But Qingzhi's heart is not so peaceful, Madeline, that is a princess-level character, and she is also a world nobleman, Liu Xu, how did you get in touch with her?

"Lieutenant General Karp..." Liu Xu was also helpless. It seems that what he said just now has nothing to do with this, "You should tell me where that woman went!"

After laughing, Karp returned to his normal state. He picked up the draft beer mug and drank a few times before saying, "She has left the Navy Headquarters and returned to the Holy Land Mary Joa."

Liu Xu suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't see that woman, it turned out to be like this!

The banquet here is in full swing, but there is an undercurrent in the endless ocean of the new world.

On a beach, a red-haired man with three scars running through his left eye, a well-proportioned figure, missing a left arm, a white shirt, a pair of loose cropped trousers, and a Western sword hanging from his waist.

At this moment, he was looking at a newspaper in his hand, reading it with gusto.

The title reads impressively: Liu Xu, the youngest major general of the newly promoted Navy Headquarters, and there is Liu Xu's image below.

"Captain, what is the navy going to do? It's so much fanfare."

Lagi, who is obese and holds a barbecue in his hand. The way is unknown.

"Don't you understand? This is the navy trying to promote its own strength, tsk tsk, Warring States still likes to do this."

Shanks seemed to see through someone's mind at a glance, and he didn't care. He threw the newspaper in his hand into the sky, and the western sword pulled out a few quick slashes. Incredibly fast.

On the other side, Edward Newgate, who is six meters tall and has a beard like a crescent moon, is on a pirate ship sailing in the sea like a giant whale, listening to the people around him report what happened in the newspaper, with a hint of meaning in the corner of his mouth. Deep smile.

"The Warring States period has really received a good subordinate. Sons, let's have a banquet to celebrate our opponent's strength."

Whitebeard's aura is very unparalleled by other people. Not only did he not get angry because of the increase in the strength of the navy, but he started the banquet. His aura was not comparable to ordinary people.

Because of the appearance of this newspaper, the entire new world and even the entire great route were undercurrents, and the name Liu Xu came into everyone's sight for the first time.

The overnight fame thing is sometimes very simple, and this kind of crazy thing is created under various conditions.

One of Liu Xu's feelings now is that it's not easy to be a celebrity. Looking at the eyes of these navy men, full of affection, brother is not good at this!

The matter of the Warring States propagating him has been understood, and now it can only be said that the ship is done.

"Warring States is not a good person either!"

With a deep sigh, Karp in front of Liu Xu fell asleep again, can this girl still chat happily?


Reaching out his fingers to gently puncture the dazzling bubbles, Karp woke up from his deep sleep, sleepy eyes, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and yawned comfortably.


Chapter 2313 Practicing the Six Forms of the Navy

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Major General Liu Xu, do you understand the use of the Six Forms now?"

It was not Karp who woke up who spoke, but another person beside Liu Xu.

Wearing a black suit uniform, a cloak on his body, a black tall hat on his head, and a white dove standing on his shoulder.

Rob Lucci.

Although it was the first time we met, it was easy for people to see his character.

Unsmiling, calm and calm, his sharp eyes seem to be able to see through everything.

"Hey, Lu Qi, why are you here?"

Karp saw the person in front clearly, why did this cP9 person come here?So leisurely?

Rob Lucci nodded his head lightly, his eyes remained unchanged, and he remained calm.

"Lieutenant General Garp, you brought me here."

Garp thought for a while, then suddenly realized, and said, "So that's the case, by the way, what did I ask you for?"

He really couldn't remember, what could he do if he came here?Originally, he didn't like cP9 very much, most of the people in it were too dark.

People like Rob Lucci are even more emotionless killing machines. For his distorted justice, he has done many things that shocked the navy.

Fortunately, these things were covered up.

Lu Qi looked calm, and said softly: "Lieutenant General Karp asked me to come over and instruct Major General Liu Xu on the six moves."

Speaking of the six-type Karp, I understand, it turned out to be such a thing, and now I finally remember it.

"Liu Xu, you have to work hard to practice the Sixth Form of the Navy. The Sixth Form of the Navy is a physical technique that exceeds the limit of human physical fitness, and can maximize the strength and strength of the body. Only when the strength and strength of your body are improved, your The fruit ability can be better developed, and the same is true for domineering."

Karp said it very seriously, learning the six naval styles, that would be one of the signs of a strong man.

Liu Xu nodded again and again, and he fully agreed with Karp's theory.

I used to absorb the lightning energy of nature in order to temper my body to improve all aspects of my abilities, and now it fits perfectly with what Karp said.

Liu Xu was surprised that the improvement of domineering was related to the body?

Thinking of the key point, Liu Xu showed a smile on his face, and said, "Lieutenant General Karp, I will definitely work hard."

Cap laughed, then got up and left.

"Major General Liu Xu, let's continue." After Garp left, Lu Qi continued: "The six naval styles include shaving, iron block, paper painting, moon step, haze foot, and finger gun. Very powerful ability, now we start training from shaving."

Liu Xu sat upright, listening carefully to everything Lu Qi said.

Shaved, stepped on the ground more than ten times in an instant, using the explosive speed generated by this reaction force to move.

This is easy to understand, and it sounds simple.

However, how easy is it to step on the ground more than ten times in an instant?

How can it be done without strong physical ability and skilled methods?

At the beginning of physical training, especially with regard to leg training, kicking is a good training method.



In mid-air, Lu Qi's calf and Liu Xu's calf collided together, causing a burst of air, and their bodies separated instantly.

After falling to the ground, Liu Xu took a deep breath.

"Come again!"

While speaking, he stepped on the ground with his feet continuously, only a little illusory shadow could be seen, and the man had already rushed towards Lu Qi's position.


The two legs collided again, and Liu Xu and Lu Qi landed firmly on the ground. Lu Qi's eyes were calm and his face was composed.

"Major General Liu Xu, you have learned a little bit about shaving in two days. What you lack is proficiency. Now let's move on to the next training, iron training."

Lu Qi's words were very calm, and learning to shave in two days didn't seem to arouse his amazement.

Liu Xu chuckled, and said, "Facial paralysis, then quickly talk about the application of the iron block!"

It's a very glorious nickname, Liu Xu said it without hesitation, and Lu Qi on the opposite side didn't have any objection, or simply ignored his nickname.

"The iron block builds up its strength in the body, making it as hard as steel. The principle is to speed up the blood flow and speed up the muscle movement."

A very simple explanation. Generally speaking, it is to master the speed of blood flow and let the power enter the muscles, so as to improve the power of defense.

"Facial paralysis, let's start!"

Liu Xu couldn't wait to start training with the iron block.


"Warring States, why did you call me here?"

In front of the rectangular conference table, Karp kept throwing senbei into his mouth one by one, making a "click" sound.

Warring States has long been familiar with this old friend's temper in all aspects, and he is used to it.

"Garp, I think Liu Xu should enter the Great Channel to hunt down some pirates."

Sengoku's face was full of seriousness, and his eyes were fixed on his old friend.

When Karp heard this, he stopped his movements, and his face became serious. He clenched one hand into a fist, and grinned meaningfully: "Warring States, can't you stand it anymore?"

Zhan Guo ignored his clenched fist and said, "This is the result of my discussion with He."

After moving out the character of the crane, Garp's breath stabilized, and it took a while before he opened his mouth.

"Give him a little more time."

Zhan Guo fell silent, with a strange look in his eyes, and said, "Do you have that high expectation of him?"

"of course."

Garp's fist loosened, but his face was still stern.

"Well, three months, up to three months, and after three months he must go to the great waterway."

Sengoku gave way.

Garp's face quickly eased, he grinned, and said: "Warring Kingdom, you are so funny, why are you asking me? You can just ask him and say no. Hahahaha..."

Warring States was extremely angry, and he shot quickly, snatched the senbei in front of Garp, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Ah! Sengoku, you bastard."

Garp became angry in an instant, this is a provocation, do you want to fight?


Chapter 2314 Defeating Lu Qi with self-created magical skills

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


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