
Chapter 2308 I'm really not a softie!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Liu Xu, why are you here?"

Garp came over wearing a windbreaker. It was cold in Marin Fondo at night, and the sea breeze was blowing from all over the sea.

Great waterway, not many stable areas.

Liu Xu grinned and said, "Where else can I be?"

Maybe it's because this is the person he likes, or maybe it's because the characters are relatively similar, and Karp is surprisingly tolerant of him.

"You won't be struggling here, right? Madeline's personality is like this, you don't have to worry about it so much, since you haven't eaten all day."

Speaking of this matter, Liu Xu became depressed, and said with a mournful face: "Lieutenant General Garp, I don't want to, I really can't find a place to eat. I have given up on Marin Fanduo, and restaurants can't just go in Bar?"

Cap was taken aback, then burst out laughing.

"Liu Xu, you can't find a place to eat."

Hands patted each other's shoulders, Garp laughed until tears came to the corners of his eyes, and his waist bent down.

Iron Fist Karp's arm is very powerful, making a "bang bang" sound.

Liu Xu grinned his teeth in pain. He hadn't eaten for a day, and his physical energy was almost exhausted.

"Lieutenant General Garp, I'll be dead if I keep fighting."

Garp patted again hard and retracted his palm, his chest heaved and he gasped with his mouth open.

"Liu Xu, I, I'll take you to eat, eat."

"Don't, don't worry. Let me ask you something. Where did you learn the six naval styles you told me earlier?"

How can you not learn physical skills such as the Sixth Form of the Navy that surpass human physical ability?Is that still worthy of the support of the people?

Garp coughed a few times, the laughter finally stopped, his eyes were full of pride, and he said: "The officer part of the Navy Six Style Headquarters will use it, it is a very powerful physical skill, I will find someone to guide you. The six styles of the navy are divided into finger gun, haze foot, shaving, paper painting, moon step, iron block, both offensive and defensive..."

The history of the six types of the Navy is constantly told from his mouth, and at the same time, he also tells the various mysteries about the domineering and domineering powerhouses in the world.

Familiar names came into his ears one after another. Although Liu Xu had already seen anime and knew them, he still couldn't help opening his mouth.

Those strong men with arrogance, such as red-haired Shanks, white-bearded Edward, Pluto Rayleigh, etc., each have their own legends.

Their strength is not innate, but has been tempered.

Their achievements are obtained in the battle of blood and fire.

Their dreams, persistence, everything makes people's hearts surge.

The sea is magnificent and the seabed is full of endless murderous opportunities.

An adventurous man of the sea, a righteous marine.

Headquarters of the Navy, ahead is Pirates Paradise, the first half of the Great Channel and the major oceans.

Afterwards is the new world in the second half of the great channel full of dangers, where the four emperors rule the world. The four emperors sit in the new world and maintain the ruling power of their respective territories.

The new world is the greatest adventure and the best place to achieve success.

Liu Xu, he also has his own lofty goals. Liu Xu doesn't have the passion of a man and the enthusiasm for chasing dreams. He just wants to become stronger and die forever.

"It's really enviable, but I must be stronger than them."

Liu Xu couldn't help admiring.

Hearing this, Karp stopped speaking, and suddenly gave a thumbs up, with a smile on his resolute face, and the biggest crack opened to reveal the white and shiny teeth inside.

"Liu Xu, then you have to work hard!"

"I certainly will."

Liu Xu stood up straight with determination in his eyes.

Karp laughed, the young man let him see himself in the past, full of energy and imagination.

His life has been brilliant, a naval hero is the highest honor given to him by the Navy Headquarters.

"Then let's go and have dinner."

As soon as he talked about eating, Liu Xu's stomach protested unconvincingly.


His body was full of powerlessness, and hunger caused his physical fitness to drop rapidly.

"If you don't say, I'm going to starve to death."

After complaining a little, Liu Xu picked up the navy uniform next to him and swung the coat of justice on it.

The coat of justice is very simple and neat, and the word "justice" is dazzling.

Only lieutenant officers are eligible to wear this overcoat marked with the word "justice" and standard uniforms, and officers of major and above can wear the overcoat of "justice" with civilian clothes.

It can be seen that the hierarchy in the Navy is very strict, and there are strict requirements for dress code.

Wearing a coat over his body and wearing black and white casual shorts, his majesty reveals a touch of ease and approachability.

"Lieutenant General Cap, where is the restaurant? And where am I staying tonight? You won't sleep on the street, will you?"

After three questions in a row, the two walked towards the fortress. The soldiers along the way looked surprised. They had never seen such a young general before!

"A dedicated room has been arranged for you, and you can practice your soldiers starting tomorrow."

Those above the rank of major in the navy will have their own warships, but there are differences in size.

The major general's warship is also large enough to accommodate thousands of soldiers, and the ship will also be equipped with various medical staff and chefs.

It is rare for a general like Garp to have few soldiers on the main ship, but the number of naval soldiers on the other warships in his fleet is terrifying.

"Liu Xu, the food in the Navy Headquarters is delicious. There are top chefs making all kinds of delicacies. The rice is fragrant and soft, which is very good."

Liu Xu jumped up when he heard the following words, and said, "Lieutenant General Garp, I really don't eat soft food!"

"Ahaha, why are you so excited? Didn't tell you."

"...You bastard!"

The food in the navy headquarters is much better than other places, especially for officers above generals, and there are special dining restaurants.

The generals above the major general are already the representatives of high combat power in the headquarters, and the navy will naturally not treat these people who make the navy stronger.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2309 Yang Ying recovered her memory?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The restaurant is brightly lit, and from the entrance, a fine-haired red carpet runs through the entire restaurant like a demonic satin, splitting into branches in the middle and entering under each table.

The crystal chandelier with broken diamonds on the ceiling on the top casts a faint soft light, making the whole restaurant look elegant and quiet.

Soft saxophones filled the restaurant like an invisible smoke.

Violet flowers exude bursts of fragrance, neither strong nor demonic.

Such a restaurant full of elegance and tranquility is a kind of reward for the subordinates of the Navy headquarters, and it is also to allow the generals of the headquarters to maintain the best condition at any time.

It's just that the environment is elegant, noble and intoxicating.

But people are not so suitable for the scene, they can always destroy such a beautiful environment.

The man drifting on the sea and the admirals who are fighting against pirates all day long do not have the leisure to experience the beauty of this place.

Food, they are not used to taste, to appreciate the taste of it carefully, but to eat, it is such a rough word that can describe their state.

Doing as the Romans did, Liu Xu, like those generals, ate meat and drank heavily.

"Liu Xu, hahahaha, you really surprised me."

Garp was already three points drunk, took a huge draft beer mug and poured the golden liquid inside into his mouth in one gulp, and belched contentedly.

With a piece of meat in his mouth, Liu Xu swelled his mouth, and said in a vague way: "Well, I will definitely do it, well, I will succeed! I will be the strongest in the future, well, strong."

After finally swallowing the food in his mouth, Liu Xu took a few gulps from the cup and finally exhaled a foul breath.

"Bang bang bang..."

The dining table was slapped loudly, and Garp's unbridled laughter came.

"Hahaha, Liu Xu, you, you are the future, the strongest in the future? Hahaha, it's too bad, I laughed so hard."


Liu Xu frowned, Lieutenant General Garp, you are too shameless.

If you continue to behave like this, when brother dies, I won't leave a place for you by my side!

Standing up, Liu Xu's eyes were firm, his mouth revealed a confident arc, and he raised his fist high above his head as if declaring a sentence that would be widely circulated by countless people in the future.

"Lieutenant General Garp, in the future, everything is possible. I, Liu Xu, will definitely ascend to the highest throne."

In the future, anything is possible.

This sentence gave Karp a deep shock. What kind of future does this kid yearn for?

The hustle and bustle in the restaurant stopped abruptly, and there was silence.

Everyone looked at their table. What was the boy next to Lieutenant General Garp talking about? Why was he so nostalgic?

In the past, they also came to the Navy headquarters with enthusiasm, but now, they are still fighting on the front line with enthusiasm.

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