Liu Xulang said in a loud voice: "Everyone listen to me, since you are here, you must want to make director Zhang's movie well. In addition, the life of ordinary people is definitely not as exciting as the life of an actor, but the life of a special police officer , You have absolutely never experienced it. Anyway, you came here, why don’t you really integrate yourself into this role? This may be an unforgettable experience in your life.”

Liu Xu pointed to the freshmen who were concentrating on the training, and said louder again: "Look at them, have you seen those female students? Tao Jing! A college student in the medical school! With a dream , a belief, came to the SWAT team to participate in training. I thought she would not be able to last a day, but she stayed. Before her, many students could not bear the hardship and quit. She did not leave, gritting her teeth and holding on. I I don't ask you to be like her, I just hope that you can learn things here that you can't learn outside!"

Liu Xu knew that Tao Jing's father was Wang Ping, the first captain of the Tiger Commando. The reason why Wang Ping died was to save a team member, and this team member was Long Feihu.

"Ling Yun, the technical backbone of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau, she is stronger than any student we have seen. She gave up the superior and comfortable working environment and came here, also, for a dream of becoming a special police officer. A person, in this life, always has various dreams, but those who can shed blood and tears for their dreams, and even risk their lives, are strong. They are women just like you Next, I don’t need to say more, their training intensity is ten times or even twenty times that of yours! Come on! I will demonstrate to you now, doing a hundred push-ups.”

Liu Xu has sharp eyes and a strong voice. At this moment, he is very much like a leader, the soul and pillar of a team.

Tieniu and Lei Dian on the side also heard Liu Xu's words from a distance, and they looked at each other in surprise, and in their surprise, there was also unconcealed appreciation.

There is no need to test, it is a qualified instructor!

How did they know that Liu Xu is familiar with the road!

As a man who trained the fire phoenix, Liu Xu trained several female stars, only slightly substituting the role of "devil king".


As Liu Xu expected, the four goddess-level stars did not last long. Gao Yuanyuan was the first to lie on the ground.

"So tired! So tired, this is too hard!"

Zuo Yan put her hands behind her back and said coldly: "Gao Yuanyuan, you only made fifteen!"

Liu Xu shook his head, Jing Tian and the baby are insisting, and Fan Ye is also holding on, just Gao Yuanyuan...

He jumped up and walked in front of Gao Yuanyuan.

"Go on! Don't lie on your stomach! Don't let physical exhaustion dominate you!"

Gao Yuanyuan made a bitter face, and said softly, "No! I can't bear it!"

Liu Xu's head was full of black lines, and he frowned and said, "You can't stand it after only doing fifteen push-ups? It's impossible! People are lazy, and you have to overcome them to become stronger!"

"I don't want to become stronger, okay, I'm not really here to be a special police officer!"

Liu Xu shouted: "Talk to me, you think you are Lin Zhiling! Gao Yuanyuan, you only made fifteen! Look at your team members! What about them? Do you want to be the last one? Don't you want to be the last one?" They? Why don't you take this breath and prove to me, to them, to yourself that you are stronger than them!"

Gao Yuanyuan was taken aback for a moment, and fighting spirit began to appear in his eyes.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2142 Mountains, Flowing Water, Sunset, Angels

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu walked slowly around the four goddess-level stars, and shouted loudly: "This is not a studio, nor is it your comfortable home, this is the new special police training camp! The training ground of the Tiger Commando! Since Come here, please enjoy the sweat and passion brought by these fifteen days!"

"When you come here, you have to forget your star status. Here, you have no aura, no fans, no privileges, and you still have training, only sweat, and only code names."

"Gao Yuanyuan, code name: Gao Shan."

"Zi Bingbing, code name: Flowing Water."

"Yang Ying, code name: Angel."

"Jing Tian, ​​code name: Sunset."

Mountains, flowing water, sunsets, angels!


"Liu Shui, you can do it, you are not the weakest among them... Gao Shan is the weakest, you will not lose to her, right?"

Gao Yuanyuan was so angry that she lay down on the ground, stared at Liu Xu fiercely, and panted, "Why do you say I'm weak!"

"You want to prove that you are not weak, prove it to me with your actual actions." Liu Xu sternly shouted: "Again, when you talk to the instructors in the new training camp, you must first talk about the report!"

Zuo Yan looked at Liu Xu, her beautiful eyes flickered slightly, and the corner of her mouth was smiling.

This Liu Xu has a few tricks, and he has the aura of being a leader!

No wonder no one picked the leader, so he was singled out!


"You can't do a hundred push-ups at all, and this is just the most basic ability of ordinary police. If you want to make a movie about special forces, you don't have to do it, you have to feel it, feel it their training and their lives."

At this time, the first one to get down was Yang Ying who did forty push-ups.

With the first, there will naturally be the second.

Yan Bingbing also fell down.

Among the four goddesses, Jing Tian's physical strength and perseverance are the best, but what Liu Xu didn't expect was that Gao Yuanyuan could hold on so well. After seeing Yang Ying and Jian Bingbing, she couldn't hold on any longer. smiled.

When Liu Xu saw Gao Yuanyuan stood up, his arms were trembling, but he was still holding on.

Liu Xu saw that Gao Yuanyuan's eyes were full of firmness and refusal to admit defeat, so he nodded secretly.

"Gaoshan! Do you want to lose to Xiyang?"

At this moment, Gao Yuanyuan was so tired that she was about to die, her hands didn't look like her own anymore, so how could she answer.

Liu Xu continued: "You are a good person. I apologize to you for underestimating you just now!"

Gao Yuanyuan's heart was in full bloom, and she smiled.

At this time, Jing Tian couldn't hold it anymore, so she made fifty.

Barely reached half of the regulations.

"Gao Shan, you are forty-six, and there are five more, you will surpass the sunset! Are you sure you want to do it?"

Gao Yuanyuan's eyes burst out with fighting spirit again.


At this time, Yang Ying and Jian Bingbing looked at each other, and there was a trace of throbbing in their eyes.

Didn't everyone agree to come and play?

Why did both of them betray?

Yang Ying said loudly: "Report to the instructor, we want to make ten more."

Liu Xu looked back at them, and said lightly: "If you make ten more, you won't be able to add up to what you just did. If you lose, you lose. However, if you can do it, I will treat you differently."

Yang Ying was the first to get down again, followed by Jian Bingbing.

This is the limit!

Their limit!

Liu Xu knew that as long as they crossed it, it was not a question of how much their physical fitness had increased, but more importantly, their perseverance and fighting spirit would also be baptized.

This will benefit them both in work and life in the future.


"Forty-eight! Gao Shan, come on, there are two more! You will be tied with Xiyang!"

Gao Yuanyuan's body was soaked in sweat, and her whole body was shaking.

Zuo Yan quietly walked to Liu Xu's side, and said in a low voice: "It's almost enough. It's the first training. It's hard to explain if you don't get hurt."

Liu Xu smiled and said: "No, only by breaking through the limit can we go to the next level! I believe Gao Shan can do it!"

Zuo Yan frowned: "They are just actors, they just came to experience the life of special forces, not to really be special soldiers. If something happens, no one can afford it."

Zuo Yan turned her head and said, "Gao... Gao Shan, it's fine! You've done a good job, don't force yourself!"

Gao Yuanyuan said stubbornly: "No! I don't want to fall behind, I must finish fifty pushups!"

Zuo Yan was startled.

Liu Xu said loudly: "Okay! Well said! We are no worse than anyone else! I believe in you, we can do it! The sea is boundless and the sky is the shore, and the mountain is the top. I am the peak! Come on!"

"Four...nineteen...the last one! There is only one left! Grit your teeth! You can survive!"


Gao Yuanyuan finally finished fifty push-ups!All of a sudden lying on the ground.

Suddenly, Gao Yuanyuan yelled, "I... leg... leg cramps... cramp..."

Zuo Yan glared at Liu Xu.

Liu Xu didn't even look at Zuo Yan, and rushed over immediately, grabbing Gao Yuanyuan's ankle.

"It's okay! It's okay! I'm here! We're all here!"

Gao Yuanyuan trembled in pain, and screamed.

Liu Xu hastily gave Gao Yuanyuan an emergency treatment to dredge the meridians, raised her feet, and stretched her knee joints.

Cramps are not a big deal, and they are not in the water, but if the cramps after strong exercise are not properly treated, it is likely to cause sequelae.

cough cough...

Well, Liu Xu admitted that he also really wanted to touch Gao Yuanyuan's legs.

Liu Xu didn't dare to be careless. While nursing, he shouted: "Gao Shan, you are a good person, you are not weak."

Gao Yuanyuan burst into tears in pain.

After a while, I finally calmed down.

While Liu Xu and Zuo Yan were training stars here, Tieniu, Lei Dian and others on the other side were occasionally paying attention to such a small group of special members.

Seeing Liu Xu nursing Gao Yuanyuan's legs, Tieniu and Lei Dian looked at each other and smiled, men could understand that expression.

Liu Xu finally let go of his hand and put Gao Yuanyuan's feet down.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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