As if thinking of something, he laughed and said, "Yes, there is still a fighting squad, why am I so anxious to make a move!"

After speaking, he turned around and sat down, took out a bucket of donuts and started to struggle.

The plot turned so fast that Liu Xu couldn't get used to it all at once.

Sure enough, after more than a week, I still couldn't adapt to this sudden change.

"Liu Xu, let's go!"

In a daze, another rough voice sounded, it was Kerklov, behind him were ten members of the first team, and the thin red-haired team leader, Major Odinto.

"team leader!"

Liu Xu was puzzled, it seems that the first team is not on duty today, right?Don't tell me your old man is going to be a free labor force again?

Kerklov grinned, slapped him on the shoulder hard, and said, "Let's go, witness the moment when the first team is the strongest battle team!"

On his body, there is no previous nervousness, no previous carelessness, but a condensed fighting spirit!

With eleven people behind him, no one will question his decision at this time, the battle knife is ready and ready to go!

With the intervention of the first team, the helmsman naturally increased the speed of the main ship and chased the Lubada Pirates ahead!

Ropes, ladders, and equipment needed for melee landing.

The navy's standard samurai sword is the most effective in close combat. The blade is shimmering and made of fine steel.

The ten first-class team members are ready, Kerklov and the vice-captain Major Odinto are ready for battle, the speed of the main ship is gradually increasing, and it will soon be able to catch up with the Lumbarda Pirates.

"Captain, give me a chance to show off."

Liu Xu stared at the pirate ship opposite. In his eyes, that pirate ship was Bailey, at least millions of Baileys.

Kerklov laughed, and said, "Liu Xu, you have to get used to it for the first time in a battle. Remember not to rush for quick success."

"Captain, you old man is slowly swaying, I will dodge first."

Liu Xu said the words to death all of a sudden, his body quickly elementalized, turning into purple lightning and flying towards Lubada's pirate ship.

All of a sudden, Kerklov yelled in anger, and slashed at the guardrail with the standard katana.

"Liu Xu, did you forget the moment I spoke to you? Captain leave it to me!"

Major sighed deeply, Captain, he has already run away, you old man, please rest!

The ability of elementalization can fly freely in the sky, which is one of the abilities of Thunderbolt, and the speed is very fast.

Speed ​​of light!


In the blink of an eye, before savoring the thrill of flying, someone has landed on the opponent's pirate ship, forming a five-meter-diameter lightning net under the hood, covering the two unresponsive pirates. Inside, a hundred thousand volts of electricity entered their bodies instantly.

"Ah la la... oh!"

The two pirates trembled and uttered a series of weird screams with their mouths open. There was a faint black smoke from their bodies accompanied by a burning smell.

The other pirates were taken aback, mother, what is this lump that suddenly appeared?

Is it a new navy weapon?

The unknown made them a little overwhelmed, and no one tried to save the two companions.

"It's an ability user of the navy!" said a pirate holding a red scimitar in both hands.

He was wearing a rather gorgeous suit and a black and yellow cape. He was about [-] meters tall and about [-] years old.

The Captain of the Lubata Pirates - Lubata!


The pirates shouted, and they were startled when they heard the ability users of the navy. Damn, are all the ability users of the navy so wretched?Fight without saying hello?It's really the same as Kapu's bastard, throwing shells without saying hello in advance...

"Captain, what should we do?" The pirates asked loudly, wouldn't this wretched guy just keep being elemental?Then how to fight?

The captain Lubada grinned and said, "Bring some sea tower stones and give me the original shape of this thing."

Hailoushi, the nemesis of devil fruit ability, once touched Hailoushi, the whole body will be powerless, just like entering the sea, it will be slaughtered by others.

A powerful being like a golden lion, when Hailoushi's handcuffs landed on his hands, he could only admit that he was unlucky, and obediently grabbed his hands.

The pirates were ecstatic when they heard this, and they made you shy, and killed you later.

Just as he was about to take out the treasured palm-sized Hailou Stone, a dozen ropes suddenly appeared on the railing on the deck, and the ship shook violently and moved quickly to one side.

At the same time, a dozen ladders were erected on the guardrail.

"Navy! Fight!"

The pirates turned their heads to look, exclaimed, and then took out their weapons, including meteor hammers, scimitars, swords, iron chains, and all kinds of weapons.


A group of team members on the main ship ran over from the ladder shouting loudly, and quickly entered the battle.

The vice-captains have already fought first, how can they fall behind?

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The battle broke out, and Kirklov jumped down from the ladder, slashing down with his huge katana.

Lubada's eyes were gloomy, and he crossed two scimitars above his head, blocking the opponent's samurai sword.

This resistance made his body shorter, and the gloom in his eyes became more intense.

"What a powerful force!"

Lubada let out a low cry in his heart, and his hands were constantly increasing their strength to resist the opponent's samurai sword.

However, the opponent's force value is very high, and he is not an opponent in a mere competition of physical strength.

Suddenly, Lu Bada used his right hand to force, and with his left hand, he withdrew the machete, and slashed horizontally towards the opponent's stomach.

Kirkloff's arm strength increased, but he didn't mean to dodge the machete.


Chapter 2303 Are there any women who have stumbled in the world of One Piece?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Iron block!"


The scimitar came into intimate contact with the stomach, and what appeared was not scarlet blood, but a crisp and pleasant sound, the sound was like chopping on steel.

Lubada only felt pain like a tiger's mouth was torn apart, and his arms were slightly numb, and he was even more surprised. What is this person's body made of?Why is it so hard? Hard?

Without much time to think, the Kirkloff katana slashed sharply and slashed parallel from his side.

The danger was approaching, and the opponent only had time to grit his teeth and curse inwardly, and the scimitar in his right hand was blocked by his side.

Kerklov's strength was really strong, and under this block, his body flew out and slammed into the mast hard.

And Liu Xu, who enveloped the two pirates, felt that it was almost the same. The two pirates were already dead, so they immediately lifted the elementalization, and quickly got up from each other's body, but just happened to see Lubada The moment of being beaten.

"My Bailey!"

Liu Xu elementally crossed his hands and clawed in the direction of Lubada, and the purple lightning crackled, forming crossed paw prints and flying forward.

Lubada, who had just suffered a heavy blow, was struck by lightning on his chest before he could stand up.

The thunder claws tore his skin like a sharp weapon, forming a cross claw print, and the thunder and lightning stopped the blood flow in an instant, forming a pitch-black scar.

"Liu Xu, this is mine."

Kerklov was in a hurry. Didn't he agree that the captain would give it to him?

But Liu Xu turned his head and said, "Captain, you only want Yao Ming to bully Guo Jingming..."


"Uh, you have the nerve to bully a dwarf?"


Kerklov petrified.

dwarf?Bully?The other party is [-] meters tall, and I am [-] meters tall. Uh, there is a difference of one meter. Your sister is really short.

"Captain, I'm here to help you."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he couldn't wait to turn his hands into elements again. This head is worth [-] million yuan. Even if he is a member of the navy, he must have at least [-] million Baileys, right?

Oh, what a vampire the Navy is, for skimping so much.

However, five million is still a lot of money, and you can find a woman at least ten times.

Liu Xu has always wanted to know, are there any women who have lost their way in the world of One Piece?

So many energetic men, don't they need women?

Is it...

This is too evil!

However, Kerklov was obviously not so easy to fool when he was fighting, and he roared: "Liu Xu, don't fool me, I will bully him for being a dwarf!"

Liu Xu is sweating profusely, you are still so confident in bullying a dwarf?Is your old man's face made of city walls?Bullets can't pierce, missiles can't blast?

Lubada was distressed, and she shed tears silently in her heart. You two bastards have said so much, who cares about my feelings?Who wants to be a dwarf?By the way, I'm not short!

Regarding the final ownership of the captain, the two reached an agreement, or an order was issued.

As the captain, Kerklov directly asked someone to deal with those miscellaneous soldiers. He called it the first battle, enjoy it, and cherish it.

"Ugly old fox."

Liu Xu choked out a word, and turned around depressed to deal with those little pirates.

Ordinary pirates are of course ordinary people, some may be farmers who can call themselves pirates by picking up a hoe, and some may be carpenters who can call themselves pirates by picking up a hammer.

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