"Ka! Pu! Lieutenant! General!"

Garp raised his head, confused, and said, "Ah? What's wrong?"

"You fell asleep again, and I'll confiscate the donuts if you fall asleep again."


Sure enough, it was a strong threat, Garp put the donuts behind him at once, confiscated the donuts?Liu Xu, you want to find fault, right?

Liu Xu put it away when he saw it was good, returned to the previous position and sat down cross-legged.

"Lieutenant General Garp, you haven't said how to cultivate domineering yet?"

After some words, Garp finally remembered the business, and said: "Oh, domineering practice! Hahaha, it's very simple, just like this, close your eyes and feel everything around you. Use your heart to feel everything around you Objects, sounds, breaths, and then find that feeling, and remember it firmly!"

Karp closed his eyes as he spoke, looking like he was there.

Liu Xu was at a loss when he heard it, but he started to learn it in a decent way.

Plunged into darkness, everything around him became quiet, and Liu Xu tried his best to feel everything around him.

However, there was only endless darkness and the sound of the waves lapping the warship, nothing else.

ear?Liu Xu's ears twitched, but there was only a figure, and it didn't work.

breath?I can't feel it at all, what can I do?doesn't work.

object?Damn, when you close your eyes, there is only darkness, where is the object?

Half an hour passed, and Liu Xu remembered it in his heart like ants on a hot pot, burning with urgency.

When I opened my eyes, my eyes were full of disappointment. After so long, don't I have the talent in this area?

"Lieutenant General Garp, I still can't feel the presence of domineering!"

There was no response, the opposite Garp lowered his head, and the bubbles at his nose shrank regularly, suddenly bigger and smaller.

Liu Xu's face darkened again, Lieutenant General Garp, are you here to guide me in my cultivation or are you here to tease me?

He tiptoed over, walked around behind the other person, and took his hand back. The difference was that he held a piece of golden donut in his hand, which was attractive in color and pleasant in aroma.

The doughnut dangled gently in front of Garp's nose, and the sweet smell wafted out all at once.

Karp moved, the bubbles on his nose retracted, his nose shrugged, and his body slowly leaned forward.

"Crack it..."

There was a crisp sound, and the fragrant smell disappeared all of a sudden.

Garp, who had his eyes closed tightly, moved his ears, and suddenly opened his eyes with a look of rage.

"Asshole, who moved my donut."

The sound was deafening, and the armed arrogance was even more agitated, causing the entire granary to tremble violently.

"Asshole, who put you to sleep."

A louder roar overwhelmed Garp's voice, and Liu Xu rushed to him, grabbed his collar and shook it constantly.


Chapter 2301 The World's Number One Swordsman

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Garp's roar came to an abrupt end, he smiled awkwardly, and said, "Hahaha, don't worry about it so much, don't worry about it, don't worry about it."

Liu Xu let go of him bitterly, what about the promised guidance?Shouldn't it be the same as other people's mentors, with detailed explanations and detailed guidance?

After calming down the ups and downs in his heart, Liu Xu asked: "Why can't I touch the domineering all the time?"

Garp scratched his face and said with a smile: "It's normal! How can it be so easy to learn domineering? Young people have to be patient. You can come here to practice domineering in the future! Remember, experience it with your heart, there will always be When you succeed, I can't help you with anything else."

The master leads the door, and the practice is personal.

The practice of domineering depends more on one's own experience, and other people can only provide an opportunity.

Liu Xu is discouraged, that feeling is really hard to capture, how can he master domineering?

Perhaps, when you are in danger or when your emotions are very ups and downs, you can experience domineering again, and then try to seize this opportunity and you should be able to succeed.

Liu Xu thought of the scene where Luffy turned on his domineering, didn't it just turn on when his emotions fluctuated unintentionally?

After thinking about it, Liu Xu finally felt better. Looking at Garp again, he had half-closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep.

"Crack it!"

The crisp sound came again, and Garp's half-squinted eyes suddenly opened, looking at someone who had turned into purple lightning and fled in front of him, an angry roar sounded.

"Liu Xu, this old man wants to beat you up."


A week later, Garp's main ship, the Granary.

Blue and white navy suit, white training cap with "MARIE" printed on it, black broken hair, sharp facial contour lines, dazzling starry eyes, slightly raised mouth corners, with a symbol of purity, holiness, courage, reason, and eternity. The blue navy uniform that does not give up, the whole person looks energetic and capable.

Withdrew from the practice of domineering and knowledgeable, Liu Xu let out a sigh of relief, and the first sentence completely destroyed the entire image and temperament.

"Not much progress!"

Depressed, apart from these two words that can describe his mood at the moment, there is nothing else.

Following Karp's guidance, I have finally touched the edge of the domineering in the past week. It can be said that I have initially controlled the domineering, and I have put into action the idea of ​​using thunder and lightning to improve the domineering, and the effect is very significant.

Xinwang's ability gradually formed, and it gave him an unexpected surprise from the very beginning.

No sound within a kilometer, an entire kilometer, can escape the control of the heart network.

Although this is a bit insignificant compared to the scope of Enilo covering the entire empty island, it is already a surprise, because this is the power that has just opened the heart network.

However, the next time was depressed. No matter how hard he tried, Xinwang's ability was always limited to a range of one kilometer.

Nervous and unable to think of any reason, Liu Xu scolded Thor again, asking if the lightning ability he gave was flawed.

In the end, the answer made Liu Xu very frustrated. It was not because of his lack of ability, but because of his lack of strength.

Liu Xu endured this "humiliation" with anger, and desperately improved his lightning ability.

Unfortunately, all the way was calm, and there was no chance for him to absorb the power of lightning. He could only extract the thin element of lightning from the air, accumulating power little by little.

"Well, the next step is to comprehend the Zilei sword technique."

If you can master it, you will be "the world's number one swordsman"!

What a cool name that sounds.

The most important part of Zilei's sword technique is the sword intent. The sword method is dead, and only by comprehending the sword intent can the attack power increase dramatically.

The comprehension of sword intent cannot be accomplished overnight, even if one has a higher platform than ordinary people, one needs to understand and comprehend step by step.

On the road of swordsman, I don't know how many people can hardly reach the realm of swordsman in their whole life, but there are still many people who have entered this rank one after another.

Close your eyes and devote yourself to the practice of Zilei Saber Technique.

In this world, his thunderbolt ability and Zilei sword technique are his greatest reliance. Only by constantly practicing hard can he lay the foundation for the future destruction of the world.

However, things are always so coincidental, and God is always so pitiful.

The hull suddenly shook violently, causing him to wake up suddenly from the practice, dumbfounded.

The wine barrels, fruits, rice, raw meat and vegetables in the granary were scattered all over the place, the hull swayed from side to side, and the inclination angle was large.

"Is it going to capsize?"

I can't believe that Garp's main ship can still encounter such a situation?Could it be that a storm is coming?

At the thought of capsizing, Liu Xu shook his body violently, and ran straight to the deck. The boat was about to capsize, and it would be fools not to run.

However, when he got to the deck, he was stunned.

At the bow, a burly man with both hands keeps throwing black spheres. After careful identification, they look like cannonballs!

Beside him, a team of marines was constantly busy, sending box after box of shells to the man for his use.

Fist bone. Meteorite!

This name flashed in his mind, causing Liu Xu to walk over in a hurry. Which unlucky guy provoked him?

"Lieutenant General Garp, what are you doing?"

Walking to the other side, looking in the direction of the cannonball, there was a pirate ship about [-] meters long, with a white skull on the flag, and two red scimitars hooking the skull's eye sockets.

On the pirate ship, the pirates in different costumes are busy running, and the helmsman controls the ship to make all kinds of difficult sharp turns and accelerations.

Karp didn't answer his words, and looked at the pirate ship sternly, while the pirate ship was still throwing cannonballs, and the pirate ship was dodging dangerously. The cannonballs exploded on the sea next to the hull, causing a water column.

"Lubada Pirates, a passable pirate group in the East China Sea, captain Lubada has a bounty of [-] million Baileys."

The major next to Garp explained kindly, thinking to himself, this should be the first time they encountered pirates on the main ship, right?


Chapter 2302

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu racked his brains and thought, it seems that he has never heard of this pirate group!

Could it be a trick?It should be a bad pirate group, right?

"Lieutenant General Karp, please allow me to represent the first team."

After paying a standard military salute, Liu Xu looked upright, ready to shed his blood for justice at any time.

Garp paused, turned his head and asked strangely: "Liu Xu, is the first team going to play?"

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