Of course, if he is so idle, he will definitely complain about him.

After putting away the flag and casually placing it on the side table, Liu Xu shifted his gaze to the opponent.

He is mature and stable, and he is dedicated to the orders of his superiors. This characteristic makes him very happy.

Warring States arranged warships for themselves, as well as soldiers. Now there are [-] combatants on this warship, plus chefs, doctors, miscellaneous soldiers, etc., no more than [-] people. For this warship Already very good.

It's just that the combat team member is just a very ordinary combat member after all, and he has not been assigned a talent who can lead and become this combat formation.

Then he needs to find it himself, find his own subordinates, and jointly manage the warship.

Tina in front of her is undoubtedly a good choice.Her character, strength, and experience are excellent in every way.

"Tina, are you interested in being my subordinate?"

Straight to the point, straight to the point.

Tina was taken aback by this question, her cherry red lips parted slightly, in disbelief.

But soon she came to her senses, with an embarrassing smile on her face, and said, "Major General Liu Xu, I'm afraid this won't work."

Huh?no?What do these mean!Do you still look down on yourself when you are young?Don't you know there is a word called young and promising?

"Tina, do you think I'm not strong enough to be your boss?"

"No, that's not the reason."


With a look of sudden realization on Liu Xu's face, he clapped his hands and said, "Oh, I see, do you think that you are not strong enough to be my subordinate?"


Tina's brows twitched, are you not strong enough?

"Major General Liu Xu, I am absolutely sure of my strength."

Confident, with a confident smile on his face, his dark and bright eyes stared straight at someone.

She is definitely a royal sister-type beauty!

This look made Liu Xu embarrassed for a while, big girl, if you don't look at people like this, it's easy to be misunderstood, okay?

However, his purpose has been achieved.


Chapter 2316 Looking for VIPs in the Warring States Period

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Then you can come up with a reason, obediently be my subordinate! Don't you Ting like this warship? This warship has fierce firepower, fast sailing speed, indestructible, and more importantly, it is handsome enough."

Temptation, definitely seduction.

Tina felt crazy that this new major general dared to use this method to stimulate the general.

However, the other party is only a newly promoted major general, so he still doesn't care about him.

"Major General Liu Xu, I don't belong to anyone, so don't use this method to seduce me."

Simple and clear words, Tina's words did not carry a trace of anger, but a calm and steady.

Liu Xu was disappointed, and heaved a deep sigh. It seems that it is not easy to want a subordinate who can be attractive and able to fight.

Seeing this, the gentle and sensual side of a certain royal sister was evoked, and she showed a kind of concern in her expression, and said, "Maybe you can find Marshal Warring States, and he will consider your request."

Warring States?

It was rare for Liu Xu to turn his head in an instant, and said, "That's right, I almost forgot about my long beard."

As he said that, he quickly ran away without looking back, and directly left this room to a certain royal sister.

And a certain royal sister is still in a mess, with a long beard?Marshal of the Warring States Period?

Oh my god, major general Liu Xu, please don't use such random names, okay?

Pay attention to your image, keep calm and stable!


"Liu Xu, did you get Lu Qi away?"

As soon as he got off the warship, he was stopped by someone. The entire Navy headquarters would call him that. Who else but Karp?

Liu Xu was grabbed by the shoulder, and immediately turned into an element, and the strange purple lightning flashed away from Garp's palm.


Garp was furious, and the brat ignored him.

The fist turned black in an instant, and he stepped on the ground hard with his feet and shot out from his body, punching Liu Xu who was already elementalized.

A punch that contains armed domineering is the nemesis of the natural system. Liu Xu was punched out of his original shape when he was rushing forward. He staggered a few steps before stopping his body, rubbing his shoulders and turning around.

"Lieutenant General Garp, what are you doing?"

Liu Xu's face was depressed, he was punched so well, tsk, it hurts.

"Liu Xu, why are you going?"

Garp grabbed his hair with one hand, and his angry expression was instantly replaced by curiosity.

The world is spinning, Lieutenant General Garp, can you be more powerful?

Now it was Liu Xu's turn to be angry.

"Lieutenant General Garp, did you punch me just to ask this?"

His voice raised an octave, and he caught the eyes of all the soldiers on guard.

yeah?Lieutenant General Karp and Major General Liu Xu, did they quarrel?Have a fight?Have a good show?

I have to say that there is such a thing as joining in the fun in any world, even the high-quality navy in the pirate world. Although they dare not go forward, they can still watch from a distance.

Karp was puzzled, grabbed his hair and laughed loudly: "Liu Xu, calm down, young people, please be careful, hahahaha..."

Black lines, countless black lines hanging down, Liu Xu can only feel the surge of energy and blood, can you be more advanced in your ability to be so angry that people don't pay for their lives?Look at it, it should be the elderly, right?

"I will find Garp to find someone to go down, and I will find you next time."

As he said that, he quickly ran away again, and Karp, who was watching behind him, was puzzled, asking for a subordinate from the Warring States?

Oh, join in the fun.

"Liu Xu, wait for me!"

Garp also ran over.

The soldiers standing guard were disappointed, and the good show ended like this. It's a pity that Lieutenant General Karp's shells haven't been used yet!


"Marshal of the Warring States period, this is what happened. For the justice of the navy, I want to gallop on the sea, and at the same time, I also want to ensure the safety of the navy soldiers, so please approve."

In the office, Liu Xu had a serious face, with firm and persistent expressions in his eyes.

The opposite Sengoku was sitting on an office chair, his eyes always staring at each other's eyes.

"Are you sure you want?"

"Yes, Tina is a very qualified subordinate, and I think she can be an excellent subordinate of mine. Her ability can catch villains without a fight, and her ability can spread the justice of the navy at sea. I, Liu Xu, also will lead her to justice."

Righteous and stern words, it is necessary to cut his wrist on the spot to show his determination.

Warring States lowered his head and thought for a while, but no one noticed his changing eyes.

"I agreed, but there is one request. After two months, you will take her to sea to prove your determination and execution ability."

Going to sea?

Liu Xu frowned, could this be considered a request?

It seems that it is normal for the navy to go to sea!

No, you're treating me like someone with little ability, hiding in the navy headquarters and waiting to die, right?

"No problem, in two months, I will definitely go to sea and execute the justice of the navy. It is everyone's responsibility to maintain world peace."

Straightening his back and responding loudly, it was still the declaration full of justice. Liu Xu sighed that if this acting skill was put in the past, the Oscar statuette would not have been properly delivered to the door.

"Liu Xu, now you should tell me how you got Lu Qi away, he only taught you for a month!"

Karp is very strange, isn't he trying to improve his strength?How could Lu Qi go.

"Facial paralysis? He said that I passed, I just need to be proficient, so he left."

"You learned it in a month?"

"Facial paralysis? Hahaha..."

The words of Sengoku and Garp are completely different. One is concerned with power, while the other is focused on the title. The characters of these two old friends are completely different.

"Are you sure you've learned it?"

Liu Xu frowned, and said, "Of course, is it possible to cheat on this kind of thing?"

After receiving a positive answer, a relaxed smile appeared on Sengoku's face, and he murmured, "It's finally done."

Someone with sharp ears heard a little and asked, "What's done?"

Warring States suddenly woke up and said: "It's nothing, I hope you can go to sea soon. Go back and inform Tina, she will be your subordinate in the future."

Attention was successfully diverted, Liu Xu nodded, turned around and walked towards the door.

The goal has been achieved, Liu Xu can go to Tina with peace of mind.


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