired are you? Are you still in the mood to miss a handsome guy?"

"Isn't this just chatting! Chatting can relieve fatigue."

Ling Yun asked back: "Who do you think is handsome?"

Tao Jing suddenly giggled, and said, "Ling Yun, Liu Xu and I have known each other before the physical examination. We worked together to catch a bag snatcher in the street, and he even left my phone number! You What do you think Liu Xu looks like?"

The action of Ling Yun washing her hair paused for a moment.

"He's not bad, he's stronger than us all, and I think he has an indescribable aura."

Tao Jing seemed to have forgotten the fatigue on her body, and said excitedly: "I also think he is good. Look, He Miao took the initiative to provoke him. In the end, He Miao couldn't crawl during the physical fitness test, and Liu Xu couldn't move at all. It takes a man with such a big heart to carry He Miao behind his back to hold grudges!"

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