Crazy when it's time to be crazy, and restraint when it's time to be restrained, Liu Xu is too good at being a man.

Lei Dian's eyes showed appreciation, he patted Liu Xu's arm twice, and said: "You are very promising, I am optimistic about you!"

On the other side, Tao Jing danced with excitement, her black eyes were full of love, and her mouth couldn't close.

Ling Yun was both angry and funny and said: "Have you seen enough?"

"No, I can't see enough!"

Ling Yun scolded: "You are really sick, and you are terminally ill."

The students were really motivated this time. For so many days, the instructors had trained them to death. Now, Liu Xu didn't take long, and he still defeated Lei Dian in one fell swoop with his exhausted body. The turned serf sang freely, which made them all excited. They surrounded Liu Xu, releasing and venting to their heart's content, cheering loudly.

What is it called!This is called a counterattack!


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2146 Complaints welcome

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Lei Dian walked out of the practice room, and Long Feihu also came over at this time.

"How is it? It's a bit unexpected, right?" Long Feihu smiled lightly.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I already used He Miao and Duan Weibing to consume him. I thought I was here to torture him, but..." Lei Dian shook his head and smiled wryly.

The corner of Long Feihu's mouth smiled lightly and said: "The person I, Long Feihu likes is naturally not easy to deal with, you underestimated him."

Lei Dian smiled wryly: "Then, should we continue with the original plan?"

Long Feihu nodded and said: "Of course, I must dig out his limit."


Liu Xu is taking every bit of time to rest now. When he found out that Lei Dian had gone out, he knew that a new round of challenges would soon begin.

But the others were still cheering for him, as if they were so excited, they didn't know that they had already been manipulated by Long Feihu and other instructors.

"Zheng Zhi, can you do me a favor?" Liu Xu called out quickly.

Zheng Zhi was taken aback, and said, "What's the matter, Boss?"

He actually changed his name to the boss...

Liu Xu didn't have time to correct him, his face was solemn, he looked around, and said: "Zheng Zhi, I just felt a little tired, and there are signs of muscle spasms in my back. Quickly, give me a few pushes."

Without further ado, Liu Xu immediately lay down on the ground, stretched out his limbs, and recovered his strength as quickly as possible.

How could he really have a muscle spasm? With Liu Xu's physical fitness and fitness, this is impossible.

Zheng Zhi was about to step forward, when Tao Jing suddenly yelled: "I'm coming! I graduated from a medical school, and I know some Chinese massage."

Ling Yun stared dumbfounded at Tao Jing running over so excitedly, groaned, and murmured: "My God, this is too proactive!"

Liu Xu smiled inwardly. He pretended to have a muscle spasm and did not delay the time. Instead, he was taking the lead. It was impossible for the instructors to force him to fight at this time, and he could also have intimate contact with Tao Jing or other goddesses.

"Liu Xu, you are so lucky to have our special police flower massage for you!"

Zhao Xiaohei looked envious and jealous.

Although Tao Jing was infatuated with Liu Xu, but she was stingy with everyone else.

Seeing Zhao Xiaohei speak in a strange manner, Tao Jing gave him a hard look.

Zhao Xiaohei shrank his neck, with an expression that he didn't say anything.

The soft hand has a lot of strength. It's not that Tao Jing knows something, but she has a good grasp of strength, heat and technique, and Liu Xu feels much more comfortable.

Seeing that other students looked at Tao Jing strangely, Ling Yun couldn't bear it. After a moment of hesitation, Ling Yun also walked forward and said, "Liu Xu, are you thirsty? I'll get you a bottle of mineral water!"

Tao Jing was slightly startled, looked up at Ling Yun, met her eyes, Hui Zhilan was heartbroken, and immediately understood Ling Yun's intentions.

Ling Yun is obviously helping her to share other people's weird eyes!

Tao Jing couldn't help being grateful.

Sure enough, with Ling Yun's appearance, it really distracted the other students' attention from Tao Jing. Moreover, Tao Jing's skillful technique was a massage, so no one would laugh at her.

In less than five minutes, four special police officers walked in at the gate, and one of the leaders was Yang Zhen, the captain of the No. [-] Squadron.

"Dragon head!"

Yang Zhen greeted Long Feihu who was standing by the gate.

Long Feihu said solemnly: "Serve the food!"

"Liu Xu, congratulations, you even fell into the hands of thunder and lightning! You are too good! Hahaha..."

Yang Zhen shouted with a bright smile.

Suddenly, seeing the students get out of the way, Tao Jing was giving Liu Xu a massage at a glance. He was stunned for a moment and asked, "What are you doing?"

Liu Xu gently patted the back of Tao Jing's hand, signaling her to stop.

Tao Jing's face was hot when he touched her hand.

Liu Xu stood up, turned to look at Yang Zhen, and said with a smile, "Team Yang praised you too much. In fact, I was lucky enough to defeat Instructor Lei."

Yang Zhen said with a smile: "Don't say that, I think you can do it. After defeating He Miao and Duan Weibing, you can also defeat Lei Dian!"

Yang Zhen suddenly launched a close-range attack, a knee similar to that in Muay Thai, and fiercely attacked Liu Xu.

Amidst the crowd's exclamation, Liu Xu was already prepared. He pressed his palms against Yang Zhen, and staggered back a few steps.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene.

Liu Xu wasn't angry, but looked at Yang Zhen with a smile on his face: "Isn't Team Yang disappointed that the sneak attack didn't succeed?"

Long Feihu had a moving expression at the gate.

Yang Zhen was astonished.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zhen regained his composure, took two steps back, and said, "I want to try, how good are you at fighting?"

With a wave of Yang Zhen's hand, the four special policemen sneered and surrounded Liu Xu, each with malicious intentions.

Tao Jing exclaimed: "Instructor, you can't four of you... hit Liu Xu alone?"

Yang Zhen said with a smile: "Who said it was four against one, it was four against one! Isn't he capable of fighting?"

Tao Jing said angrily: "You are bullying people, I will complain to you."

Liu Xu didn't expect Tao Jing to be willing to stand up for him again and again. It seems that she has a deep love for him. Hey, I can only blame myself for being too good...

"Complaint?" Yang Zhen smiled and said, "Complaints are welcome."

All the students in the audience were angry, and only Duan Weibing, who had experienced this in the Langya Special War Brigade, was the calmest.

Liu Xu pulled away Tao Jing who was standing in front of him, and smiled calmly, not looking angry at all.

"Captain Yang, since this is the case, let's try it!"

Ling Yun couldn't help but said: "Liu Xu, you just had muscle spasms in your back, you can't beat them!"

"Oh, I didn't expect that you still need a woman to protect you?" Han Feng smiled irritably, "I can see that you are in a triangle relationship? One dragon and two phoenixes?"

Tao Jing argued: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Han Feng took two steps forward, came directly in front of Tao Jing, and said with a sneer, "Don't you know the rules here?"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2147

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Intimidated by Han Feng's aura, Tao Jing dodged her eyes and said, "What are you talking about, I have nothing with Liu Xu..."

Han Feng grinned and said, "I'll give you three seconds to disappear from my sight immediately, otherwise, I promise not to regard you as a woman."

At this time, Jing Tian suddenly stepped forward.

Walking directly in front of Tao Jing, and looking at Han Feng, she frowned, with an angry look on her face.

"I've never seen such an instructor! Don't be unreasonable, they can't complain to you, and I, Jing Tian, ​​definitely have a way to make you hungry!"

Jing Tian has a dignified, sacred and inviolable expression on his face, bright red lips, and fair and smooth face, really like a fairy who has been refined from the world.

As soon as she stepped forward, Gao Yuanyuan, Yang Ying, and Jian Bingbing all followed, denouncing Han Feng, Yang Zhen and other instructors.

Han Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that these four big stars would speak for Liu Xu. He was so stunned that he didn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, Liu Xu hurried forward. If they had a conflict with the instructor, it would not be worth the loss if it affected the subsequent training. Liu Xu was still waiting to... train them!

"Mountain! Flowing water! Sunset! Angel! You are students, how can you talk to the instructor like that? If the instructor says you are right, you are right. If the instructor says you are wrong, you must be wrong! Back off, I will compete with them!"

Liu Xu couldn't help but walk out of the court.

Han Feng gave a thumbs up.

At this time, three other special police officers dispersed the students and the big stars at the same time.

Before everyone backed away, Han Feng suddenly kicked Liu Xu's heart.

The battle has begun!

All of a sudden, Wu Di and other special police officers in the training ground rushed to maintain order.

The four special police officers from Tiger Commando, all master fighters with the strength to be instructors, just surrounded Liu Xu in the middle.

There were too many people on the other side, and within a short while, Liu Xu received several ruthless blows.

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