At this time, the airborne Tiger Commandos were already "catching mice".

In the jungle, the real masters know how to use the surrounding environment and natural conditions to set traps and organs.

In the tiger commando team, there are many experts in this field, and there are several retired special forces suitable for jungle warfare.

It didn't take long for a group of little mice to fall headlong into the ambush point, or be ambushed, or trapped by a mechanism, or hung up a tree by a rope. When the exercise reached the second hour, The Tigers have captured sixteen cadets.


In the temporary command tent, Long Feihu threw his personal terminal on the table, sullenly said, "It's too slow! It's been too long since I haven't actually fought, and my hands and feet are rusty."

Tieniu on the side smiled and said nothing.

Chong Tieniu and Lei Dian took a look, and said: "Is it because I am too kind, these guys don't work hard!"


"Look! There's a helicopter!"

He Miao, who was running, suddenly screamed under his throat.

The four squatted down at the same time.

Tao Jing was still in shock and said, "You probably won't find us!"

Liu Xu said: "It's hard to see with the naked eye, but it's not necessarily the case with instruments."

At this time, Ling Yun had already run over with a bent waist.

"Liu Xu, what should we do now?"

"Come one and kill one! Come two, kill one pair!" Liu Xu laughed and said, "It's impossible for them to chase from where they are. If there is a helicopter, they will naturally choose to airborne! There should be a lot of Tigers already deployed. Ambush, wait for us to drill pockets."

He Miao took off his eyes, wiped the lens with his gloves, and asked, "I suggest that if we don't have weapons, we might as well conduct a counter-ambush and find a favorable terrain to hide. As long as we can snatch their guns, we will have hope." gone."

Liu Xu smiled and said, "He Miao's proposal is very good. It is in our best interest to get their guns as soon as possible! This place..."

Liu Xu then observed the terrain.

"Ling Yun, He Miao, Tao Jing, you go slowly now, don't be in a hurry! I will follow behind you secretly, pay attention to safety! If you encounter those old birds, don't resist, don't let them Shoot. As long as they don't shoot, you're still not 'killed', you still have a chance."

"Are you going to use the three of us as bait?!"

Ling Yun's eyes lit up.

"That's right! You are in the light, and I am in the dark!"


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2159 This is the rhythm of two women fighting for a husband!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Where are the others?!" Tao Jing turned her head and glanced, but she didn't find Liu Xu, and muttered.

Ling Yun shouted in a low voice: "Don't look around! He said he would protect us from behind, so he must be behind. If you look around, if there are Tigers spying on us, wouldn't it be the same as killing Liu Xu?"

Tao Jing stuck out her tongue, not daring to make another sound.

He Miao, who was leading the way ahead, praised: "Ling Yun is right, it's best for us to pretend that Liu Xu is not here."

The speed of the three people was not fast. On the one hand, they used this time to rest, and on the other hand, they were afraid that Liu Xu would not be able to keep up.

Not far away, He Miao suddenly stopped, bent down abruptly, and shouted in a low voice, "Tiger!"

The figures of a few Tigers appeared in the field of vision, moving quickly indistinctly in the woods.

Ling Yun quickly said: "Hidden!"

The three quickly took cover with a large cluster of bushes.

However, the Tigers were already closing in.

The helmets of these people are equipped with equipment for searching heat energy by infrared rays.

"What should we do?" Tao Jing's face paled, "They seem to have discovered us."

At the muzzle of the black hole, of the four Tigers, one dragged behind as a cover, and the three marched in a fan shape, walking faster and faster.

Ling Yun said in a deep voice: "Don't be nervous! We should trust Liu Xu!"

At this moment, the eyes of the three people were all wide open.

In front of them, behind the last tiger player who was covering, a hand suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the Tigers who had their mouths covered fell on their backs, revealing Liu Xu's face.

How can this be?

How did Liu Xu find that direction?

Moreover, did the unlucky tiger team member not even notice that there was someone behind him?

The attention of the three Tigers in front was all behind the bushes in front of them. They never dreamed that the comrades they trusted and relied on their backs were quietly brought down.

Liu Xu made a silent gesture to the unlucky ghost.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out to disarm, and the unlucky ghost naturally knew what would happen next. His teammates didn't pay attention to the rear at all, and the result would definitely be dealt with one by one by the opponent.

Seeing that he didn't let go, Liu Xu was also angry. According to the rules, the other party is already a corpse that was killed in battle, and the corpse must have the consciousness of a corpse!

Liu Xu glared at him fiercely, and made a gesture of wiping his neck, which meant that you were dead.

The unlucky ghost was angry and hated, but he was still a man after all. He closed his eyes in pain and let go.

Bullets roared.

With three skillful short bursts, yellow smoke came out from the backs and helmets of the other three Tigers, which meant that they were "dead in battle".


Tao Jing was the first to scream and jumped up.

The three Tigers were all stunned, raised their hands, turned around mechanically, and saw Liu Xu's face so calm that he didn't even have a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry! The four seniors are now dead."

Liu Xu's expression was as if he had just done something insignificant.

He Miao, Ling Yun and Tao Jing shouted in surprise and rushed towards Liu Xu excitedly.

It's impossible for them to be unhappy, this is simply impossible, with a one percent probability.

Not to mention how professional the three precise short burst shots are, just now he quietly hugged a tiger player from behind.

"Liu Xu! Liu Xu! Liu Xu! You are so talented!" Ling Yun threw himself at Liu Xu with forgetfulness, and gave him a tight bear hug. He was so excited that even his voice changed, "Do you know that? How nervous was I just now? I thought we were going to be caught..."

He Miao was dumbfounded and stopped.

In this situation, he dared not get involved.

Subconsciously, He Miao cast his eyes on Tao Jing with a sluggish face, and saw that the excited smile on Tao Jing's face froze and stiffened in an instant, and she looked at Ling Yun who was hugging Liu Xu in disbelief.

"Damn it, this is the rhythm of a war movie turning into a romance movie!" He Miao murmured, "And it's a bloody drama of two girls fighting for a husband!"

Everyone knows that Tao Jing likes Liu Xu, but Ling Yun also likes him?

It didn't show up on weekdays!

Why all of a sudden...

Sure enough, the hero saves the beauty can hit the softest part of a woman's heart, but if you know it, you know it, He Miao himself doesn't have that ability!

He Miao was already convinced by Liu Xu's ability, and if he could get Ling Yun and Tao Jing out of the way, then he would be really enthralled, and he would never dare to hope to surpass this inhuman in his life.

"Cough cough..."

Liu Xu gave a dry cough in embarrassment.

Suddenly, Ling Yun froze for a second, and then, she immediately let go of Liu Xu, turned around with an extremely unnatural expression, not daring to look at Tao Jing, and murmured, "I'm sorry, I'm a little excited."

Tao Jing turned around angrily, her lips pouted.

Ling Yun hurried forward.

Liu Xu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Playing with eagles every day, I didn't expect to be blinded by eagles today! Alas!"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, senior. If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely offer you a toast and apologize."

The unlucky ghost sighed, and said, "Brother, you hid it too well just now, and I got tricked without even noticing it. What do you call it?"

Liu Xu said with a smile: "I'm sorry, you are all corpses now, I won't be so stupid as to reveal any information to you."


"From now on, the uniforms and all the weapons and equipment on the four corpses belong to us."

He Miao howled excitedly, and was about to step forward when the three Tigers raised their guns at the same time.

Liu Xu shouted: "Don't play tricks! You are Tiger Commandos!"

The four Tigers looked at each other helplessly, and lowered their guns.

A smile appeared on Liu Xu's face, he turned around and greeted Tao Jing and Ling Yun who were not far away: "What are you still dawdling about? Come quickly and change your equipment."


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2160 Love must be secretly talked in the army!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


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