Chapter 2317 Good candidate for secretary

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


After he left, Zhan Guo pointed at the person who laughed so hard that tears flowed, and said, "Karp, pay attention to your image."

He is a talented person with a high IQ, known as a wise general, and a very rigorous person.

Karp smiled for a long time before putting away his smile, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "That's great, I have no image."

The face of the Warring States period is about to turn dark. It's an old friend of the past few decades. Can you be normal?

Knowing that the other party could not obediently listen to his words, Zhan Guo didn't bother to correct him, saying: "Liu Xu's potential is indeed very strong. He learned the six naval styles in a month, and his strength has improved very quickly."

Speaking of Liu Xu, Karp finally lifted his spirits, and said with a grin: "Of course, how can the person I fancy be weak."

"But this speed seems to be too fast."

As he said, he rubbed his head. He didn't know what to say. Others practiced the Sixth Form of the Navy on a yearly basis. Fortunately, he did it for you in a month. Is this a rhythm that is going to kill people?

"Two months later, he went to sea to conquer pirates. What do you think of this?"

"Didn't you say it before?"

Garp took out a bucket of donuts out of nowhere and ate them.

"No, this time it's the news from the Holy Land Marijoa, and I'm very concerned about his going to sea."


Karp sprayed it directly, Holy Land Marie Gioia?

When did those characters become interested in such a newly promoted major general?Still concerned?

Warring States ignored his gaffe, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "Princess Madeline made a request, when Liu Xu goes to sea..."



On the open-air balcony on the third floor of the warship, there is a small table next to the white beach chairs, with colorful seasonal fruits on it, making your mouth water.

A blue parasol shields the scorching sun. A man in a black and white short suit and a white coat of justice holds a glass of iced drink in his hand. He drank it in one gulp to drive away the scorching heat. He made every move leisurely.

On a red beach chair next to her, a mature woman with long pink hair hanging down to her waist and wearing sunglasses on her forehead, a black printed short-sleeved top and pure white high-waisted hot pants, and a pair of black under her slender straight calves Yuzui high-heeled shoes, her legs are stacked together, and her temperament is vividly displayed.

"Tina, I just said that you will definitely become my subordinate, do you think I'm right?"

The man put down the cup in his hand, with pure excitement in his eyes.

Tina's face was very calm, and there was a touch of obedience and understanding in her beautiful black eyes.

"Major General Liu Xu, all of this is expected, Tina is very happy."

She is a person who absolutely obeys the orders of her superiors, and she unconditionally implements the decisions of the headquarters.

Doing things under anyone is just executing orders.

This was what Liu Xu liked about her, so he laughed.

"Tina, now everyone on this warship is under your jurisdiction, lead them well."

Hands-off shopkeeper, Liu Xu despised himself a little in his heart, this is the rhythm of being a hands-off shopkeeper!

But after thinking about it, it's okay, so that I can spend a lot of time to practice and improve my strength.

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina is honored."

Tina nodded slightly, a bright smile hung on her face, her eyes showed a touch of stability, her hands were placed on the armrests on both sides, and her every move reflected her mature and sunny personality.

"You're really a good candidate for secretary." Liu Xu was about to tie Tina to him after she was promoted to major general, "Then you should train them well! Don't be polite to me. Well, I'm off to practice."

With that said, he stood up and quickly jumped off the balcony.

The whistling wind blew in his ears, and there was a burst of purple light flashing. Liu Xu had already turned into a dark purple thunderbolt and flew towards the navy headquarters.

Flight capability, an application of lightning capability.After the body is elementalized, it can fly freely in the air, and the speed is also very fast.

The moon step can also move freely in the air, and can move in multiple directions, but it is still much worse than the thunderbolt's ability, and it is slightly inferior in speed and flexibility.

"Tina is very happy."

She got up as well, and her eyes sharpened instantly when she looked at the soldiers standing guard below.


There is a training room in the naval headquarters. The spacious training room has all kinds of equipment. Sandbags, barbells and other physical training equipment are very complete. There are even steel cast walls standing in the training room.

The seven men in the coats of justice trained individually, some were generals, some were school officials.

Naval Six Styles is a type of taijutsu, a taijutsu that goes beyond the limits of the body.

One of the ways to improve this ability is physical training to enhance one's physical and physical strength. Only a strong physical and physical strength can support the strength of the Sixth Form of the Navy.

Lifting the barbell does not use any special strength for blessing, but uses the purest body to train, surpassing the limits of the human body, and what you want is different limits.


Holding the barbell with both hands, Liu Xu was sweating profusely, squeezing every ounce of strength from his body to the maximum.


The barbell fell heavily on the ground. Liu Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then turned his gaze to the steel wall not far away.

"Lan feet. Chaos!"

Leaping up, he swung his feet from the air at high speed, and more than twenty white vacuum slashes fell from top to bottom, all of which landed on one of the steel walls.

"Block the clang..."

The slashing bombardment caused a loud noise on the wall, and the steel cast wall shook under this round of attack, leaving a clear gap on it.

"It's still tough!"

The gap in the wall made him very dissatisfied. According to the assumption, the wall should be broken. Why is it just a gap?

The power of the vacuum slash of Lanjiao is very powerful. If used properly, it can easily destroy a warship.


Chapter 2318 Will be able to do it sooner or later...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Major General Liu Xu, this is not suitable for your training."

An officer who looked like a colonel came over and gave a standard naval salute.

Not suitable?Liu Xu was taken aback, isn't this the training room?


He frowned.

"Major General Liu Xu, you will use the Navy Type [-], so this is not suitable for your training, and it will easily be destroyed."

The colonel said it a little more cautiously, this new major general won't get angry later, right?

As he thought, Liu Xu really wanted to get mad, and his eyes were burning like a torch.

"You said it would destroy this place? Look, come here, look, isn't the wall still broken? How could it destroy this place?"

Liu Xu wished he could press the colonel's head on the gap so that he could have a better look.

The colonel felt bitter in his heart. It's easy to be a spokesman for the people, and he has no pay and no money. Now I have to be told that by your old man, who should I ask for reasoning?

But, huh?Major General Liu Xu, can you stop teasing me?

"The wall is one meter thick, and the gap is more than [-] centimeters deep. Major General Liu Xu, if you come here three times in a row, the wall will be broken."

"three times?"

Liu Xu was slightly taken aback. People who know the six styles of the navy are really not suitable for practicing here.

"You guys continue."

Liu Xu was a little embarrassed in his heart. He only saw the gap just now, but he didn't pay attention to it deeply. He was suddenly stunned.

After speaking, he turned around gorgeously, tugged on the coat of justice, and walked directly outside.

You can't practice in the training room, so you can only go to other places. Well, the seaside should be very nice.

The corner of the colonel's mouth twitched, Major General Liu Xu, are you just so straightforward?

The others glanced at him, then turned around silently and continued to practice, kid, keep messing around!


A month passed quietly.

At this time, in front of Liu Xu, Tina, who was wearing a maroon suit and a coat of justice, was blocking the door of the restaurant, wearing sunglasses, with a ruthless and selfless appearance.

"Major General Liu Xu, when will we go to sea?"

Her face did not have the maturity and gentleness when they first met, but was expressionless and righteous.

Tina is very popular in the navy headquarters. There are countless people who know her. The impression of her has always been that of a dutiful and selfless iceberg beauty. Few people can see her gentle and arrogant side.

"It's a good show." A major general with a crooked nose said gloatingly.

The people around nodded secretly, indeed, few people who were targeted by Tina could escape, and Tina's name was not for nothing.

Liu Xu was sad and angry. He just felt that God was unfair to him. Is it necessary to block him every day?Are you tired after so many days?

Since the appointment of Tina as his subordinate, Liu Xu's life as a boy has become much more comfortable. He doesn't have to worry about matters on the warship. Tina will take care of it all by himself, including the daily training of the soldiers.

Tina is indeed a very good subordinate, both eye-catching and capable, ahem, I haven't "done" yet, but sooner or later I will "do it"...

She carried out the last order meticulously, and could hear the soldiers moaning and sighing all day long, and some even talked behind their backs.

He despises those soldiers Liu Xu who talk behind his back, and feels that Tina has done a good job.

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