A month later, in the naval headquarters, there was an empty training room.


Both feet stepped on the ground quickly, and under the reaction force, Liu Xu's body turned into an afterimage and moved sideways sideways, barely avoiding the oncoming bird-like vacuum slash.

Lanjiao, which uses ultra-high-speed kicks to generate vacuum slashes to attack, is a very powerful attack move in the Sixth Form of the Navy.

But the bird-like haze feet used by Lu Qi are the six styles he strengthened.

"Shave! Moon steps!"

Stepping on the ground again produced high-speed movement, and then appeared in mid-air, relying on moon steps to keep in the air.

The Lu Qi below has been transformed into a leopard man state, a leopard type with cat and cat fruit ability, one of the fauna.

"Flying finger gun. Pull it out!"

Lu Qi in the leopard shape had an ice-cold face, pointing upwards at Liu Xu, and dozens of air bombs popped out of his sharp nails.

"What the hell!"

Liu Xu yelled, Yuebu stomped a few steps in the air, and changed directions several times in a row before avoiding the opponent's attack.

"Lan feet. Chaos!"

As soon as he stopped his body, Liu Xu swung his feet at high speed to produce more than [-] white crescent-shaped vacuum slashes and fell down, and at the same time, his body adjusted his direction skillfully.

The vacuum slash Lu Qi falling from the sky didn't pay attention, and shouted: "Iron block. Empty wood!"

The blood in the body accelerated, the whole body swelled up, and the body swelled directly.

"Bang bang bang!"

More than [-] white crescent hazes landed on his body, and his body arched slightly with strong force, but soon he straightened his waist and directly bounced the vacuum slash that landed on his body into the air.

"Bang bang..."

The vacuum slashes did not bounce back and hit the opponent as he expected, but all fell and bombarded the ceiling.

There was no one above, except for the shattered ceiling that kept dropping debris.


He was startled by the sound of someone succeeding in a trick behind him.

"Finger gun. Millennium kill!"

There was a trace of disdain in Lu Qi's calm and calm eyes. In the state of iron, the attack would only be rebounded, and the stronger the attack, the stronger the rebound.

But soon he could no longer maintain the icy cold expression, his whole face was quickly congested and turned purple, his body trembled slightly, and a subtle feeling came from somewhere that made his liver tremble, and he could no longer maintain the state of iron.

Lu Qi jumped up all of a sudden, hit his head directly on the ceiling, and then fell heavily on the ground, his body straightened, as if he was enduring something.


Liu Xu stood up, still pointing at the gun with both hands, with a meaningful smile on his lips, took out a piece of white paper from his pocket, wiped his fingers, and flung it out lightly.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Qi, who fell to the ground and stiffened, finally stood up with trembling legs, trying to maintain the image of the cold cool guy.

"Major General Liu Xu, you have already passed."

"Facial paralysis, you are too unkind, hand over the kung fu of pressing the bottom of the box! Don't hide it, what powerful moves and things like that, the more the better."

"You can already create your own moves, which proves that you have fully understood the true meaning of the six moves. All you need is time to become proficient. And you have gone farther than me in the use of the navy six moves. I am so convinced that I am defeated. Farewell."

Saying that, he walked to the door, this place broke his heart, and there was nothing left to cherish.

Watching the other party leave, Liu Xu was entangled. It is really not difficult to learn the six styles of the Navy. The difficulty lies in the flexible use in battle, the creation of fusion skills, and defeating the enemy.

But the millennium killing he just did not create himself!

Liu Xu learned from Naruto, and Naruto learned from Sakuragi Hanadao...

After tugging on the coat of justice, Liu Xu also walked out of the gate.

"Well, it's time to get my things today."

As soon as he stepped out of the gate, Liu Xu remembered that he still had something to do.


At the port of Marinfando, more than a dozen naval warships were lined up and docked at the port. On the deck of the warship, you could vaguely see soldiers in blue and white navy uniforms standing guard, staring straight ahead, meticulously.

Among them, a deep purple warship is particularly eye-catching.

There was a deep purple thunderbolt at the bow of the dragon-shaped ship, and there was nothing above the mast, and there was no flag representing any force.

The twelve cannons on the left and right sides of the front row of the bow are shining with a faint cold light, and the stern is the same. There are six cannons on both sides of the middle, a total of thirty cannons.

There is a three-story building on board, the uppermost floor is equipped with a balcony, and several potted plants are neatly placed on the balcony.

Dozens of soldiers stood guard around the guardrail of the warship, with muskets and katana swords in their hands, majestic.

Such a warship is enough to attract the attention of many people.

Holding a flag in both hands, Liu Xu walked slowly from the port to the warship, looking relaxed and at ease.

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by something, and he stopped to look forward.

On the edge of the port, there was a beautiful figure with long pink hair hanging down to her waist, clear and bright pupils, curved willow eyebrows, long eyelashes trembling slightly, and a faint blush on her fair and flawless skin. Red lips are as delicate as rose petals, a pair of sunglasses is worn on the forehead as plump as jade, a black printed short-sleeved top and pure white high-waisted hot pants, black fish mouth high heels set off the straight and slender Calf, wearing a navy justice coat, what a fashionable beauty.

With the familiar attire, Liu Xu already had the answer in his heart.

Tina, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, uh, is still a colonel, a mature, stable, gentle, sunny, and confident woman.

After walking over, Liu Xu smiled and said, "Are you very interested in this warship?"

Tina is still looking at the warship. She has been following this warship for several days, and she has basically looked at it every day during the past few days in the headquarters.

Hearing the sound, she turned around curiously.

Um?Same coat of justice, officer?

Huh?It was him!

"Major General Liu Xu, hello!"

Tina was always devoted to her superiors' orders, and she naturally respected her superiors, so she saluted solemnly.


Chapter 2315 Tina, go for it if you like it!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The movements are smooth, without the slightest panic on the face, steady and stable, and the eyes are neither humble nor overbearing, maintaining just the right amount of respect without making people feel flattering.

Liu Xu smiled and said, "There are not so many rules, relax, are you interested in going up and taking a look?"

"Major General Liu Xu, is this appropriate?"

Tina was a little bit moved. She liked this warship very much, but it's not good to go up rashly?

She hesitated, not knowing what to choose.

Seeing her like this, Liu Xu wanted to roll his eyes, and if he liked it, he went up to see her, so why bother?

"Tina, go for it if you like it!"

As Liu Xu said, he walked ahead, but he still didn't believe that Tina could bear it. Her small eyes almost swallowed up the warship.

"Excuse me for interrupting, please give me more advice."

Tina spoke softly from behind, and walked forward lightly.

There is a big difference between naval warships and pirates. Their warships are more durable and can pass through various difficult environments. They can even be equipped with Shanghai Tower Stones, so that the sea kings on the seabed cannot detect the warships. move on it.

The dark purple warships are very unique in color. They are very eye-catching in those standard warships, and they can attract everyone's attention at once.

On the warship, Liu Xu was accompanied by a woman, Tina, who made many young men in the Navy Headquarters excited.

Tina is well-known in the naval headquarters, with beautiful features, tall stature, and mature and stable temperament, she is undoubtedly the number one beauty in the headquarters.

Her strength is also very strong. A person with the ability of the threshold fruit can form a huge lock through the body to lock everything that passes through the body. The lock locks the passage, and the hardness exceeds steel, which is very powerful.

In her own words: "Anything that passes through my body will be locked."

Because of this ability, she is also known as 'Black Gate Tina'. Pirates with relatively low strength are very afraid of her, and she is a powerful helper in the Navy headquarters to deter pirates.

"Tina, don't you think this is good?"

On the third floor, in the spacious room, Liu Xu spread out the flag in his hand and laid it on the ground. It had a familiar pattern, it was a navy flag.

But there is a little difference, the entire navy flag is pierced by a huge dark purple lightning.

Tina frowned slightly, showing a hint of worry, and asked, "Major General Liu Xu, will this be your flag for this warship?"

"Yes, look how beautiful this flag is, but few people seem to appreciate it. The old man who made the flag kept saying that it was against the rules, what an idiot."

Thinking of the person who ordered the flag made him feel uncomfortable.

The Warring States have agreed to make a special flag, you are an old man, what are you talking about, if you can't do it, it's fine.

Poor, if the Warring States saw his flag like this, I am afraid he would not agree to kill him.

It's okay to make some special flags, but you have spared the navy a lot, okay?Do you mean that the navy is going to be struck by lightning?Very unlucky.

Tina secretly sighed in her heart. She has been in the navy for many years, and she knows some inside stories of the navy like the back of her hand.

"Major General Liu Xu, your flag is easy to misunderstand and will bring some negative effects. I suggest not to hang it up."


Liu Xu frowned, what effect can a flag have?It's not discrediting the navy headquarters, and it's not a flag that was cut down on an ancient battlefield. What good influence does it have?

"So, Major General Liu Xu, please put this flag away."

Tina said softly and softly, the newly promoted young major general still doesn't understand many things about the Navy Headquarters!

Liu Xu frowned, this is his favorite flag, what should we do?

Forget it, don’t hang it up for now, it’s fine to hang it up later, anyway, there’s always time to go to sea, and then hang it up, the mountain is high and the emperor is far away, can the Warring States collect their own flag?

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