Chapter 2311 The Youngest Rear Admiral

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The light blue sky and the sea breeze blowing slowly took away the worries of the soul, but disturbed the strands of hair between the eyebrows.

In a blink of an eye, a ray of red clouds appeared in the sky, and the white clouds reflected freely gradually turned red and spread.

The rising sun gradually rises from below the sea level, and the red clouds turn into golden beams that illuminate the earth.

The glittering golden light entered the headquarters, awakening the sleeping person.

On the edge of the port, the young man in the coat of justice looked at the ocean in the distance, and occasionally the waves beat on his face, but he didn't get up and leave.

After he came out of Madeline's room last night, he realized that it seemed that his residence hadn't been properly arranged, and he still didn't know where his own house was.

Each of the generals of the headquarters will be distributed to their own house, which may not be very spacious, but it is definitely enough to live in.

Since it was already late at night, Liu Xu didn't go to Garp to ask about it, and simply came to the port to watch the ebb and flow of the tide, so as to calm his mind a bit. As soon as he walked out of Madeline's room, he I regret it.

"Damn it, what happened to being reversed?"

"Xiaoshou is not bad either!"

"What's the matter with getting married?"

Liu Xu sighed.

"The position of the major general in the headquarters is very high, at least three ranks higher than the major generals in the local area. That is to say, if you go to the local area, you can directly order the major generals in the local area. This is the gap between the headquarters and the local area."


"Any Tianlong people can ask the generals of the headquarters to support them. As long as there is something that insults the Tianlong people, the generals of the headquarters will be dispatched to protect the glory of the world's nobles."

He stood up, stretched his waist comfortably, and heard the sound of "papa" like fried beans from all over his body. He patted his face to wake Liu Xu up, turned around and walked into the headquarters.

It was still the quiet restaurant, Karp and Liu Xu were at the same table.

"Liu Xu, didn't you last night?"

The ears of the people at the nearby tables were loose. Explosive news. What did this lucky kid do with Princess Madeline last night?This kid was actually favored by the perfect Princess Madeline.

Liu Xu smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Liu Xu, there is a banquet you want to attend today."

Cape didn't ask too much about what happened.

"Banquet? What banquet?"

Karp laughed, patted Liu Xu on the back hard, and said, "You are so lucky, you are so lucky that the Warring States wants to introduce you to the people in the headquarters."

"Lieutenant General Garp, he is dying."

Swallowing the food in his mouth quickly, Liu Xu looked depressed, could he not be so rude?

"Stop complaining, the banquet starts in the afternoon."

Karp smiled.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes, and ran away quickly after eating. If he stayed any longer, he might be photographed dead in the restaurant.

After finally making it to the afternoon, some generals in the coat of justice can be seen gradually gathering towards a certain place in the headquarters. will be wrong.

Sure enough, following these generals, Liu Xu soon arrived at a huge hall in the headquarters.

In the hall, several huge crystal lamps hang from the white ceiling, the white marble on the ground floor has been covered by a layer of red carpet, and more than a dozen round tables are arranged in rows.

The hall was crowded with people, and the one thing they had in common was that they all had a coat of justice on their bodies.This is a symbol of status and a symbol of strength and status.

The waiters shuttled back and forth in the crowd, placing all kinds of exquisite snacks, food and drinks on the round table.

No one sits at a table, and most people gather in small groups to chat and share their experiences.

And some people stood directly in the corner, looking at the bustling crowd calmly, and they didn't fit in with them.

Liu Xu's arrival attracted the attention of some people, and their curious eyes scanned him back and forth.

Seeing this, he could only smile awkwardly, tightened the justice coat on his body, saw only one person in one place, and slipped into the corner to hide.

Standing still and turning around, Liu Xu heaved a sigh of relief. Sometimes this kind of stare is more terrifying than any attack. Looking at them, he almost wants to slice himself up as a guinea pig.

"Are you nervous?"

A lazy and cold voice came from behind, causing Liu Xu in front to turn around curiously.


When he saw this man, he was really strange. He was tall, with a black afro head, thick lips, wearing a white suit vest and a dark blue shirt, with a green eye patch on his forehead, and he looked very lazy.

"Admiral Kuzan?"

This kind of dress appeared here again, it seems that there is no one else except this one, right?

Qingzhi yawned and said lazily, "Yes, you are today's protagonist, the youngest Rear Admiral Liu Xu?"

Liu Xu knew that the person in front of him looked very lazy, but he was a very calm, discerning person, and valued friendship.

And his understanding of "justice" is different from most navies, and he is a very special figure.

This person is good at everything. If there is a shortcoming, it should be that he is too lazy. He spends leisurely riding a bicycle on the ice track on the sea all day long. I have to say that this is a life that many people envy.

"Admiral Kuzan, please advise."


Qingzhi replied and stopped talking, leaned against the corner of the wall and pulled down the blindfold, it seemed that she wanted to broadcast live to sleep.

A general sleeps with a blindfold on, with no regard for his image.

A newly promoted major general, a future star.

When two people stand together, they are destined to attract everyone's attention.

From time to time, someone looked at them and pointed, which made Liu Xu so depressed that he almost vomited blood, as if he was being watched like a monkey.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long, and the Warring States appeared.


ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"

Chapter 2312

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


As soon as the Warring States period appeared, it became the focus of the entire hall.

The most powerful person in the navy stands in front of everyone. Beside him is a gray-haired old lady with pendant square earrings and a general's justice coat. The most eye-catching thing is her eyes, which are A pair of eyes full of wisdom.

Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Chief of Staff, Crane!

Sengoku looked at everyone in the entire hall and went straight to today's theme.

"Everyone knows about today's banquet, welcome to our new Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Liu Xu."

The speech was crisp and neat, without sloppy speech, and everyone's attention was turned to Liu Xu in one sentence.

He walked directly to the position of the Warring States, and said: "My colleagues, I am the newly promoted major general of the headquarters, Liu Xu, please give me your advice."

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Applause sounded, whether it was congratulations or perfunctory, thunderous applause constantly echoed in the hall.

The next thing is very simple, eat and drink, eat and drink...

The generals sat down and attacked the food on the table, while Liu Xu found Karp and sat down at the same table with him.

As soon as he sat down, Qingzhi also came over.

"Do you mind if I sit down?"

Qingzhi, a very polite gentleman.

Liu Xu had no reason to refuse, and stretched out his hand to make a false pretense.

"Liu Xu, from now on, you are a strong man standing alone, don't let the old man down!"

Karp laughed, the strong man who walked out of his own boat, this thing is worth showing off.

Liu Xu replied: "Lieutenant General Garp, I want to be the strongest man, how could I let you down!"

Karp laughed even more, with anticipation and joy in the corners of his eyes.

Qingzhi watched the joke between the two and didn't speak. Instead, he ate in silence. Every move was very gentlemanly, at least compared to the people here, he was very gentlemanly.

Suddenly, Liu Xu realized that there seemed to be something missing here.

"Lieutenant General Garp, where's Madeline? Why didn't you see her?"

When talking about this woman, his eyes unconsciously showed embarrassment and awkwardness.

Seeing that he mentioned Madeline, a little smile appeared on Garp's face, and he said, "Liu Xu, you don't mean to miss her, do you? Hahaha, it's so interesting."

Cape's maniacal laughter caught the attention of many people, but when he saw it was him, he turned back to do his own thing.

Well, Lieutenant General Garp can laugh nervously over even a little thing.

Qingzhi was also aroused a little curiosity, and said for the first time: "Lieutenant General Garp, is there something hidden in this?"


Liu Xu wants to spit, Uncle Qingzhi, you should stay lazy, keep a calm attitude, and keep a gentleman's demeanor, how can you be so stupid?

Karp laughed and said, "It's too much to hide. Someone stayed in that girl's room yesterday."

Uh, Qingzhi dripped a huge drop of sweat, and suddenly became weak.

"Lieutenant General Garp, you are so boring."

In a blink of an eye, he returned to being lazy again.

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