Countless years of fighting have made them feel that their job is to uphold justice and catch pirates.

However, the pursuit of the dream has stopped for some time.

Garp closed the shock in his eyes, opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Liu Xu, the Navy Headquarters is a brand new stage for you, you have to make good use of it. Otherwise, the old man will beat you to death."

"Major General Liu Xu!"

Suddenly, a steady voice came from behind, low and powerful, but not scattered.

Liu Xu turned his head and saw two middle-aged men in black suits. The suits were bulged up by their knotted muscles. Every muscle was full of explosive strength. Their eyes were like torches, like cheetahs ready to go. .

I don't know, I don't know who these two people are at all, but why does this clothes look familiar?

Liu Xu was puzzled, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Major General Liu Xu, we are Princess Madeline's entourage, the princess invites you to come over, please come with us."

One of them opened his mouth to speak, his speech was extraordinary, and his breath was not weak.

Madeline, this name made a beautiful and noble woman flash in Liu Xu's mind, what is she looking for from him?

In short, it is not Yang Ying who recovered her memory.

"What is she looking for from me? Let me tell you a little bit."

The entourage was in a dilemma, but still maintained his demeanor, saying: "Major General Liu Xu, our entourage cannot know about the princess, please go over."

"No, how can I go if I don't know the purpose? What if she plots against me?"

Liu Xu vetoed it all at once, and when he thought of Yang Ying, he felt displeased with the general for a while, why should she be a Tianlong person after transmigrating, and he has no identity?

The follower is even more embarrassed, what should I do?

It seems that only the last trump card can be used.

"Major General Liu Xu, the following are the original words of our princess, ahem, inform Liu Xu to come to bed."


Garp sprayed, the eyeballs and chins of the others fell all over the floor, and Liu Xu's chin hit the back of his foot...


Tianlong people are nobles in the world, descendants of kings, and possess supreme power.

An heir of the Tianlongren family told a rear admiral of the navy headquarters to let him sleep, which was enough to become explosive news.

In the restaurant, a group of generals were completely dumbfounded.

Princess Madeline, why didn't your beautiful light shine on me?

Good cabbage is really going to make pigs arch?No, he's more of a jerk than a pig.

Karp took a sip of the wine directly to save face, adding a strong stroke to the already chaotic table.

"Madeline, she, she let me, let me, sleep with me?"

Liu Xu couldn't believe his ears, did Yang Ying really recover his memory?

The man in the suit nodded affirmatively. God knows he was in a cold sweat. I don't know if this major general will get mad!

"What's wrong! I have three thousand beauties in my harem, and my journey is the stars and seas. Let me sleep with you? Huh!" Liu Xu's voice became hoarse, with a hint of anger between his brows, and he changed the subject, "I'll go right away."

The man in the suit nodded, turned around and walked out of the restaurant.

Garp watched the three leave.


Chapter 2310 Say it first, I won't marry

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The room, the pink and white tone occupies the main theme, romantic and solemn temperament, the high entrance hall and the mahogany door with flower carvings, the round arched windows are full of grace and luxury, the white jade pillars stand at the four corners of the room, and the surrounding walls are all white stone bricks. Carved, gold-carved orchids bloom beautifully among the white stones.

The living room is separated from the bedroom by a purple bead curtain. There is a wide nanmu chair with a few bright jewels embedded in it, which is noble and refined, and there is a pot of white flower arrangements next to it.

The first two rows of four chairs are neatly arranged, and the temperament of the whole living room gives people a noble and elegant feeling.

The beautiful brown-haired woman leaned back, staring intently at the flower arrangement.

The door was pushed back, and a man in a short suit wearing a coat of justice appeared, looking around with his hands in his pockets.

The attendants in black suits outside the door gently closed the door, and no one was allowed to enter this room without an order.

"You came."

As soon as Liu Xu came in, Madeline inside already knew about it.

He followed the prestige and saw that familiar face and familiar attire.

"What are you looking for me for?"

Liu Xu didn't believe that she really asked him to sleep with her.

Madeline squinted at him, then returned her gaze to the flower arrangement.

"sit down."


Liu Xu walked to a chair on the side and sat down, specially choosing the direction opposite to the flower arrangement.

Looking from this direction, you can see her beautiful back, graceful and charming, every part of her body is just right, one point is too much, and one point is too little.

At this time, she is too noble and perfect, not because of her identity, but because of her temperament.

Madeline didn't intend to speak, she just looked at the white flower arrangement.

Liu Xu said, "Now can you talk?"

Madeline withdrew her eyes from the flower arrangement, changed her body and leaned slightly against the back of the chair, her eyes fell on this man, the corners of her mouth were tightly pursed, there was a touch of elegance and nobility on her face, her lower jaw was slightly raised, as if pointing something : "You appeared on a small island in the East China Sea, arrived at Windmill Town, and boarded Garp's warship. You don't want to be the squad leader, so you go directly to the major general assessment, right?"

Although doubtful, her words were very firm, and there was no doubt in the tone at all.

Liu Xu was confused, how did she find out about herself so clearly in one day?Are the intelligence systems of Tianlong people so developed?

"What's up with you?"

Madeline's eyes were still withdrawn from him, her slender fingers as white as jade lightly tapped on the armrest.

"What I said today will come true, you will be my man from now on."

"Aren't you going to be my woman?"

"You are really special."

"You are beautiful too, but let me tell you first, I won't marry you."

"I believe in my own vision, you don't have to feel inferior, you have the qualifications."

"Can I refuse?"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, which eye of yours saw me feeling inferior!


Madeline lightly tapped on the armrest, flatly denying it.

If it was a man, Liu Xu wouldn't think anything of it, but the problem is that it came from a woman, and he can only lament that this woman is too classy, ​​Queen Fan, how many men can bear it?

If it weren't for Yang Ying's pure and lovely appearance, Liu Xu would definitely think that she was pretending to be Fan Ye.

"What I choose, you obey. You can't refuse, I will give you everything you want, you just need to be obedient."

obey?obedient?Also, give me everything I want? Baby, did you get the word out?These lines should be said by me.

Liu Xu's complexion finally changed, and he stood up suddenly. He had encountered this kind of situation before, such as Lu Xueqi, such as Zhao Ling'er, who were all beauties in real bodies who traveled through the dimensional world and were dealt with by Liu Xu. But in this situation, It's really fresh.

"Madeline, I am not your follower, you can do whatever you want. I am a man, and I have my own pursuits. In the world of One Piece, what I pursue is the supreme throne. And what I pursue, I will rely on my own hands to get it. I accept your rudeness, and one day you will take it back yourself."

Surprise flashed across Madeline's eyes, but there was no expression on her face.

"Hustle? Pursuit? Then prove to me how far your arrogance can support you."

Breath, an indescribable breath appeared on Madeline's body, it didn't need any action, only her eyes were needed, her eyes were the best weapon.

Looking at the world, everything in the world seems to be in her eyes.

In her eyes, all things can only choose to surrender.

Liu Xu gritted his teeth, domineering!

Just now, he felt the presence of domineering.

Moreover, it is a kind of domineering that is not low in level.

"Unscientific! How can there be arrogance in the baby? She is not a baby, she is a baby with the attributes of Fan Ye, a general, the truth will not be true, in fact, Yang Ying was sent by you to destroy the world, and I just came to make soy sauce Right! Brother Chen, we are brothers! Did I really hurt your heart when I refused to let you bite me?"

Liu Xu's eyes rolled wildly in his heart. The opponent's dominance forced him to gradually change his state of mind. The easy-going attitude in his body was slightly subdued, replaced by unyielding, perseverance, persistence, and arrogance.

"A man of steel?"

Madeline silently watched the changes in him, this was unexpected, but within her expectations.

Liu Xu's changes lasted for a few minutes and finally stopped. He raised his head and his eyes were like lightning, and the strange dark purple lightning flashed in his eyes.

"I'll remember it, and the day I'm done is when you take those words back."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he turned around and walked straight towards the gate.

Madeline didn't stop her either, she didn't remember what she wanted to tell him until the other party left the room, and it seemed like she hadn't said it yet.

She frowned slightly, closing her eyes and thinking silently.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

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