It's a group of guys who see themselves as great and are called the biggest trash by people.

Of course, Zheng said to Garp: "Madeline is an exception."

This can be seen from her not wearing a bubble hood.

It is also worth mentioning that the male Tianlongren will add the word "Holy" after the name, while the female Tianlongren will add the word "Gong" after the name to show their greatness.

"Liu Xu, destined to become a pirate...the nemesis, the man who won the supreme throne."

"The Supreme Throne? Interesting, work hard!"

After Madeline finished speaking, she turned and left, and a dozen big men followed behind her respectfully.

When the other party left, Garp breathed a sigh of relief, and touched the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead.

"Liu Xu, you almost played yourself to death, ahaha..."

"Why is Yang Ying here?"

"Yang Ying?"

"Um, Madeline, who is she?"

"Madeline, the world's noble celestial dragon, is the princess of one of the many celestial dragon families, and the future heir to the patriarch. A unique celestial dragon, very unique."

Garp looked at the distant figure of the other party with infinite emotion.

"Unique? Of course unique, there is only one baby in the world."

Liu Xu was powerless to complain, and up to now he only knew the identity of the other party's Tianlongren, and he didn't know anything else.

But the problem is, it doesn't need to be said by Karp at all.

"Stop talking so much, check and check."

Garp opened his mouth wide, saliva flying around.

Liu Xu evaded without a trace, followed behind him, and walked towards the interior of the legendary navy's most sacred place.


"Warring States, this is the Liu Xu I told you about."

Garp sat at the long table bored, a plate of senbei was placed in front of him, and he ate one bite at a time.

The Warring States of Buddha, the highest authority in the navy, the marshal!

A pair of funny frog eyes, a long beard on the chin tied into a twist, a gorgeous navy admiral uniform, and a justice coat draped over his body majestic.

Wearing a white sun hat with MARIE written on his head, a seagull with outstretched wings stands on the hat, which symbolizes the navy.


Chapter 2307 Anyway... everyone is electricity

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Well, the overall image is hilarious.

Liu Xu judged his image all of a sudden. A normal person wouldn't be dressed like this, would he?

It's easy to say, what does that seagull mean?You can get a seagull badge!

Zhan Guo looked at Liu Xu with a strange expression. He had already known about this person's existence through the phone bug earlier, and had a certain understanding of his strength.

The selection of rear admirals, in addition to those who have made great contributions through military exploits, can also achieve such achievements by proving their strength.

"Let me see what kind of power he has?"

Sengoku's request was reasonable, and Garp agreed with a yawn, rubbed his eyes and stood up.

"Liu Xu, get ready to fight to the death with the two major generals!"

Liu Xu nodded, he was already mentally prepared.

When Liu Xu was about to stand up, Zhan Guo suddenly said, "No, you don't need to practice with other major generals, it's fine here. Let me see how far your lightning fruit ability is."

Now not only Liu Xu was puzzled, but also Garp.

"Warring States!"

Frowning, he didn't want the person he brought to be said to have become a major general through nepotism, that would be a huge insult to him.

With a weird smile on the corner of Zhan Guo's mouth, he said, "Thunder and lightning damage is too great. I'm afraid that you will either die or be injured during the battle. Let me verify it directly. Liu Xu, unleash your greatest power."

This reason seems to make sense, Liu Xu doesn't care anymore, anyway... electricity is electricity to everyone.

The lightning ability began to condense, and there was a dazzling purple electric light "cracking" around him, and the arcs drew a series of dazzling arcs around him. The most eye-catching thing was his pair of eyes that shone with a strange purple light.

"Ten million volts. Thunder Knife!"

The hands were elementalized and raised above the head, and dense purple lightning was released from the hands to form a five-meter-long purple sword.

The target locked on the Warring States period, the sword trembled slightly, and the purple lightning "cracked" sound.


Warring States suddenly shouted.

The lightning ability was released instantly, and the purple saber turned into lightning energy that was instantly absorbed by the body. Liu Xu stretched his body comfortably, and his bones cracked like roasted beans.

"Warring States, how?"

Garp has been paying attention, and when he shouted, he asked impatiently, which shows that his character is also in a hurry.

Warring States laughed, his twisted beard trembled.

"Cap, you found a treasure."

Um?This is passed?

Liu Xu's ears were very sharp, and he heard the most crucial sentence at once.

Karp laughed too, with his mouth open and exaggerated.

"Ahaha, I knew this kid could do it."

"Liu Xu, from now on, you will serve as the major general of the headquarters and carry out the justice of the navy. Someone will send you the major general's uniform later."

The face of the Warring States Period is serious. Adding a major general to the headquarters will increase the strength of the navy, which will play a very important role in the justice of the navy.

What's more, this is still a very young major general with a bright future.

"I've already delivered it."

A charming, noble and elegant voice came from the door, the door was pushed open, and a charming woman in a red satin trench coat came in, followed by a dozen men in black suits, one of whom was holding a white suit with both hands. costumes.


Liu Xu was surprised, why did she come in?

"Princess Madeline."

Warring States took a few steps forward and bowed slightly, a standard gentleman's courtesy.

Madeline nodded politely, and said: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, thank you for your hard work."

"We are happy to help."

As the Warring States said, he took a few steps back and kept a certain distance from the Tianlong people. This is a very important etiquette.

Madeline walked up to a certain person with a suspicious face, and suddenly stretched out her white and tender slender hand to caress the other person's face, slipped her hand to Liu Xu's chin and hooked it with her index finger, and then pulled her finger away.

"I'm getting more and more interested in you."


Liu Xu couldn't help but screamed out, what do you mean?interested?You are molesting in full view, aren't you?Even if you have come to this world, then I should be the one to conquer you!

"But it's not enough." Madeline ignored Liu Xu, turned around and walked out the door, a dozen of her subordinates followed behind her, "Put on your clothes, don't embarrass me."

"You are here to flirt!"

Liu Xu is petrified, he is indeed a combination of a goddess and a woman.

Karp and Sengoku frowned, and they had already entered petrification.

Princess Madeline, you are too much.

"Lieutenant General Garp, Marshal of the Warring States Period, do I look like someone who eats soft food?"

Liu Xu's eyes were dull, his neck was stiff and he turned his head, his voice was hoarse and lonely.

"It's not like it is, it seems like it is."

Garp said in a daze, and after he reminded him, he realized that your boy looks more and more like you!

"is it?"

The corners of Liu Xu's mouth trembled, and he picked up the Major General's uniform that was placed on the long table and walked out of the gate.

"Is he going to be okay?"

The psychological quality of the Warring States period is very hard, and he quickly recovered completely. In his opinion, everything just now was just a farce.

Karp hesitated, and laughed by laughing, "It's okay, you didn't see the bear like him just now, it's so funny."



The headquarters of the Navy was very quiet in the dark. Only the patrolling soldiers dutifully stood guard. The searchlights staggered back and forth to search for suspicious clues. The layers of huge waves on the sea were intercepted when they reached the harbor.

Liu Xu stood proudly on the tens of meters high wall.

Beside him, a set of clean white general uniforms were neatly placed.


After a long time, the sound from his stomach reminded him that it was time to eat.

Turning around, the large town of Marin Fando is brightly lit, and the people living there are all family members of the navy. There is a supreme defense here, and the naval headquarters stationed by countless generals, their lives and safety are guaranteed to the greatest extent.

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