This time it was Ling Yun and Tao Jing's turn to smile.

Liu Xu waved his hand: "Let's go! Go touch other team members! Give them the equipment we captured!"


As time passed, the second batch of Tigers entered the forest.

No wonder the Tigers of the Second Squadron couldn't laugh or cry. Isn't the Third Squadron not enough to deal with these little mice?

One side is fully armed and the other is unarmed, that's fine, there are modern reconnaissance equipment, and helicopters for aerial surveillance, this battle is too much to make a fuss about.

In the history of the Tiger Commandos, even if they faced the same number of armed terrorists, it was nothing more than that.

Three squadrons, two on and one on standby.

This is too much for a little mouse.

With the joining of the new force, students were arrested one after another.

But at the same time, on the other side, the four Liu Xu and He Miao had once again dealt with the four Tigers and gathered eight mice including Zhao Xiaohei and Duan Weibing.

The performance of Duan Weibing and Zhao Xiaohei was not too bad either. In terms of overall strength, the two of them were second only to the group of Liu Xu and Ling Yun.

One is a retired sniper from the armed police, and the other is a retired special forces soldier from Spike.

The two of them cooperated with each other, touched off two Tigers, and seized two Type 95 assault rifles.

With the addition of Duan Weibing and Zhao Xiaohei, plus the weapons captured by Liu Xu earlier, the team of twelve people suddenly became much stronger.

However, a large number of people also means a large target.

Especially the helicopter hovering in the sky, it is not difficult to find for a team of twelve people.

"Our actions must be accelerated! Slow speed means that we will be surrounded by old birds!"

Liu Xu greeted his teammates loudly and continued running in the jungle.

Liu Xu naturally knew where the safe zone of this exercise was. If he could reach the safe zone within [-] hours, he would win.

However, we can't tell other people where the safe zone is, because that would hurt their morale too much.

"Hurry up!"

Liu Xu urged loudly.

Now, their morale is like a rainbow, and it also shows the benefits of the brutal physical training during this period.

You know, what is this concept?

Right now, they have "killed" eleven Tigers in total.

With such a brilliant record, even if he went out and surrendered by himself now, it would definitely be enough.

There are twelve of them now, eleven Type 95 assault rifles, ten Type 92 pistols and several grenades.

There are enough weapons, now, it is time to fight the veterans of the Tiger Commando.

The booming noise of the helicopter appeared overhead, Liu Xu looked up and shouted: "No, we have been discovered!"

Ling Yun asked out of breath, "Then what should we do now?"

Liu Xu looked back.

"Duan Weibing!"

"Boss, what can I order?"

"Now I want you to lead the team! Lead them to keep running!"

"how about you?"

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Of course I stayed here to let them know that mice can also hunt tigers! Don't worry, I'll be fine, and I'll catch up with you later!"

All the students showed nervous expressions. Liu Xu was their backbone, and if he wasn't by the side, they felt uncertain.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "Run! Otherwise, when the old birds open their pockets, they will be made dumplings."

Ling Yun and Tao Jing looked at Liu Xu reluctantly, and Tao Jing suddenly said: "Everyone, stop dawdling, Liu Xu can handle it! Our weapons are so easy to come by, it's all thanks to him!"

Watching the team members leave quickly, he followed from a distance when he could hardly see the last person clearly.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2162 This is the treasure I dropped after killing monsters

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Red Fox Red Fox! I found them! The location is at 0735..."

After more than ten minutes, the members of Team [-] found the small team led by Duan Weibing.

"I'll be there in two minutes!"

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, flash bombs were thrown from nowhere.

Immediately afterwards, a series of gunshots rang out.

The eight-person Zero Three team was not afraid of danger, and immediately fired back in the direction of the gunfire.

However, they had just adjusted to the outside light, and when their eyes could see clearly, a man in the same uniform as them opened fire from the other direction.

Two people were shot in a row.

Just scattered to fight back, there is no one in that place.

Immediately afterwards, a voice shouted loudly: "Those who were shot, did you just fire? According to the rules, you are already corpses! Please squat down immediately and put down the guns in your hands!"

The one who spoke was of course Liu Xu.

He had already hit two with the flashbang just now, and then immediately shifted his position and hit two people again.

In less than half a minute, he had already killed four of Zero Three's teams.

"Surrender! You are surrounded!"

Liu Xu was bluffing.

At this moment, there was a dangerous aura that struck in an instant. Before Liu Xu had time to think about it, he shrunk subconsciously.

A bullet whistled past.


Cold sweat broke out on Liu Xu's forehead, and he almost "died".

"Little mouse! You have the guts! How dare you ask us to surrender!"

One shouted, and at the same time, made a gesture of outflanking.

"Hmph, sniper! Do you think I'm afraid of you?! I just don't have a sniper rifle, otherwise I will teach you how to be a man every minute."

Liu Xu estimated the approximate location of the sniper and moved quietly.

He was like a leopard growing in the jungle, his movement trajectory was beyond ordinary people, and he directly left behind the four Tigers who were trying to outflank him.

"Wait a minute to clean you up!"

With a smile on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, his figure was hidden in the dense forest.

The next moment, behind the sniper from Team [-], a black shadow flashed, and the sniper's hair stood on end. Just as he turned around, he saw Liu Xu with a bright smile on his face.

"Hush!" Liu Xu touched his lips with his index finger, "You are already a corpse now, be more conscious!"

"You... how did you get around behind me?"

The sniper was shocked.

"Senior, corpses are not allowed to ask questions." Liu Xu smiled and gestured to him, "Your weapons and equipment."

Snipers don't want to hand in.

"This is the treasure I dropped after killing monsters."

Liu Xu disarmed him, smiled slightly, turned around and left.

As a sniper, he didn't even notice that the enemy touched his back.

"This is impossible!"

Until Liu Xu had left, the sniper still didn't recover.

"It's impossible, this distance, unless he can fly! Otherwise, it's impossible to appear behind me under my nose! It must be two people!"

The sniper firmly believed.

Just when Liu Xu took the spoils and was about to clean up the other old birds, he only heard the sound of gunfire.

He immediately changed the 88-type 5.8mm sniper rifle in his hand, and ran towards the sound of the gunfire.

It turned out that Duan Weibing heard the gunshots and brought someone back to help.

Unfortunately, although Duan Weibing and Ling Yun killed two and one respectively, they paid the same price as the opponent, and three students were shot.

Duan Weibing shouted loudly: "Come out! You are the only one left! Surrender! There are more than ten of us, you have no chance!"

There was also a member of the Tigers, seeing that the situation was not good, he hid.

"I'm Red Fox! We've arrived! We heard gunshots!"

"Red Fox, we..."

The tiger player's voice stopped abruptly.

A sniper bullet hit his back, and yellow smoke rose up.

The tiger team member was speechless. He wanted to report at first, but he was the only one in the [-]rd team, but now...all of them were wiped out.

This team member can be regarded as stubborn, and the words have reached the point of his mouth, but he still hasn't reported the current situation to Chihu.

Tiger Commandos, have their pride.

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