Ling Yun just rinsed off the shampoo on his head, wiped his eyes, and saw Tao Jing smearing soap on her chest, and her eyes were crazy, she couldn't help laughing, and joked: "Tao Jing, what are you? Touching my chest while thinking about men, are you yearning for spring?"

Tao Jing was stunned, and immediately yelled out in shame, grabbing Ling Yun with a soapy hand, Ling Yun blocked it, and the two actually started fighting while taking a bath.

The female students taking a bath next to me were all dumbfounded. These two...are too tough!

Tired like this, I still have the strength to fight.


Two hours later, Wu Di and Han Feng were ordered to come to the male and female students' dormitories respectively.

Wu Diyin pushed open the door of the boys' dormitory with a smile, and first whispered, "Get up!"

At this moment, Liu Xu opened his eyes reflexively.

The next moment, he heard Wu Di yelling loudly outside the door to get up.

Liu Xu chuckled, grabbed the helmet next to the pillow, sat up quickly, bowed his head to put on his military boots, and at the same time shouted louder: "Get up!"

All of a sudden, the students were startled awake.

Wu Di has already pulled out the smoke bomb at this time, and is about to throw it into the dormitory!

He was taken aback when he heard that the reaction was so fast, and he muttered, "Impossible! You can react so fast after being so tired?! What the hell?"

After hesitating for a while, Wu Di still grabbed the doorknob with one hand, and threw the grenade in with the other.

When he was about to throw the second one, he suddenly felt a huge force coming from his left hand, and he was dragged into the room involuntarily. Then, Wu Di was dragged in by a hand...

Of course Wu Di was dragged in by Liu Xu.

If Liu Xu can make sense of this, then "SWAT Force" would be a waste of time.

Damn, if you want me to eat smoke bombs, you don't even want to run away!

"Who? Who is it? I am your instructor!"

The smoke bomb made Wu Di unable to open his eyes, and he was filled with shame and anger. If this matter got out in the SWAT team, Wu Di would have to be laughed at to death.

Hearing Wu Di's voice, Zhao Xiaohei exclaimed in surprise: "Instructor? Why did you come in? Who is this? He is so wicked, throwing smoke bombs into the room? If I don't beat him to death, I won't be called Zhao Xiaohe." black!"

Wu Di's face turned green, he held his breath, squinted his eyes and ran out, but there were so many people in the room, some were wearing shoes, some were looking for a gun...

Liu Xu opened the door with a smile, walked out, and took two steps back, holding the automatic rifle with a smile, watching the students run out one by one, playing the role of instructor.

"Quick! Move fast! Playground assembly! Quick!"

Liu Xu watched with a smile on Wu Di's face as he ran out of the room.

"Wu Di, instructor, is the taste of smoke bombs good? I didn't expect you to be willing to share weal and woe with our students. It's really rare. Everyone salute to instructor Wu Di before leaving!"

All the students stopped and saluted Wu Di messily.

Wu Di's face changed from green to blue. He walked up to Liu Xu and lowered his voice: "Liu Xu, how dare you tease me!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Instructor Wu Di, what are you talking about? I don't understand. It's better to leave here quickly, the leader is probably waiting impatiently!"

Wu Di looked angrily at Liu Xu following him quickly, the dormitory was already empty, and the smoke was spreading inside.

"What the hell, the boat capsized in the gutter!" Wu Di cursed angrily, "This time it's a big embarrassment!"


Long Feihu gave Wu Di a hard look.

"Go! Go around the playground to practice! I won't yell to stop, you are not allowed to stop!"

Han Feng and other special police officers looked at the embarrassed Wu Di and held back their smiles with strange expressions on their faces.

Long Feihu turned his eyes back to the students in front of him, looked around, his eyes stayed on Liu Xu's face, and said lightly: "What did you do?"

Liu Xu raised his chest and said loudly, "Report! It's me!"

Long Feihu yelled, and said: "You are so courageous. I thought you would argue so much, so I just admitted it! To play tricks on the instructor, you are awesome!"

All eyes suddenly realized that it was Liu Xu who did it, so they all showed admiration.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2139

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu said loudly: "Report, it was Instructor Wu Di who wanted to play tricks on us, and I just paid him back. I don't think there is any problem."

Long Feihu shouted: "I said that if there is a problem, there will be a problem. If you don't train well, you will think of such crooked things in your mind? You are playing tricks on the instructor."

He Miao couldn't help but said, "Report!"

Long Feihu swept his fierce gaze: "Say!"

He Miao protested: "I have an opinion! Instructor Wu Di steals chickens and loses money. This is his own problem. Liu Xu can't be blamed! You are the chief instructor, so you have to be reasonable!"

Long Feihu shouted louder: "Here, I am the truth!"

With a sneer, he continued: "Everyone, is it because I am too kind? Come and reason with me, let me tell you, I don't want to put on airs like a devil instructor with you, you all came to participate voluntarily Those in the new training camp are also adults, and they must be responsible for their own actions!"

"Old Ray!"

Thunder said loudly: "Here!"

"Serve them food, I don't want them to have the strength to reason with me."

After finishing speaking, Long Feihu turned around and left.

Lei Dian stepped forward, glanced at his watch, and said loudly: "Ten kilometers! Get ready! Let's go!"

Liu Xu smiled and said loudly: "Get ready to run! We are immortal!"

At this moment, all the students had implicitly regarded Liu Xu as their backbone, shouted and ran after him.

The thunderbolt on the convertible jeep shouted through the horn: "Hurry up! Run faster! Haven't you had enough to eat? Our task is to test your survival status. In the most difficult time, in the most exhausted state, maintain Quick reflexes and your endurance. Please remember that SWAT personnel should always maintain a high level of combat readiness, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone roared in unison.

"I didn't have breakfast!"

A discordant voice sounded in the team, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

No need to ask, it must be Liu Xu.

Long Feihu was so choked that he couldn't speak, and he shouted after a long while: "I don't think you understand! Now, go to the top of the target mountain!"


In the next few days, every day is training, basically physical training.

During this period, several practitioners could not bear such inhuman torture and left.

But those who gritted their teeth and persisted suddenly discovered that as long as they survived for three days, their physical fitness and other abilities would be greatly improved.

Especially Liu Xu, his current body's basic ability indexes have once again made breakthroughs.

On the fourth day, they had just finished a mountaineering physical training. When they returned to the playground, they suddenly saw a few civilian cars parked on the edge of the playground, with their backs facing them.

Many people were talking to Long Feihu and other instructors.

Among them were several young women in training clothes.

No one thought too much, under Lei Dian's reprimand, they were given a minute to rest and drink water, and then, immediately after, began to do palm press training.

Liu Xu just lay down and did two push-ups when Lei Dian suddenly shouted loudly: "Liu Xu!"


"The leader calls you over!"

There was a weird smile on the corner of Lei Dian's mouth.

Liu Xu stood up and subconsciously looked in the direction of Lei Dian's finger...

Just when Liu Xu was less than ten meters away from the edge of the playground, the policewomen in camouflage training uniforms suddenly turned around.

Liu Xu didn't think too much for a while, because his eyes were attracted by Zuo Yan who was standing beside Long Feihu.

Zuo Yan is a pilot of the Flying Brigade of the Special Police Detachment of Donghai City, and also a flower in the Special Police Detachment.

Wu Di likes Zuo Yan, but Zuo Yan hasn't made a formal statement yet, and then...

Of course, will Zuo Yan and Wu Di have a future?

A smug smile flickered across the corner of Liu Xu's mouth. He liked Zuo Yan, who was smart and delicate, and wanted this beautiful female pilot to be his girlfriend, and now the opportunity came.

But if you add Ling Yun and Tao Jing, in such a big special police base, how can you still be like a fish in water while stepping on three boats? This is a question before Liu Xu.

Liu Xu's attention was all on Zuo Yan, and he walked up to Long Feihu without noticing what the four female soldiers looked like.


Long Feihu shouted: "Liu Xu, now I have a task for you!"


Long Feihu cast his eyes on Zuo Yan, and said: "This is our colleague from the Special Police Detachment Flying Brigade, Zuo Yan, who is in charge of the reception this time. I order you to be Zuo Yan's assistant during this period, obey her orders and arrangement, do you understand?"

Liu Xu shouted loudly: "Understood!"

Zuo Yan nodded to Liu Xu and said, "I heard from the leader, are you the best performer among these recruits?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I dare not take it."

At this time, Zhang Yimou, deputy captain Xu of the special police detachment, and Long Feihu and others were still exchanging greetings, while the four beauties waiting for training looked at Liu Xu curiously.

Liu Xu, handsome, wearing a special police training uniform, wearing a steel helmet, holding an automatic rifle, is indeed very sunny and manly. However, for Jing Tian and other female stars, there is no such thing as a handsome guy in the entertainment industry.

Their curiosity was not because of anything else, but because Liu Xu never looked at them directly from the beginning to the end.

This caused the four beauties to be more or less shocked, because not to mention four people appearing at the same time, even if one of the four women stands out at random, it will be the focus of attention and attract all living beings.

How have they ever been so ignored?

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