Garp raised his head, biting a donut full of doubts in his mouth, and said, "Huh? Is it over?"

"Yes, Lieutenant General Garp!" Liu Xu said seriously, but suddenly his eyes rolled, and when he was sure no one was paying attention to this place, his face suddenly changed, and he said with a smile: "Lieutenant General Garp, the head of Lubada It's worth [-] million, how much Bailey can I get if I kill him?"

Garp grinned and said vaguely with a donut in his mouth: "Liu Xu, you're still thinking about Bailey. Uh huh, up to a million, and the rest goes to the Navy headquarters."


The breeze was blowing, and someone only felt that his heart was cold, and it had been fragmented.

"One million? God, where's your integrity at the Navy Headquarters? Did it drop?"

Liu Xu was deeply saddened. For one-tenth of the reward, the navy only paid one-tenth of the reward for killing pirates. Does this make people live?

"Hmph, is this a navy or a pirate? No, my young master's money is not easy to swallow, and one day you will pay back the principal with interest."

Bailey's light was shining in Liu Xu's eyes, and many pirates felt a chill down their backs for no reason. Is this someone thinking about it?

Suddenly, Garp stood up and looked at the team members who had packed up the battlefield and dragged the pirate ship back.

"By the way, Liu Xu, your performance this time is very good. But, you kid is too unkind, don't you know what teamwork is? Don't you know how to obey orders?"

Speaking of the latter, he roared, the muscles in his right hand swelled, his fist turned black, and he punched down.

Liu Xu's heart was beating wildly, and he was armed with a domineering look. Karp, who was known as the strongest armed and domineering man, how heavy was his punch?

Elementalization has no effect, the fist is very fast, and there is almost no possibility of evasion.

Closing his eyes, he silently waited for Garp's punch, which brought a whirring sound.


After a while, I still didn't feel any pain. I quietly opened one eye, only to see Garp's fist on the opposite side was less than five centimeters away from his chest, and it had returned to its original color.

Looking forward, I saw a bubble popping out of Karp's nose, which fluctuated in size and size.

"Lieutenant General Garp, it's the first time I found you so cute when you were sleeping."

With a low cry, Liu Xu jumped into the cabin and ran back to his room.

When he ran into the cabin, Garp opened his eyes, with a strange expression on his face, and said to himself: "What did I do just now?"

Although the surrounding navies are used to it, they still can't help but want to complain.

"Lieutenant General Garp, you just fell asleep again."

Karp touched his head and laughed.


Marin van Dou, Navy Headquarters!

Several warships in the distance are slowly approaching, and one of the dog-headed warships is very eye-catching!

When they docked, soldiers in blue and white navy uniforms disembarked in a mighty manner. Garp was at the forefront, and Liu Xu was half a body behind. This small detail can reveal the difference in status.

Liu Xu had already changed out of his navy soldier uniform and put on his own short casual clothes again. He has a handsome face, eyebrows like sharp swords, black hair, sharp facial contours, and dazzling starry eyes. .

"Liu Xu, have you remembered all the places I told you to pay attention to?"

Karp is very energetic this time, he may have a new rear admiral on board his ship, and it is a young rear admiral, who is also a little excited when he speaks.

Liu Xu nodded seriously, this will be his new beginning.

At least, the capital to live better in this world starts here.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Karp, I have already remembered it clearly!"

Karp grinned and laughed, "That's good, but don't let me down. Remember, even if you can't become a major general, you should try your best to stay in the Navy headquarters and learn the six naval styles."

Liu Xu nodded vigorously. The Sixth Form of the Navy is a supreme physical skill that exceeds the limit of human physical strength. If one can fully learn the Sixth Form of the Navy, one can gain a foothold in this world.

Karp led the way, and he stopped just after taking a few steps, frowning and looking ahead.

In front, there is a very beautiful and charming woman with long brown curly hair neatly trimmed, tall and tall, with eyebrows like a crescent moon, eyes like stars, a face like a hibiscus, a smile like a bewitching girl, a frown and a smile that touch people's hearts, stepping on red crystals under her feet. The high-heeled shoes perfectly set off her slender and straight calves. She wears red half-finger gloves with gold trim on her hands, which sets off her white and slender fingers. The red satin trench coat conceals her exquisite figure.

Beside him, more than a dozen men in suits and men in fierce suits wore sunglasses, and their eyes swept over the surrounding navy from time to time.


The navy behind him moved suddenly and knelt on the hard ground all of a sudden.

Liu Xu was stimulated by this, and a strange purple light shone in his bright starry eyes.

"The nobleman of the world, Madeline Yinggong." Garp said with a chuckle.

World nobles?

Dragon people?

Two nouns appeared in Liu Xu's mind. Is she the legendary descendant of the king?

But, why does she look... exactly like Yang Ying?

Did the baby also travel to the world of One Piece?

Liu Xu couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

When Madeline came to inspect the navy headquarters, everything around her didn't change at all from before, and the attitudes of the civilians didn't change either.

Even some generals will only bow their knees when they see themselves.

Suddenly, a burly figure caught her attention.


Chapter 2306 The Man Who Obtained The Supreme Throne

"Admiral Garp, the hero of the Navy? Huh? Who is this?"

Lieutenant Admiral Karp is no stranger to her. She can often see it in the Navy Headquarters, so she naturally knows it better.

He is also used to his "rudeness".

But, what does the man next to him mean?

Looking at the past, the eyes collided, and the other party's strange eyes shining with purple light made her heart skip a beat, this man is different.

He didn't bow his knees, and he didn't pretend to be deliberate. Everything was very ordinary, and he looked at himself as if he were looking at an ordinary person.

Moving her lotus steps lightly, Madeline walked towards the two of them with graceful steps.

"Lieutenant General Karp, long time no see."

She was the first to speak from a long distance away, and the faces of a dozen men in black suits behind her were stern, maintaining their usual indifference.

In the eyes of the nobles of the world, they are always just ants. As long as the eldest lady is happy, everything is fine.

"Miss Madeline, it's been a long time."

Cap grinned broadly, as if he was no stranger to her.

Liu Xu became even more curious. Could it be that there is some ulterior secret between the two of them?

Nima, Yang Ying is his own woman.

First it was my wife, and then my girlfriend, even though they failed to have sex both times due to various reasons.

Madeline raised her eyebrows frivolously, raised her chin slightly, thoughtfully, and said meaningfully: "I'm afraid Lieutenant General Garp doesn't want to see me? I'm the clansman you call trash."

Lieutenant General Garp's body trembled, his smile stopped abruptly, and the muscles on his face were stiff.

"Miss Madeline, you are an exception."

Karp said something awkwardly, how does this girl know so much?

Madeline didn't argue with him too much, her beautiful eyes seemed to glance at Liu Xu unintentionally, and said, "This is?"


Garp grabbed someone who was looking at the beauty's lifelike figure, hooked his hands around the other's neck and said with a smile, "Well, this is Liu Xu, who is here for the rear admiral assessment, a very good boy."

"Hmm... Lieutenant General Garp, I can't breathe."

Liu Xu's face was flushed, and his brain was short of oxygen.


The body quickly became elemental, and the purple electric light lit up instantly, passing through Garp's arm with a dazzling electric light, standing aside, and returned to the deity's appearance.

A strange color flashed in Madeline's eyes, and she seemed to have no intention of asking: "Then, why didn't he kneel down when he saw me?"


Garp froze again. It was a very serious crime for not kneeling when he saw the Tianlongren. Well, he was an exception.

What about Liu Xu?

For a while, Karp was a little troubled.

On the other side, Liu Xu frowned, and said, "Why do you have to kneel when I see you? What about the Tianlong people?"


Garp was shocked, and punched him in the past.

Liu Xu became elemental again, and the purple lightning flashed and dodged in an instant.

Sweat dripped down Karp's forehead, why did this kid talk without thinking, offending the Tianlongren, there is no good fruit to eat, brat.

"court death!"

A dozen or so men in black suits became angry in an instant, and they were about to rush forward with a shock of footsteps.


Madeline's words made more than a dozen big men stop, and instantly returned behind her, like cute cats.

She moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked over with her arms around her chest, with a little smile on the corner of her mouth, showing elegance, making people's eyes change with her every move.

"It's really interesting. I'm the nobleman of the world you call me, Tianlongren Madeline Yinggong."

Tianlong people, the world nobles of Mariejoa, the holy place in One Piece, are descendants of the 800 kings who established the world government 20 years ago. The same air while wearing a bubble hood and casually treating people of other races as slaves.

With all the privileges, once offended, the Admiral of the Headquarters must defend it with all his might.

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