The blue electric current carried a terrifying light, stimulating people's visual nerves.

At this moment, Liu Xu had something more in his head, something that belonged to him, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Karate, Sanda, Boxing, Gracie Martial Arts, Japanese Judo, Mixed Martial Arts...

These are all the fighting skills that Liu Xu mastered in the Fire Phoenix World. He was so excited that his whole body trembled and numb.

No, Liu Xu was really numb and trembling.

Just when Liu Xu was in a daze, he stood there blankly, forgetting to attack. The special police officer who was stepped on by his foot took the opportunity to take out the electric shock baton, and hit his leg hard.

Is the taste of this electric shock rod really his...

Liu Xu fell to the ground with a bang!

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar.

"Don't bring such a rambunctious one!"

He Miao was the first to rush up.

Tao Jing pushed and shoved the special police instructor in front of her, and shouted angrily: "If you can't beat him, use the electric shock prod! You are too shameless!"

Zheng Zhi also roared angrily, and bumped into a special police officer guarding the periphery.

The scene was in chaos.

Duan Weibing was dumbfounded, took a breath, and murmured, "Why are you all so restless?"

The conflict started when a special police officer pushed Tao Jing to the ground.

The students couldn't contain the anger in their hearts, each picked a target and started fighting.

Gao Yuanyuan, Yang Ying, Jian Bingbing and Jing Tian were beside them and witnessed the whole incident, they couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2149 Boss, is it fun to train female stars?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


For the four of them, the scene of dozens of students and more than [-] special policemen fighting in a group was really shocking.

If seeing was not believing, they would not have believed it would have happened.

As if they had been prepared for a long time, a large number of special police officers armed with explosion-proof shields and electric shock batons rushed in from outside the gate...

Undoubtedly, all the trainees were wiped out, barely able to hold out for long, and were all thrown to the ground, and some dishonest ones were also pinned down by the special police with their knees, unable to move.

"Clap clap... clap clap..."

At this moment, Long Feihu walked in clapping his hands.

"Hot blood! Exciting! Isn't it, my friends!"

He Miao said angrily: "It's you who acquiesced to your subordinates and treated us unreasonably! It's not fair! If you have the ability, you will fight one by one!"

Long Feihu sternly shouted: "It's not fair? Do you all think so? For the police to be on duty, criminals will not be fair to you. They will only fight one-on-one. Time is even more unfair! So, if you feel unfair and wronged, you can withdraw from the new training camp immediately, or even go to the relevant department after you leave the new training camp to complain about our so-called atrocities!"

It wasn't until this moment that the students felt that something was wrong, and their expressions began to waver.

Long Feihu sneered and said, "What? Didn't some people feel that they were treated unfairly just now? Didn't some people feel wronged? Didn't anyone stand up and quit?"

"Report!" Duan Weibing shouted loudly.


Long Feihu glanced at Duan Weibing.

Duan Weibing walked up to Long Feihu in a few steps, and said hoarsely: "We will definitely stand the test and stay here."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and some of them were quick-witted and had already thought of it. This was indeed a test as Duan Weibing said.

Long Feihu took a step closer to Duan Weibing and said, "You are from the Spike Special Forces Brigade, right?"


Long Feihu nodded, and said: "If you want to rate your performance, you can give it a full score! However, you can also give it a zero score! Do you know why?!"

Long Feihu cast his eyes on Liu Xu who just stood up at this time, and shouted sharply: "Liu Xu! Come and tell me why?"

The corners of Liu Xu's mouth curled up slightly, and he said, "Report!"


"Duan Weibing did nothing wrong. In fact, I can see that this is a test for us by the leader. Duan Weibing will not be fooled, because he has already received such training in the Spike Special Brigade."

"Then you mean to give him full marks?"

"No, I can only give him fifty points!"


"Because, although he did it according to the routine, there was nothing wrong with it, but he forgot one thing. When all his comrades were making the same mistakes, he forgot that he was one of them! He made himself a different kind! If I were him! I would also advance and retreat together with my comrades in arms."

When Liu Xu said these words, all the students, including the four goddess-level stars, suddenly realized.

There was appreciation in Long Feihu's eyes.

"That's right! In a team, it is impossible for every member to make the right choice. A smart person should know how to take care of the emotions of the entire team. Only by integrating into the team can he better display his abilities. Duan Weibing, you have to learn from Liu Xu on this point."

Duan Weibing stood upright and said, "Yes!"

Long Feihu turned around and walked towards the gate. As he walked, he shouted loudly: "Everyone, ten kilometers of armed cross-country! Quick! Quick! Quick!"


Forget about the others, Liu Xu was already so tired that he was about to fall apart, barely fully armed and ran for ten kilometers, and it was already dark.

When they got back to the dormitory, everyone didn't even have the strength to speak, and Liu Xu just lay on the ground.

Panting heavily, He Miao used all four limbs on the ground, crawled to Liu Xu's side, laughed a few times, and said, "Boss, you're really...too badass today! You're so fucked up alone! Including so many instructors, from today on, you are my idol."

Zheng Zhi rolled his eyes and said weakly: "He Miao, isn't your idol Jing Tian? Why has it changed again?"

"Jing Tian is not as cool as our boss!"

He Miao smiled dryly.

Zhao Xiaohei said gruffly: "Boss, tell me, do you enjoy training female stars?"

Everyone sat or lay down and gathered around Liu Xu. When they heard Zhao Xiaohei's question, they all pricked up their ears.

Duan Weibing suddenly said: "Boss, I think you are too kind to those big stars today, so you only did fifty push-ups, and in the end you didn't even run ten kilometers of armed cross-country."

Zheng Zhi smiled wretchedly and said: "I agree with Duan Weibing's words. Big stars come to train with us, which is rare in a thousand years. Boss, if you don't play them to death, you will be sorry to the fans all over the country!"

All the students were excited.

Liu Xu said angrily: "The big star is just here to make soy sauce, why bully people like this!"

He had a dignified look on his face, and then he smiled sanctimoniously and said, "Actually, I have a plan. On the first day, I will let them prepare psychologically and physically. It will take half a month." Well, I will take it step by step! Play with them slowly!"

He Miao was dumbfounded and said: "Boss, why do I feel that you look a little treacherous."

Liu Xu smiled triumphantly and said, "How can this be treacherous! What is the purpose of Director Zhang to arrange them in? Isn't it just to experience the life of our special police for ourselves! We are trained by the instructors every day so that we don't even have time to catch our breath. Dreaming is all about training, if there are big stars to accompany us to endure hardships and hardships, right, it will be worth it if you are a little bit tired, right?"

This gang of villains, who somehow got the strength, actually burst into applause!

It seems that the amount of training arranged by Long Feihu can obviously be raised further.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2150 Mouse Team List

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


While they were discussing how to train the big stars, suddenly a shout came from outside: "All gather!"

"Damn, why don't you be so ruthless! This ass is not hot!" Liu Xu complained in his heart, but shouted in his mouth: "Hurry up, everyone! Let's go! Don't let them look down on us!"

The students quickly got up and ran outside.

At the south end of the training ground, the instructors were already standing there, and Long Feihu cut his arms behind his back, playing cool in the moonlight.

"The moon is high, the wind is dark, what time is it? Are you sleepy?"

Long Feihu walked to the front, and said in a spirited manner: "I underestimated your persistence, I didn't expect you guys to be so stubborn, three hundred and sixty lines, every line is the best, which line is not good? , do you have to come here to look for abuse, do you have to be a special police officer?"

No one answered.

Long Feihu walked up to Ling Yun, and said: "Your team leader has called me several times, and he said, "Old Dragon, how is Ling Yun in our house, let her caressing is over, come back early, You are indispensable to the criminal investigation technology department, what do you think?"

Ling Yun said loudly: "Report!"


Ling Yun's eyes were firm, and he said in a deep voice: "Please tell our captain that there is no turning back when you shoot the bow. Either I will stay or I will die on the training ground! Ask me to go back, in my next life!"

Everyone turned their attention to Ling Yun, a young and beautiful girl who could say such impassioned words.

Every student secretly admired.

Long Feihu also nodded secretly, turned around and walked towards Zheng Zhi who was at the side.

He looked Zheng Zhi up and down, and said, "Is the serious crime team not good?"



"The serious crimes unit is good."

"That's why your team leader doesn't like you?"

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