"The team leader is also very kind to me."

"Then why are you here?"

"Three generations of our family, seven of them are policemen, my father, my aunt, my uncle and my grandfather, they have worked as traffic police, criminal police, and household registration police, but no one has worked as a special police officer. I want to fill this gap! This is my dream all along!"

Long Feihu said disdainfully: "So you come here to dream, right?"

He walked up to Tao Jing.

"So, what about you? Why are you here!"



"I also have a dream of being a special police officer!"

"I also have a dream of becoming a special police officer..." Long Feihu imitated Tao Jing's slightly delicate voice, and repeated it in a tone. Then, he shouted loudly: "Can you become a special police officer just by dreaming? Look at your You look so weak, the old lady selling popsicles at the door is better than you! Just you! Every time I go out to perform missions, do I have to ask two team members to help you!"

Tao Jing burst into tears, and was scolded and cried by Long Feihu.

Long Feihu suddenly sneered, looked around, and said sharply: "Did you hear that? There are crying sounds here! It's too unlucky, it's ruining my Feng Shui! What should I do!"

Long Feihu suddenly stared fiercely at Tao Jing: "You! Get out of here for me, go back to your hospital to be a doctor, and cry with those children who are afraid of injections!"

After Long Feihu finished speaking, he left a contemptuous look, turned around and left.

Tao Jing suddenly shouted: "Report!"


"I will not quit voluntarily! Not only do I have ideals, but I also have goals."

"What target?"

"I keep it secret! I can't tell you!"

Liu Xu sighed secretly, of course he knew Tao Jing's identity and her goal.

Long Feihu nodded and said, "Okay! I will make you regret it soon."

Long Feihu turned around and walked away, loudly said: "You guys, I wasted my dinner time, seeing you guys with bad grades, you are wasting our time, so I decided now, I want to increase the amount of training for you! Now, I will redistribute you people into five teams!"

Long Feihu walked in front of the students, and continued: "At the same time, it is not calculated based on individual results, but based on the final collective results. Each team gets [-] points. After three days of training, the team with the worst score will Take the initiative to quit! Leave two teams with good results and continue to the next stage of training!"

Long Feihu suddenly raised his voice and shouted, "Is everything clear?"


Yang Zhen came over and said, "Now I announce the list of the mouse team!"

He took out a folder.

"Liu Xu! Come out!"


Liu Xu knew that he, He Miao, Duan Weibing, Zheng Zhi, Zhao Xiaohei, Ling Yun, and Tao Jing would be in the first team.

Sure enough, the list reported by Yang Zhen was exactly what Liu Xu thought.

The people assigned to the small team were all excited. Almost all the strongest students in this new training camp were in the small team.

"Tao Jing!" Yang Zhen called out.


Tao Jing was stunned, tongue-tied.

"Ah what, come out!"


Zhao Xiaohei sighed softly, and muttered in a low voice: "Here comes a top guy, and also a laggard."

Zheng Zhi also sighed.

Tao Jing was so wronged that she burst into tears.

Liu Xu couldn't help but said: "Who said she was a hindrance! Please leave the small team immediately!"

Seeing that Liu Xu didn't even have a "report", Yang Zhen just talked to himself, and was about to scold him, but Long Feihu stopped him with his eyes.

Zhao Xiaohei muttered with a bitter face: "I...I didn't mean that..."

Liu Xu said: "A team must look like a team, and you must trust your teammates completely and unconditionally! You have never been a soldier, and I don't care about it. Please apologize to Tao Jing immediately."

Before Zhao Xiaohei could speak, Tao Jing suddenly said loudly: "Report!"

Yang Zhen said: "Say!"

"I don't want to try out for the Commandos!"

Long Feihu frowned, and went straight to Tao Jing.

Tears rolled down Tao Jing's cheeks, and she took off her helmet and gloves.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2151 You are thinking about spring again!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Long Feihu sneered and said, "You regretted it so soon?"

Tao Jing sobbed: "I have always been the worst. I don't want to affect the overall performance of the first team because of me. I have already become a policeman, and I have achieved half of my dream. I don't want to hurt everyone anymore."

After finishing speaking, Tao Jing turned around, faced the students of the first team, bowed deeply, and said with a tearful smile, "Thank you everyone."

Liu Xu shouted loudly: "Tao Jing! I don't agree with your withdrawal!"

Liu Xu then looked at Long Feihu and said, "Report!"


"Please allow me to say a few more words, instructor!"


Liu Xu walked out of the queue and turned to face all the members of the first team.

He shouted: "Tao Jing, listen up! From now on, you are a member of the mouse team! If you choose to quit, I will be like you, choose to quit! If you don't quit, then, from From this moment on, we are in the same boat, advancing and retreating together! Let’s tear off the mark of this humiliating mouse together! And you! You are an important member of us. I hope that all members of our team will be proud of you. Hope, your family, your friends, are proud of you! Now, make your decision!"

Ling Yun immediately stepped forward and said, "Tao Jing, I don't want to team up with selfish people either! If you quit, I will quit too."

Tao Jing burst into tears, too excited to speak.

Liu Xu shouted loudly: "Don't cry! We are special police! We will be a member of Tiger Commando in the future! Put away all grievances and weaknesses! Tao Jing! You are a college student, and you have already surpassed Many retired soldiers! You are our pride! We are proud of you!"

Tao Jing shouted loudly: "Report!"

Long Feihu said loudly: "Say!"

Tao Jing said solemnly: "I take back what I just said! I promise, I will never impair the performance of the first team again!"

Long Feihu nodded and said, "Tao Jing is on the list!"


At this moment, Liu Xu walked towards Tao Jing.

Tao Jing was stunned, wondering why Liu Xu came here?

Suddenly, her heart beat faster and faster, and her eyes were already dazed.

Liu Xu walked up to Tao Jing, took the helmet from her hand, smiled, and put the helmet on her head solemnly.

"Welcome Tao Jing!" Liu Xu said loudly.

Everyone applauds.

Amid the warm applause, Liu Xu also returned to the queue.

Long Feihu said: "Very touching! Now, I will announce another rule. During your intensive training, anyone can voluntarily quit at any time. Every time a male player quits, the team's overall score will be deducted. Five points! For every female member who quits, twenty points will be deducted!"

At this time, all the team members were dumbfounded.

Long Feihu continued: "Continue to divide into groups! After the division is over, eat and sleep! Before dawn tomorrow, the gates of hell will be opened for you!"

After Long Feihu finished speaking, he handed over the recruits to Yang Zhen.


As night fell, in the female student dormitory.

Tao Jing tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Ling Yun, who woke up suddenly on the wire bed next to him, saw Tao Jing tossing and turning for most of the night, and asked softly, "Tao Jing, are you still awake? You're going to hell tomorrow!"

Tao Jing suddenly asked: "Ling Yun, what do you think of Liu Xu!"

Ling Yun was so angry that he was about to cry, and he said angrily: "What time is it, you still can't sleep because of a man!"

Tao Jing rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "But he is really handsome! Not only is he handsome, but he is also so powerful, he is careful and considerate to people."

Ling Yun sighed secretly in his heart, and said with deep emotion: "Who says it's not! Besides, he has an indescribable temperament. Tao Jing, have you noticed that none of the male team members dissatisfied with him, he How long have you been here?"

"Yeah, it hasn't been long, Ling Yun, tell me, would he like a girl like me?"

Ling Yun laughed softly: "You are thinking about spring again!"

"Who misses spring! His man is unmarried, and my daughter is unmarried. As the old saying goes, 'a gentleman is a gentleman, a lady is good.', I like him, I am generous, and it is not a disgraceful thing to sneak around."

"Gentlemen, ladies are good? Isn't it fair ladies, gentlemen are good?"

"It's the same in reverse!"

"I didn't graduate from elementary school, so don't lie to me."

"Really, otherwise you can call your elementary school math teacher..."

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