Chapter 2156 A student who doesn't want to be an instructor is not a good student

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Next, let me introduce to you, the pistol!"

"Submachine gun!"

"Automatic rifle!"

"Sniper rifle!"

"Light machine gun!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, especially those veterans, as if seeing a long-lost lover.

Long Feihu said solemnly: "Our purpose is not to kill, but to stop the killing! Stop the ongoing killing!"


Long Feihu's gaze was extremely fierce, and he scanned it once, and finally, his gaze stayed on Liu Xu's face.

"Liu Xu comes out!"


"You! Show everyone a demonstration!"


Liu Xu walked to the front of the long table and said, "Instructor, which weapon do you want me to demonstrate?"

The corner of Long Feihu's mouth curled up, and he asked, "Which one? Do you know every gun? Can you use it?"


Facing Long Feihu's suspicious eyes, Liu Xu calmly picked up a pistol and introduced it casually, like a treasure.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xu picked up a Type 79 sniper rifle, a Type [-] assault rifle, and a Type [-] submachine gun...

Liu Xu spoke clearly about the various statistics, performance, pros and cons of these weapons.

His performance left everyone present dumbfounded.

Long Feihu couldn't help clapping his hands in praise, and said, "Well said! I didn't expect you to know so much about firearms in such detail!"

Among the students, I don't know how many admiring eyes projected over.

Liu Xu said modestly: "Actually, I just like it. Interest is the best teacher!"

Long Feihu said: "Talking is not enough, you have to practice, try?"

Liu Xu couldn't hold back for a long time, so he picked up a Type 95, a very skilled loading magazine.

His posture of raising the gun is very standard, raising and aiming.

Short burst!

Long burst!

Amidst the chug, chug gunshots, Liu Xu felt a special feeling.

It was not until one magazine was emptied that Liu Xu unloaded the magazine and put the gun on the table.

Long Feihu put down the binoculars, nodded slightly, and said, "Your movements are proficient, and your shooting posture is standard, but your marksmanship... doesn't seem to fit your status as a special soldier! You need to practice more!"

At the same time, several instructors, such as Tieniu and Lei Dian, who were looking at the target ahead with binoculars, stared at Long Feihu in astonishment.

This marksmanship, not to mention among the students, even in the Tiger Commando, can be ranked first.

Long Feihu's demands on Liu Xu are too high!


Long Feihu motioned to Yang Zhen to let other students start shooting training in groups.

"Liu Xu, come with me!"


Liu Xu never expected that Long Feihu would bring him to the special gun training room of the Tiger Commando.

It's obviously a lot smaller here, but it's just as well equipped.

"Liu Xu, I will greet the administrator. After you finish your normal training, you can come here to practice guns! There is unlimited supply of bullets!"

"The dragon head..."

Long Feihu patted Liu Xu on the shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile: "I am optimistic about you! Don't let me down. At the same time, whether it is a tiger or a special police detachment, it is also a small society. My care for you is easy to grant. You have a solid population, so you have to use your best performance to shut other people's mouths."

Liu Xu said seriously: "Leader, don't worry, my true potential has not yet officially unfolded! In the future, you will know!"

Long Feihu smiled and said, "Oh? What else are you hiding?"

Liu Xu also smiled, and said, "Now, keep it secret."

Long Feihu nodded, and said: "That's fine, keep a little bit of mystery, and let me look forward to you even more!"


After several consecutive days of training, Liu Xu has been improving every day.

And the four well-known big stars, the degree of recognition of Liu Xu, the temporary instructor, is also getting higher and higher.

In name, Liu Xu was assisting Zuo Yan, but Liu Xu was so eye-catching. In the end, it naturally became Zuo Yan assisting Liu Xu, and the roles were reversed.

Not only are the four stars making rapid progress, but also the entire new training camp's students are making rapid progress.

The mouse team undoubtedly gathered the strongest students in the entire new training camp, and they performed the best every time they trained.

Even Tao Jing, who was worried about being slowed down at first, has grown rapidly.


Time gradually passed a week.

The trainees were called to the outskirts.

This is a routine weekly assessment!

It has been exactly one week since the last assessment, carrying logs.

"Today's assessment content is quite special." Long Feihu smiled maliciously, "The name is to catch mice!"

The content of the assessment is that the team members flee and the instructor catches them. The former has no equipment and the latter is fully armed.

This premise is, of course, extremely unfair and unreasonable.

But everyone is used to it.

Long Feihu looked around and said, "Who has any questions?"

This time, everyone learned well.


It was Liu Xu who spoke.


"Excuse me, instructor, I have a request! I don't know if I can say it!"


Liu Xu smiled brightly and said: "Instructor, our mouse team has a total of [-] people, but I found that there are only less than [-] Tiger Commandos. I suggest that the instructor send more people?"

The Tigers all laughed.

Long Feihu sternly said: "Eighty little mice without weapons and equipment, while the Tigers have thirty commandos, helicopters in the air, monitoring and communication equipment, and carrying empty ammunition Guns, if you can’t catch all your words, then we don’t need to be called fierce tigers, we can just call them sick tigers!”

Liu Xu's smile did not change: "So, what if we are the ones who win?"

All the Tigers laughed, and so did the three captains, Tieniu, Yang Zhen, and Lei Dian.

Long Feihu showed his white teeth: "Do you think you can win?"

"What if?"

"Not in case."

"There are no absolutes, right?"

Long Feihu sneered and said, "Then what do you want?"

"Students who don't want to be instructors are not good students." Liu Xu said with a smile: "If we win, then there will be a role reversal. All instructors, let us train for a day."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2157 Our goal today is to counterattack

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

Tieniu, Yang Zhen, Lei Dian and others burst into laughter, and the Tigers also laughed.

The Tiger Commando is the trump card of the police system and the face of the Chinese police system.

Even if this special police force is not much inferior to the military's Spike and other special forces, even if it is not as good as the Spike, it is by no means inferior.

Just imagine, the only elite unit in the police system that can support the scene, how can it not be taken seriously. Just look at the facilities in this training base. The facilities here have reached world-class standards.

Who can enter the Tiger Commando is not an elite of the elite!

Catching mice... really catching mice!

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