Liu Xuming knew that the other party was doing a test, so he couldn't help but get angry.

With a fake move, Liu Xu successfully tricked Han Feng.

The next moment, he punched a special policeman in the face.

The special police officer groaned, and his nose bleeds profusely.

However, just like that, Han Feng and the other four special police officers seemed to be irritated by Liu Xu, and the rhythm of their attacks instantly accelerated.

Liu Xu knew that he was facing the greatest difficulty ever. These special police officers from the Tiger Commando were all well-trained and would not be easy to deal with.

It's hard to deal with four together!

The lion fights the rabbit, and the king dominates the world.

Liu Xu fought back and received a punch from Han Feng. It was a direct punch that knocked a special police officer unconscious on the ground.

Tao Jing, who was blocked by Wu Di and other special police, shouted, and then all the students shouted to cheer Liu Xu.

After Liu Xu defeated an opponent, he immediately distanced himself from the others.

Yang Zhen looked back at the gate, and Long Feihu nodded to him.

Yang Zhen shouted at Wu Di: "Make it up!"

His order immediately enraged everyone present.

Zuo Yan frowned deeply, and almost cursed.

She endured it!

Zuo Yan does not belong to the Tiger Commando, but a member of the Flying Brigade of the Special Police Detachment. This time, he is only on secondment, so it is not convenient to come forward.

Immediately, she saw Long Feihu at the gate, and suddenly her heart moved.

Zuo Yan realized that it was impossible for Long Feihu to allow Wu Di and the others to do this. Could this be...

Her brows furrowed, and she shook her head with a wry smile.

He Miao said angrily, "I've seen bullies before, but I've never seen such bullies! This is simply cheating!"

Unable to hold back, he clenched his fists and was about to rush out.

Duan Weibing hurriedly hugged him and said, "Don't be fooled by them! I have experienced this kind of trick in Langya. This is a test."

The rest of the special police who didn't play quickly surrounded the middle of the field. More than ten special police were full of deterrence.

"You are committing a crime!" Gao Yuanyuan protested loudly, "You are too dark! I protest!"

Yang Ying shouted: "What's wrong with you all? Is Liu Xu your comrade in arms? You see your comrades being abused like this, don't you dare to resist?"

These four beauties and big stars were all irritated and resentful.

Zuo Yan hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade him.

At this time, the battle on the field did not stop!

Just as everyone was in an uproar, another special police officer was kicked in the stomach by Liu Xu, hunched over in pain, unable to get up while sitting on the ground.

He Miao was hugged tightly by Duan Weibing. Seeing this scene, roaring cheers erupted. Immediately afterwards, the rest of the students also cheered loudly, looking at the instructors with eyes full of indignation and hostility.

Yang Zhen, who was on the sidelines, was shocked. How long has the new training camp been established?

Liu Xu has actually established such prestige and popularity in the hearts of the new recruits in such a short period of time.

This kind of shock from the bottom of my heart even surpassed the shock of Liu Xu's amazing fighting power.

At the same time, beside Long Feihu at the gate, Thunder and Lightning also came over at some time.

Lei Dian sighed: "This little traffic policeman is really domineering!"

Long Feihu's eyes shone with light, he nodded and said, "It's a talent."

Lei Dian said: "Since you are a talent, shouldn't this test be terminated?"

Long Feihu shook his head and said: "It's because of this that we have to be stricter with him! I asked him to be Zuo Yan's assistant instructor, isn't it just to make him grow more comprehensively?"

During the short time they were talking, Liu Xu successfully knocked down another one.

Thunderous cheers!

Every student screamed like chicken blood!

Typical counterattack!

The students attacked the instructor!

The students who have been tortured by the instructors these days and have no time to cry are extremely excited!

But excited, but also worried.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2148 I want to fight ten

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The more Liu Xu fought, the more he let go of his hands and feet. He felt that with this high-intensity continuous fighting, he had regained the original feeling.

Yes, he gradually regained the aura of the former deputy captain of the Thunder Commando, the instructor of the Fire Phoenix, the Demon King.

Liu Xu became more courageous as he fought.

With a sound of "bang", Liu Xu forced another special policeman to be dealt with at the cost of being punched on the right shoulder by Wu Di.

At this moment, Liu Xu's excitement had reached the peak of terror.

His astonishing combat power, at this moment, created a great pressure on his opponent.

Domineering, naturally released at this moment.

Liu Xu raised his head, his eyes shot a terrifying light, and shouted: "Come on! One more! There are so many people to be lively!"

Yang Zhen finally came off in person.

Liu Xu's gaze sank, and his momentum increased sharply.

The more pressure there was, the more Liu Xu felt the excitement from the depths of his soul.

Yang Zhen is not only a master in shooting, but also a master in fighting, which is much better than Lei Dian.

Otherwise, how could Long Feihu have asked him to be the captain of Tigers No. [-] Squadron?

Yang Zhen's height is not high, but he is very muscular. As soon as he enters the stage, he presents the aura of the protagonist.

With a shout, Yang Zhen attacked.

This Yang Zhen practiced Brazilian Gracie martial arts.

The attacking methods of this fighting technique are very comprehensive, including the punches of Western boxing and the legs of Muay Thai, but the most powerful thing is the ground control technique similar to the combination of judo and aikido.

Once in direct contact with the opponent and fell to the ground, Gracie Fighting can completely control the opponent and cannot move.

As soon as Yang Zhen made a move, he suppressed Liu Xu, who hadn't gotten used to it for a while, and with the joint efforts of Wu Di, Han Feng and other four special police officers, he was forced to retreat steadily.

Stress creates a greater drain.

Liu Xu's entire back was wet, and his current physical strength was rapidly losing.

"Quick fight!"

Liu Xu punched out, and knocked the most cunning and annoying Han Feng back more than ten steps in a row. The face with a knife hidden in his smile was pale and colorless.

But at this moment, Yang Zhen also took advantage of this opportunity to hit the leg straight, amidst the exclamation of all the students.

Liu Xu clutched his belly and bent over, stepped back a few steps, his facial features were deformed by the pain.

The scene was silent.

Liu Xu gasped for a few seconds, his eyes became sharper.

Now, he has forgotten what the test of the dragon and the tiger is. In the face of adversity, he seems to have more will to fight.

The strong desire to win has occupied Liu Xu's brain at this moment, so what if he is strong?

Liu Xu knew that he had already won.

Lei Dian, He Miao, Duan Weibing, Han Feng, three special police officers... and they are not one-on-one!

Liu Xu shocked the audience now.

Now, fight back!

Liu Xu moved suddenly. While the doctor dragged Han Feng down for examination, and Yang Zhen and the others had no room to attack, he suddenly let out a roar and rushed towards Wu Di.

Wu Di's fighting skills are not strong. This sniper of the Tiger Commando has outstanding marksmanship, but fighting is not his strong point.

This is also the weakest of the opponents, so Yang Zhen and another special police officer approached Wu Di almost at the same time.

But at this moment, Liu Xu suddenly changed direction and changed the attack target.

There was also a special police officer who was behind Liu Xu at this time. When he saw Liu Xu attacking Wu Di, he also moved. He wanted to restrain Liu Xu from behind.

However, no one on the field expected that Liu Xu would actually play the tactic of attacking the east and attacking the west when the enemy was outnumbered.

The special policeman in charge of restraining him suddenly froze for a moment, that is, at this moment, Liu Xu had already appeared in front of him with lightning speed.

"Bang bang" sounded cleanly.

The speed of Liu Xu's shot was extremely beautiful. After the impact, his arm swept across, knocking the special policeman to the ground, and then stepped on his chest with one foot.

"The eighth one!" Liu Xu has defeated eight opponents so far, "I want to fight ten."

Shouting this pretentious line from Ip Man, Liu Xu's image suddenly became taller, majestic, proud and invincible.

At this time, Liu Xu, through this series of high-intensity fights, has already shown a trace of domineering momentum.

"Crackling crackling..."

Suddenly, Wu Di and a special police officer took out electric batons almost at the same time.

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