Except for one captain who has a little strength, the other members of the Lumbarda Pirates seem to be ordinary people, ordinary people full of evil spirits.

Facing the well-trained first team, they ran into the cabin like a tidal wave.

There were not many members of the pirate group, only more than forty people, and they were easily laid down on the ground by the members of the first team, and tied them up with ropes.

This battle seems too simple.

Liu Xu quickly searched for the target, surrounded by fallen pirates, it seemed that none of the pirates could make him fight.

This situation made him almost unbearable, grabbed his hair and said angrily: "Captain, you are too despicable."

Back on the deck where the two were fighting, Liu Xu simply squatted down on one side, watching their battle eagerly.

Knowing that the opponent's body is tough, Lubada became wary this time, and no longer attacked the seemingly hard parts, but attacked the eyes, mouth, ears and other relatively fragile places.

The change in tactics allowed Lubada to regain a little initiative. The two scimitars swung quickly, forming an airtight knife net in front of him. It seemed that the momentum was not bad.

And he can always avoid the opponent's attack very cleverly, and seems to know the opponent's next move.

Being one meter taller than the opponent has an advantage in strength, but is inferior in agility.

Kirklov's samurai sword was constantly slashing, and the power of the Navy's Sixth Form was not fully grasped. If it was fully grasped, Lubada in front of him might be able to lose his combat effectiveness with just one blow.

The battle was stalemate, Kirklov's strength, Lubarda's agility, both sides had their own strengths.

"Finger gun!"

With one slash, the Lubada scimitar quickly resisted, but at this moment Kerklov suddenly concentrated all his strength on the index finger of his left hand, and poked it with one finger.

Lubada felt that the power on the samurai sword was reduced, and he was overjoyed. As for the finger, he completely ignored it. What do you want to do with a finger?Don't you want to move the whole world with one finger?

It was such a negligence that he paid the price, the finger gun hit his shoulder blade, and there was a clear audible sound of bone shattering.


Lubada let out a cry of pain, and under the power of the finger gun, his body flew upside down again, hitting the deck hard.

The deck was hit with cracks by Lubarda, showing how powerful the finger gun just now was.

The fighting among the other members of the first team has stopped, and except for a few injured, no one died.

However, many members of the Lumbarda Pirates have become dead under the knife, and more than a dozen were directly captured.


Chapter 2304

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Liu Xu, do you really want to fight?"

Major knelt down beside him, there should be no suspense in this battle.

Hit by the attack of the finger gun, the bones were shattered, and the combat effectiveness dropped sharply. Lubada had only one ending: he was thrown into the submarine prison, or he was killed.

Liu Xu nodded depressedly, and said: "The captain is too shameless, obviously I got on the boat first, so I should choose first."

The corner of Mei Jie's mouth twitched, Liu Xu, you are still a little too tender, how could the captain, a violent man, give you the best fat?

"Liu Xu, he is the captain. There is nothing shameless or shameless. As long as the pirates can be eliminated, no one cares."

Liu Xu was taken aback, Comrade Mei Jie, how come your awareness is so high?Could it be that Kong has the strength to kill some miscellaneous soldiers every day?How boring is life to do this?

"Majer, my personal opinion is different. I think that I need enough strength to maintain justice. Now my strength needs to be improved, and I need to fight more enemies and more masters to improve my strength, Uphold justice in my heart."

Do you want to uphold the justice in your heart?

Major chuckled, the navy is the representative of justice, what else needs to be said?

Kirklov walked towards Lubarda, the cruciform scar and the sturdy figure of nearly three meters made him look like a god of war who had returned from hell, majestic, violent, and bloodthirsty.

"End your sinful life!"

Kirklov's declaration of the end, the samurai sword was raised and chopped down.

A knife that is sure to win, a knife with mighty power!


The samurai sword slashed heavily on the deck, making everyone stunned. What's going on?He escaped?

Kirklov was also stunned, his face full of disbelief, how could this bastard grasp the timing so well?

Just now, when he slashed down, Lubada seemed to have known his attack route.

"It's not a good habit to lose your mind during battle."

Lubada said viciously, the scimitar had already been cut down.

"Iron block!"

It is another defensive move in the Sixth Naval Style. Kerklov's body is like hard, fine iron, and the scimitar cuts on the body without leaving even a trace.

Immediately, he turned around quickly, slashing out with the samurai sword again and again.

Although Lubada can't use his left hand, his right hand can still be used. Kirklov's continuous attacks have little effect on him, and he can always avoid the attack one step ahead.

"Have you seen the color domineering?"

Lubada's situation made Liu Xu deeply suspicious. This guy can't be a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and has a sense of domineering, right?

In other words, are there any masters who have forked off their own arms?Do you want to learn from Shanks with red hair?

"Finger gun!"

The samurai sword's attack lost its effect, and Kerklov just adopted the Navy's six-style attack, the most direct attack.

The speed of the gun is very fast, with the same power and speed as the bullet.

When the opponent made this move, Lubada was already determined to avoid it, but he still failed after all, at the speed of the pointing gun.

The scapula of his right arm was also hit, and Lubada's heart was ashes as he lost his fighting power. Is he still fighting?

"Suffer to death!"

The attack of the finger gun had an effect, and Kerklov laughed loudly, kicked the opponent out with a kick.

Liu Xu, who was squatting on the deck, suddenly opened his eyes and said loudly, "Thank you, Captain."

As he said that, he sprang up, raised his hands elementally above his head, and the dense lightning was released from it, forming a five-meter-long purple saber above his head.

The purple war knife exudes a dazzling light, making the people on the deck unable to help close their eyes.

"Ten million volts. Thunder Knife!"

The saber slashed down, and the target was Lubada flying towards him!

The current of [-] million volts is already Liu Xu's most powerful attack move.

The purple war knife slashed on Lubada's back, and even cut the opponent in half abruptly. The powerful electric current instantly evaporated the blood, leaving only the charred corpse that was turned into two halves.

His movements were so fast that Kirklov had already ended the fight before he could react.

The eyeballs of the dozen or so captives on the pirate ship popped out, and their mouths opened wide.


A pirate burst into tears, and his head kept hitting the deck with a loud "bang bang". The captain died, and their pirate group was disbanded.

From now on, happy days will say goodbye to them.

The pirate didn't realize that they had been caught by the navy, and it was still a big question whether they could leave the prison alive.

Liu Xu was puzzled, brother, it's not you who died when the captain died, what are you crying about?

"Shut him up."

Liu Xu said in a relaxed and cheerful manner that the purple saber had been transformed into basic lightning energy and absorbed by him again. The energy of lightning is very precious and should not be wasted casually. It is a shameful act to waste it.

One of the team members walked over and patted the back of the head, completely stopping the screaming pirate.

"Liu Xu, you stole my food."

The shadow pressed down from behind, and the strong body nearly three meters high gave people the illusion of looking up from a high mountain.

Liu Xu's body went numb from top to bottom. The voice was too resentful. Didn't he steal something from you? As for it?

Liu Xu, who succeeded in grabbing the head, turned around and said righteously: "Captain, didn't you ask me to end him? You kicked him over, did you forget?"


Kerklov dumbfounded?How is this different from the script?Shouldn't he look remorseful and ask for his forgiveness?

Well, it seems that he really kicked it by himself.

Thinking about it this way, Kerklov is petrified, why is there such a big oolong in this world?

Kerklov, who couldn't think of any words to refute, could only put away his samurai sword, clenched his hands into fists, looked at Liu Xu with a cough, and said, "Well, the battle is over, drag the boat and the pirates back."

It is very necessary to clean up the battlefield, otherwise there will be a lot of marine garbage on this deep blue sea.


Chapter 2305 Madeline Yinggong

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Well, did you hear that, hurry up and clean it up! Bastard, what are you doing in a daze, why did you go to the usual training?"

Liu Xu yelled at some of the team members, and then elementalized quickly jumped back to the main ship.

Kirklov's body is stiff, why is this kid like a human being?

Back on the main ship, Liu Xu walked directly to Karp who was fighting the donuts.

"Lieutenant General Garp, the first team has returned from a perfect mission, please review."

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