At this time, Liu Xu, Duan Weibing, and He Miao were ready.

With a whistle, Wu Di, who was temporarily serving as the referee, yelled.


The battle has begun!

Duan Weibing and He Miao have their own strengths. Duan Weibing's physical fitness and strength are slightly inferior to He Miao's. He Miao's physical fitness is innate, and not everyone can climb Mount Everest.

But Duan Weibing's explosive power is very strong, especially after the training of the Spike Special Brigade, which is a real military training, which is more severe than here.

Therefore, Duan Weibing, who has been trained militarily, has a stronger overall combat effectiveness than He Miao.

As soon as Liu Xu made a move, he knew Duan Weibing's strength, which should not be underestimated.

However, the guard and He Miao were two extremely talented masters. In less than five minutes, the two formed a tacit understanding.

Liu Xu was suppressed and had to use free tactics, not daring to take the initiative to attack and fell into the encirclement of the two of them.

Not long after, Liu Xu's body was covered with sweat, every hair was drenched, and beads of sweat dripped down drop by drop.


The pretense is almost done. It would be too unscientific to kill the two of them instantly, and it would also hit them too hard, so Liu Xu has not used all his strength.

Facing him, He Miao made a quick run-up and a flying kick, and under the cover of Duan Weibing, he quickly attacked in front of Liu Xu.

All the students exclaimed, even Lei Dian felt a bit of regret at this moment, the combination of He Miao and Duan Weibing is really too strong.

One is a natural fighter, and the other is a retired special soldier from Spike.

Adding two people together is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Weibing was also ready to respond and attack at any time at this time.

Ling Yun and Tao Jing were so nervous that they didn't dare to blink, their heartbeats seemed to stop at this moment.

Ling Yun even opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

Because, too fast.

But at this moment, Liu Xu avoided the heavy blow with a faster speed.

Duan Weibing moved, like a cheetah waiting for an opportunity.

Outside the window of the practice room, Long Feihu was secretly observing the contest.

Taking advantage of Liu Xu's unsteady footing, Duan Weibing slammed into Liu Xu fiercely with a punch that could tear through the air.

Yan Bingbing, Gao Yuanyuan and other female stars were already screaming in horror, Yang Ying even covered her eyes, not daring to look any more.


Long Feihu, who was fighting outside the window, was shocked and took a step forward.

In fact, Long Feihu didn't expect Leiden to let He Miao and Duan Weibing join forces to fight Liu Xu first. He naturally knew that Leiden wanted to consume Liu Xu first.

However, no matter how strong Liu Xu is, he can't stop these two freaks!

However, even a man with such bright eyes as Long Feihu miscalculated.

Under almost impossible circumstances, Liu Xu suddenly avoided the blow with a slight angle.

With a roar, Liu Xu grabbed Duan Weibing's arm and fell backwards. With a beautiful throwing technique, he knocked Duan Weibing to the ground.

Just when he rolled over, He Miao had already swept over with his leg.

The strength of this leg is overwhelming.

Liu Xu couldn't dodge at this time, and his palms blocked the left side of his head.

With a "bang", Liu Xu was kicked backwards by the force of the kick, but he didn't suffer. After He Miao's kick, at almost the same moment, he kicked the kick, abruptly. He swept He Miao to the ground.

For this move, the reaction must be extremely fast.

He Miao covered his head and face in pain. Liu Xu didn't show him any kindness. Then, he grabbed He Miao's leg and pulled it backward.

Duan Weibing had already got up at this time, he wanted to attack, but Liu Xu was very clever, dragging He Miao, acting as his own cover, and kept keeping a distance from Duan Weibing.

All the students ran away one after another. Liu Xu had already dragged He Miao to the gate of the practice room, and then threw him out under the eyes of everyone.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2145 You are iron, I am iron...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


He Miao let out a pitiful cry, and said strangely: "Liu Xu, you are really playing!"

While confronting Duan Weibing, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Nonsense! You are two against one, and I still treat you softly? Besides, if you are two vicious criminals, I didn't throw you out just now, but It is to break your legs first and disable your fighting ability."

The battle begins again.

But at this time, Duan Weibing was fighting alone, and Liu Xu was playing his best, so he was no longer an opponent.

Less than five strokes!

Liu Xu punched Duan Weibing so that he stumbled and sat down on the ground.

The next moment, Liu Xu stepped on Duan Weibing's chest like a divine soldier descending from the sky.

Almost all the students cheered and cheered, even the four big stars couldn't help raising their arms and cheering.

Gao Yuanyuan excitedly said something in Yan Bingbing's ear, which made Yan Bingbing dumbfounded.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Bingbing said in a low voice: "Gao Yuanyuan, don't worry about it! It is impossible for him to have a relationship with you."

Gao Yuanyuan smiled and said: "What does that matter, he is single, and I am also single. On the day we rest, I will invite him to drink and see how he reacts? Hmph, Bingbing, just wait and see me Come grab it!"

Yan Bingbing glanced at Gao Yuanyuan jealously, she didn't have that fresh and elegant femininity in him.

Fan Ye, hearing this title, I think that I am not a little bird-like woman.

At this time, Lei Dian had already walked over, and said with a malicious smile: "Liu Xu, what a trick! Are you interested in playing?"

Sure enough, he guessed right, Long Feihu will arrange for more instructors to come out, in order to make the students feel the same hatred...

Liu Xu had already expected such an incident, and said with a smile: "I just finished a game, Instructor Lei, are you taking advantage of others?"

"What's wrong? Scared?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I'm afraid."

All the students were startled. Although they didn't get along for a long time, they knew that this was not like Liu Xu's style.

Sure enough, Liu Xu immediately smiled even wider, and said, "I'm afraid... I will hurt you."

Lei Dian laughed and said: "That's good, then let's make gestures?"

Tao Jing couldn't help but said: "Instructor, you are not fair!"

Ling Yun followed suit and said, "Yes, Liu Xugang fought He Miao and Duan Weibing once. You are fighting with wheels..."

Lei Dian's smile didn't change, he didn't look at anyone else, he just stared at Liu Xu: "Shall we start?"

"I can't ask for it!"

Lei Dian went straight to Liu Xu, and said with a smile, "Don't let me!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Instructor Lei, you too, don't show mercy!"

He Miao and Duan Weibing also got up at this time, looking at Liu Xu with worried expressions.

Liu Xu stood still and took a stance.

This challenge is a huge test for him.

Because Liu Xu had no idea how many instructors Long Feihu would send.

Liu Xu's fighting spirit was raging at the moment.

Zheng Zhi, Zhao Xiaohei and other students shouted loudly: "Liu Xu! Come on!"

He Miao and Duan Weibing also shouted: "Come on!"

At this time, even the four female stars shouted out in a coquettish voice, "Come on!"

Liu Xu waved his gloved arms, like a victor, let out a strange cry, and when he cast his eyes on Lei Dian, he quickly became sharp.

Lei Dian took off his coat, revealing his sturdy upper body, his muscles bulging as if made of iron.

Liu Xu said disdainfully: "You beat me with iron, and I am the one with iron..."

The next moment, the battle begins.

Duan Weibing couldn't help being speechless when he saw that Liu Xu, who had just finished a fight and had hardly rested, not only did not slow down the speed of his punches, but seemed to be more fierce.

Duan Weibing took a breath and said, "He can fight again! Could it be that he is the Terminator?"

He Miao nodded repeatedly, and said, "I think he is a robot with a steel frame inside and a layer of human skin on the outside, otherwise how could it be possible?"

The battle was extremely fierce from the very beginning. Although Lei Dian was not young, Ke Sheng was experienced in fighting.

After several rounds of attacks, Lei Dian was secretly surprised by Liu Xu's persistent fighting power, and quickly adjusted his battle strategy, changing from a strong attack to a war of attrition.

However, even so, in about [-] rounds, Liu Xu caught Lei Dian's fierce kick move, and took advantage of the situation, he knocked Lei Dian to the ground, raised his fist high, and slammed hit out.

Amid the screams of Zuo Yan, Tao Jing and other female students, Liu Xu stopped when his fist was only one centimeter away from Lei Dian's face.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Instructor Lei, you lost!"

Lei Dian looked embarrassed. He already knew that his opponent was strong, but he never expected that Liu Xu, a little traffic policeman, would be so exaggeratedly strong.

"Young man, there is a future!"

Lei Dian grabbed Liu Xu's outstretched hand and got up.

Knowing that it's not over yet, Liu Xu smiled slightly and said, "Instructor Lei, it's just a coincidence. I know that Instructor Lei's strength has not really been displayed yet. Next time, I hope to have the opportunity to learn from Instructor Lei."

Lei Dian didn't expect Liu Xu to be so eloquent, and gave him a surprised look. What he said was really decent.

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