"Red Fox, Red Fox, Team Zero Three reported that there was an unknown number of mice that wiped out the four pioneers of Team Zero Nine and captured all their uniforms and weapons. Now Zero Three is chasing them, over!"

"The red fox received it."

This red fox is the commander of this exercise.

Lei Dian and Tie Niu were dumbfounded.

"This...how is this possible?"

Iron Bull exclaimed.

Lei Dian said: "Yes, even if Liu Xu is there, the vanguard team of the [-] team will not be killed by four people at the same time!"

Long Feihu said: "Why is this impossible? Among these mice, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

Tieniu slapped the table: "This [-] team is eating dry food! Really!"

Long Feihu picked up his personal terminal and said: "Chihu Chihu, I am the leader. I am ordering everyone to join in the pursuit of these Li ghosts. If you can't catch anyone within an hour, I will give you an order." Transfer you to the gun room to pick up shell casings!"

"Got it, understand!"

After closing the personal terminal, Long Feihu asked with a dark face, "Guess who it could be?"

Lei Dian said: "It's hard to say."

Long Feihu looked at Tieniu.

Tie Niu said: "No matter who did it, I think the future is boundless!"

Lei Dian smiled wryly, "I think the most likely one is Liu Xu."

Long Feihu's eyes were deep: "Mice! Don't be too happy!"


In the jungle, Liu Xu, who had seized the weapon, was too late to be happy. He found that something was wrong with Ling Yun and Tao Jing, and the two seemed to be far away.

"He Miao, you continue to open the way ahead."

He Miao glanced at Liu Xu, then at Ling Yun and Tao Jing, and smiled thoughtfully: "Brother, take care, women are sometimes scarier than enemies."

Liu Xu punched him and said to the two women, "Tao Jing! Ling Yun! Something is wrong with you!"

Ling Yun glanced at Tao Jing and smiled wryly.

Tao Jing said angrily: "Nothing!"

Liu Xu said: "What's the situation now! You guys are still angry?"

Ling Yun said: "I'm not angry, it's Tao Jing who misunderstood."

"What's wrong?"

Liu Xu asked knowingly.

Ling Yun stared and said angrily, "What do you think? Can't you tell that Tao Jing likes you? She's jealous!"

Tao Jing hurriedly shouted: "Who is jealous!"

He Miao couldn't help laughing in the distance.

Tao Jing and Ling Yun glared at He Miao at the same time, and said in unison, "What are you laughing at?"

He Miao shrank his head and turned around to inspect.

Liu Xu said solemnly: "Tao Jing, Ling Yun, you have always been good sisters, don't be unhappy because of this kind of thing! Even if you don't care about anyone in the future, I invite you! Let's talk after this battle!"

Tao Jing lowered her head and said, "Then you should make it clear first, do you like me or Ling Yun?"

Ling Yun said angrily: "Tao Jing! Thanks to me, I treat you like a younger sister, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Liu Xu shouted loudly: "Stop making trouble! Tao Jing! Ling Yun! Do you know that there is a rule in the police force that couples cannot be in the same unit! This is a hard rule! I don't care who you like, this is the battlefield ! Not a place to play house!"

Love in the army can only be discussed secretly, just like he and An Ran did back then.

As soon as he said this, He Miao suddenly bent down, turned around and made a concealed gesture.

Through the gap in the woods, Liu Xu saw that there should be no fewer than five people on the other side.

Tao Jing and Ling Yun looked at each other, as if they were connected, they nodded at the same time, and quickly stepped forward, ready to fight.

Liu Xu whispered: "You three! Pick up the guests here! I'll come as soon as I go!"

Ling Yun hesitated to speak, and glanced at Tao Jing from the corner of his eye.

Tao Jing asked in surprise, "Where are you going?"

"After a minute, if they're still within range of your guns, reward them with a few bullets! I'll respond from the side! Got it?"

"Are you going to make a fuss?"

Ling Yun's eyes lit up.

"be careful!"

Tao Jing looked concerned.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "You guys have to be careful, don't treat me as an enemy and shoot at me later!"

Liu Xu left quickly and disappeared into the jungle.

The opponent is getting closer!

As if smelling bloody sharks, they took advantage of the terrain and cautiously pushed towards He Miao and the others.

He Miao, Ling Yun, and Tao Jing glanced at each other, loaded the bullets one after another, and were ready to fire at any time.

Just when they were getting closer and closer, almost a minute had passed, Ling Yun made a gesture and was about to fire, when suddenly, gunshots rang out, and yellow smoke puffed up from the back of a tiger player .

"Depend on!"

After the Tigers scolded, they immediately gave a loud warning.

There was another gunshot, long bursts, within two seconds before and after, and another one was dealt with.

The moment the other three turned around.

He Miao, Ling Yun and Tao Jing stood up abruptly and fired continuously, and the remaining three Tigers were all shot.

Ling Yun and Tao Jing shouted excitedly, and the two daughters were so excited that they hugged each other.

He Miao's head was full of black lines, and he said in his heart: "Just now you two women were fighting for husbands, now don't fight?"

Liu Xu came out and walked forward with a smile.

"Sorry, five seniors!"


"Leader, leader, this is Feiyan! The support team of the [-]th Group is completely annihilated, and the target is fleeing to the northern dense forest. I am following and will continue to report the target's location! Over!"

With a gloomy expression on his face, Long Feihu stood up abruptly.

Tieniu shook his head and said, "The Zero Nine Team and the Zero Nine Support Team are gone, this time it's a big game!"

Thunder smiled wryly.

Long Feihu immediately picked up his personal terminal and shouted: "Attention all units! This is the leader, urgent mission, this time there are four little mice, wearing our clothes, seized our weapons, and are fleeing to the northern dense forest area ..."

After Long Feihu finished speaking, he walked out of the tent angrily.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2161 The leader cheats, the mouse hunts the tiger

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Lei Dian said strangely: "I have never seen such an expression as Long Feihu!"

Tie Niu said: "It seems that the mice this time are stronger than we expected! In just two and a half hours, we lost nine of them."

At this moment, Long Feihu came back suddenly, walked to the table without saying a word, and picked up the personal terminal walkie-talkie again.

"I am the leader! I am the leader! Order! Tiger Commando Second Squadron, dispatch!"

Tie Niu and Lei Dian looked at each other with strange expressions.

Long Feihu glanced at them respectively, and said, "Do you want to say that this leader can actually cheat?"

Tie Niu said: "Leader, are you being too serious?"

Lei Dian nodded and said: "I also feel that some of the victories are unarmed."

Long Feihu laughed, and said: "Winning is not martial? Too serious? If we lose, we will be scolded by those little mice for a day. Do you... want to lose this person?"

Tieniu was slightly taken aback, and said, "How could it be possible to lose? This is an exercise that is impossible to lose, and the safe zone is not in the mountains at all!"

Lei Dian laughed, and said, "Those little mice never imagined in their dreams, this is simply a game that they will definitely lose!"

Long Feihu said solemnly: "Don't take it lightly! The third squadron and the second squadron have been filled in. This time, we may have encountered the strongest group of students in history! Until the last moment, we can't slack off!"

Lei Dian and Tie Niu said in unison: "Yes!"


With all the guns of the [-] support team on his back and their grenades seized, Liu Xu looked extraordinarily funny now, with a grenade around his waist, like a hero who was going to sacrifice himself to blow up a tank.

A tiger member who was disarmed sneered and said, "I said, little mice, you are not too tired, why are you bringing so many weapons?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Senior, you should actually be grateful to us!"


"That's right, because the law does not punish the public, if we dump all of your third squadron in the jungle, you won't need to hand over the application for job transfer. The leader can't disband the third squadron just because of a drill. Bar!"

The five Tigers laughed angrily.

Liu Xu shouted: "Don't laugh! Corpses can't laugh!"

The Tigers were tongue-tied.

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