Chapter 2143 Your Swallow and the little traffic policeman are on good terms...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"How is it? Is it better?"

"Report to the instructor, much better, thank you."

"Take a break! You did a great job today!"

Liu Xu cast his eyes on Zuo Yan and said, "I'll continue training over there, and you will take care of them."

Zuo Yanqi said: "You are an acting instructor now, and you still go there to train?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Of course, I don't want to fall behind others!"

After speaking, Liu Xu walked towards Tieniu.


"You boy! You are too cruel! He is a big star!" Lei Dian summoned Liu Xu to his side, "Just touched Gao Yuanyuan's leg, how does it feel?"

This kind of thing can only be done but not said, okay?

Liu Xu's head was full of black lines, and he frowned and said, "Captain Lei, your words like this have subverted your image in my mind!"

The Tieniu beside him also laughed, and said, "Lei Kai just wanted to kick you away and replace you."

Lei Dian said solemnly: "Who doesn't want to touch the legs of a big star? Well, it's so cheap, let Liu Xu occupy it. Thinking about it, I really feel uncomfortable."

Lei Dian glanced at Liu Xu and smiled sinisterly.

"Everybody pause! Now, all of them!"

All the students stood up.

"Run forward, go to the practice room! Next, it's fighting training!" Lei Dian yelled in full spirit.


The practice room is very large, it is the first floor of the base building, the whole floor is divided into two areas, one is the parking area, and the other is the practice room.

When the students come here, they don't need to run all over the mountains or roll around in the muddy mud ponds, and they already feel like they are receiving benefits.

When the students came here, they couldn't help but groan comfortably.

Two special police officers brought over cardboard boxes containing boxing gloves for the students to pick up by themselves.


Long Feihu and Lei Dian were in the shade of the trees, and they didn't come to the practice room immediately.

"Old Lei, you have to think twice, otherwise, I'll do it!"

Lei Dian said dissatisfied: "Leader, you underestimate me! I can't subdue those little monkey bastards?"

Long Feihu smiled and said: "Of course I believe in your strength, but among the students, there are three with strong fighting ability, Liu Xu, He Miao and Duan Weibing. I suggest you pick He Miao, this He Miao is unruly." Tam, except for Liu Xu, no one obeys, if you want to pick, why not just pick him."

Lei Dian shook his head and said, "I pick Liu Xu!"

Long Feihu smiled wryly, and said: "Our special training is to train their spirit of unity, and we don't necessarily have to pick the strongest one."

Long Feihu didn't want to attack Lei Dian, but he knew that even if Lei Dian met Liu Xu, even if he had rich experience, there was a [-]% chance of losing.

This is still a very conservative estimate. In fact, Raiden doesn't even have a [-]% chance of winning.

"Okay! Let Wu Di go first, and let them consume an hour of energy before we talk."

Hearing Long Feihu's words, Lei Dian couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "Alright, I know, you are doing it for my own good, and I, Lei Kai, am not a person who doesn't know what's good."


An hour later, Lei Dian entered the practice room.

As soon as I walked in, I saw Yang Yinggao Yuanyuan and other female stars were also on the scene, and Liu Xu was instructing them how to punch the target and how to exert strength.

Seeing Liu Xu's relaxed state, Lei Dian was taken aback for a moment, and turned his gaze to Wu Di.

Approaching Wu Di, Lei Dian asked softly, "What's going on?"

Wu Di smiled wryly and said: "Captain Lei, it's not convenient for me to do things when the little traffic policeman is with the big stars!"

Lei Dian suddenly saw what Zuo Yan and Liu Xu were talking about, and had an idea. He lowered his voice and said, "Wu Di, I heard Han Feng say that you boy is pursuing Zuo Yan."

Wu Di suddenly became embarrassed.

Lei Dian said again: "You see, your Yanzi and the little traffic policeman are on good terms..."

Wu Di interrupted: "How can it be better?"

"Then you won't be angry when they are talking and laughing? Are you not afraid that your swallow will be snatched away by the little traffic police?"

Wu Di glanced at Zuo Yan with a guilty conscience, and said without confidence: "Don't be afraid! I am the number one sniper of the Tiger Commando, and he is just a rookie! How can you compare with me?"

Lei Dian laughed and said, "But he is more handsome than you."

"Can handsome be eaten? What's the use of being handsome? No matter how handsome a person is, even a single bullet from a criminal will kill him!"

Seeing that the provocation was almost done, Lei Dian said with a smile: "You go, let Liu Xu practice with He Miao Duan guards."

"What? What does Team Lei let Liu Xu pick two?"

Lei Dian shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's not like you haven't seen Liu Xu's fighting ability before. One vs. two should be about the same."


Wu Di suppressed the excitement in his heart and walked over.


"What? Let me fight them both? Me alone? Hit them both?"

Liu Xu was taken aback for a moment.

Wu Di said blankly: "That's right!"

"Whose bad idea?" Liu Xu searched his eyes, frowned, and said, "The leader or Lei Kai?"

Hearing Liu Xu's words, Wu Di felt a little annoyed, and thought to himself: "You really think of yourself as an instructor? It's just a temporary guest appearance! How dare you question the order!"

"Order from Team Thunder!"

Wu Di didn't want to be too arrogant in front of Zuo Yan, so he restrained his hostility towards Liu Xu very well, but the thorn in his heart got deeper and deeper.

This Liu Xu didn't look like a student, his tone of voice was that of his peers, and he was his senior no matter what he said, with no rules at all.

Sensing Wu Di's hostility towards him, Liu Xu suddenly realized when he rolled his eyes.

Because, he remembered, a similar scene happened in "SWAT Force".

It's just that, in the TV series, the leader sent Han Feng and another instructor to intentionally bully He Miao after Lei Dian and He Miao fought each other, so as to educate the students.

It is estimated that the goal this time has changed, and it has been replaced by myself.

Of course, Zuo Yan was also the fuse.

Liu Xu's heart brightened, and he smiled and said, "Okay! I want to play too!"

The four of Yang Ying, Jingtian and the others became excited, took off their gloves one after another, followed Liu Xu, and walked over.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2144 Exercise the ability to be outnumbered

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Duan Weibing, He Miao, let's compete!" Liu Xu smiled wryly, "I can't help it, I don't want to fight against the two of you, but it seems that someone has overestimated my strength."

"Are you hitting us both?" He Miao was taken aback, "Liu Xu, you should not be our opponent!"

"I also want to have a try with Liu Xu!" Duan Weibing was full of fighting spirit, "He Miao, how about your second one?"

He Miao nodded, and immediately showed a strong desire to fight.

He Miao's fighting ability is actually very strong, but he lacks a certain amount of experience and has not undergone systematic training. He couldn't beat Liu Xu last time, and he was secretly dissatisfied in his heart!

How could he miss such a good opportunity.

Lei Dian couldn't help shouting: "Duan Weibing, He Miao, I didn't ask you to go up one by one. This is to exercise your ability to cooperate, and at the same time to exercise Liu Xu's ability to be outnumbered. Do you understand?!"


He Miao and Duan Weibing spoke in unison.

"Your sister!"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes.

At this time, all the students also stopped training and gathered together.

Gao Yuanyuan said to himself: "Can Liu Xu beat two people? Look at him, the young sunshine boy with thin skin and tender flesh, how powerful is he?"

"Sunshine niche student with thin skin and tender flesh? Do you think Liu Xu is a fresh meat? Are you planning to drag him into the entertainment circle and introduce him to directors and filming?"

Hearing Zuo Yan's joke, Gao Yuanyuan blushed and asked again: "Instructor Zuo Yan, can he do it?"

Zuo Yan said honestly: "I don't know, I haven't seen Liu Xu make a move, but I think, since our captain Long arranged it like this, it can be seen that Liu Xu should be very powerful."

Yan Bingbing touched Gao Yuanyuan with her fragrant shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Could it be that you have taken a fancy to this little special police officer?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Why not? He's handsome, manly, and strong!"

Yan Bingbing glanced at Gao Yuanyuan in surprise.

Gao Yuanyuan immediately covered her mouth and said with a coquettish smile, "I'm just joking."


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