No exceptions!

Every member of the Tigers has been dumbfounded by Liu Xu, who is full of self-confidence.

Long Feihu said with a smile: "Liu Xu, do you think that it's a death anyway, so let's have a good time first?"

The Tigers couldn't bear it any longer, and burst out laughing.

Liu Xu didn't smile, the facts will prove everything.


"Warriors! I am very happy today! You are the most courageous class of students I have ever seen! I now officially promise that if you can win, we... will let you train for a day! However, this requires a miracle! Start praying for a miracle right now!"


Tao Jing suddenly shouted.

Long Feihu shouted: "Say!"

Tao Jing hesitated for a while, then suddenly chested up, and said, "I want to be with Liu Xu!"

Standing next to Liu Xu was Ling Yun. According to the rules, two people next to each other are a group.

Long Feihu rolled his eyes, then smiled, and asked, "You want to be with Liu Xu, why?"

Tao Jing blushed and said, "Because... because Liu Xu is strong!"

He Miao, who was supposed to be in the same group as Tao Jing, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked God in his heart.

Long Feihu turned his head to glance at Ling Yun and Liu Xu, and said, "Liu Xu, what do you say?"

How could Liu Xu not know Tao Jing's intentions, nodded and said, "I agree!"

"I don't agree!" Long Feihu shouted with a ferocious expression, "One is the weakest and the other is the strongest! The weakest one will definitely drag down the strongest one. When do we Tiger Commandos need to take advantage of this? .”

Long Feihu turned his head and said loudly: "Old birds! What do you say! Would you like to take advantage of this!"

"I don't want to!" The Tigers roared in unison, their eyes full of fighting spirit and arrogance.

Long Feihu sternly said: "Also! Since the groups have been grouped, no changes are allowed! This! This is not an outing! Now I announce! The exercise has officially begun!"

Long Feihu shouted loudly: "Run!"


After rushing into the woods, Liu Xu shouted loudly: "Everyone come here! Listen to me!"

Liu Xu's prestige has long been formed!As soon as he shouted, all the mouse team members gathered around.

He Miao asked, "Boss, do you have any arrangements?"

Liu Xu smiled, watching the crowd gather, and said, "Don't worry, everyone, the old tigers will take an hour to come, and this mountain forest is [-] kilometers deep from north to south! It's about [-] kilometers from east to west! It's enough for us to toss around. Already!"

Duan Weibing said: "Boss, what are you going to do! Just say something!"

Liu Xu said with a smile: "Our purpose today is not to escape! It's not to search for a safe zone! Don't be frightened by the old tigers! What I want is a counterattack!"

Everyone made a sound of swallowing saliva.

Ling Yun asked with lingering fear: "Liu Xu, this too small! I think...we'd better be more pragmatic..."

Zheng Zhi followed suit and nodded: "Yes, boss, those are all members of the Tiger Commando, how many years they have trained, how long we have! They are not at the same level at all!"

Ling Yun said again: "The most important thing is that we don't have weapons, so the possibility of dealing with them is very low, and they also have helicopters and various modern search equipment."

Liu Xu said calmly: "You have to trust me! And now is not the time to discuss how strong they are! Don't you want to succeed in the counterattack? Don't you want to see the embarrassment and dejection after they fail? look?"

The students were both worried and excited.

"I must make them stumble today."

Liu Xu glanced at everyone, and he found that most of them didn't have much confidence.

This is not a good phenomenon.

"Me! I can't do it alone, I need you! Don't we have guns? That's easy! If you don't have a gun, grab it! I know, you don't think there is a chance of winning. If you are holding the attitude of running for your life, face this situation. If we do this exercise, we will definitely lose." Liu Xurui's eyes were like lightning, scanning the crowd, "Then! Anyway, we are going to lose, why don't you fight with me! At least, even if we lose, it won't be too ugly! Now! Make your decision!"

Duan Weibing said solemnly: "I agree! Anyway, we are losing, why not fight, at least, we must let them see our will to fight!"

Zheng Zhi shouted loudly: "Okay! I agree too! I listen to the boss!"

Ling Yun said: "I am your partner! I listen to you!"

All the students expressed their opinions one after another, and the discussion was fierce.

"Okay! Now that's the case! Let's fight! We want to show them that we are not mice! We are tigers! They despise us, and we will make them pay the price! Next, I will officially name this exercise as hunting Tiger move!"

Everyone's eyes lit up, Tiger Hunting!

This name... Domineering!

Liu Xu quickly made arrangements.

Duan Weibing and Zhao Xiaohei are a team, and Duan Weibing is a special soldier who retired from Langya. Liu Xu has high hopes for Duan Weibing.

Jin Wentao and Yu Zhengkai of the second team of mice, Jin Wentao is the best one in the second team. He was born in the armed police and has good shooting ability and certain organizational skills.

Zheng Zhi and Liu Ke, these two people, one is from the serious crime team, and the other is also a retired soldier. The two cooperate with each other, and the combat effectiveness is not too bad. This is the third team that Liu Xu has pinned his hopes on.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2158 The First Person in Jungle Warfare

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu chose the group of He Miao and Tao Jing to cooperate with him.

Of course, it's not all because of Tao Jing. After all, He Miao is a black belt in Taekwondo and has good fighting ability.

He Miao can play a very important role in hand-to-hand combat.

"Tiger hunting! Start!"

Screaming wildly, the morale of the mice suddenly increased.

With the backbone and combat strategy, the fear of the Tigers in their hearts has also subconsciously decreased a lot.


In the tent of the temporary combat headquarters.

Long Feihu greeted Tieniu and Lei Dian: "Let's go, the food is ready!"

Outside the tent, more than [-] Tigers were fully armed and ready.

Long Feihu watched the Tigers leave, the wheels rolled up dust, and gradually went away.

"Our fierce tiger, this time, we met no ordinary students! Spike Special Forces, Duan Weibing, Liu Xu, this Liu Xu, perhaps, he hasn't fully shown us his true strength yet!"

Lei Dian was stunned for a moment, and asked: "Is there anything else he can do?!"

Tie Niu looked back, frowned and said: "Leader, no matter how fierce a lion is, it can't beat a pack of wolves with a pack of sheep! You are worrying too much!"

Long Feihu smiled and said nothing.


At this time, the two helicopters of the Special Police Detachment Flying Brigade had already arrived at the sky above the central area of ​​the mountain forest.

More than a dozen Tigers parachuted down, seized favorable terrain and set up ambush points according to the electronic map.

"This is Feiyan! Direction 2769! Found four hidden targets!"

The Tigers who were closest to the coordinate 2769 marked on the electronic map responded immediately.

This is a very disparate battle.

Long Feihu not only sent thirty tiger commandos, he also let the flying brigade parachute a dozen members down.

The helicopter piloted by Zuo Yan was always watching the sky above and providing information to the Tigers.


"Keep up! Keep up!"

Liu Xu moved forward quickly.

In the jungle with complex terrain, Liu Xu felt like a fish in water.

For jungle warfare, in the world of Fire Phoenix, Liu Xu is the number one member of the Thunder Commando.

When going up a small slope with a height of about one meter, Liu Xu just stepped up with both feet twice, and went straight up, as agile as a jungle leopard.

Tao Jing, Ling Yun and He Miao were dumbfounded.

He Miao couldn't help shouting: "Boss, you haven't practiced lightness kung fu before, have you?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Tao Jing, can you do it?"

Liu Xu suddenly saw that Tao Jing's face was covered with sweat, which made her beautiful face look as if she had put a layer of oil on it. It was indescribably beautiful.

"I...I can't keep up with you..." Tao Jing panted.

Liu Xu jumped down, grabbed Tao Jing's hand involuntarily, and said, "I'll run with you! Find a place to catch your breath!"

A strange color flashed across Ling Yun's eyes imperceptibly.

Tao Jing's eyes rolled, her face was bright red.

He Miao shook his head and sighed, "Woman!"

Ling Yun was a little unhappy, and heard the words and shouted: "What's wrong with the woman? Did the woman offend you? Do you look down on women?"

He Miao hurriedly raised his hands: "It doesn't mean that, I'm feeling emotional, it stands to reason..."

He glanced at the backs of Liu Xu and Tao Jing who were running ahead, and said with a smile: "I think you are prettier than Tao Jing, why is Liu Xu just holding Tao Jing's hand and running... Hey, that's not right, You are Liu Xu's partner..."

Seeing Ling Yun's ugly face, He Miao dared not speak any more.


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