Being able to hear them screaming tired every day proves that the training intensity is high and it will definitely be effective.

However, such a comfortable little day only lasted for less than ten days, and what followed was a hellish life.

What is the role of the Navy?Uphold justice and fight against pirates.

To run through it in one sentence, it is the navy's responsibility to protect world peace.

The first time he proposed to go to sea to catch pirates, Liu Xu refused. The reason was that the training intensity of the soldiers was not enough and needed to be strengthened.

So came the hell life of the soldiers, training day and night.

The second time he proposed to go to sea to catch pirates, Liu Xu refused again because the equipment on the warship needed maintenance and inspection.

So, Tina personally supervised and dispatched the best boatmen to inspect, not to miss the slightest flaw.

When he made the request for the nth time, Liu Xu refused again, on the grounds that the Sixth Form of the Navy still needs to be strengthened, and it is in a critical period.

So, Tina personally supervised and followed him to monitor his training every day. Someone's physical fitness has improved a lot, the Navy's Sixth Form has been strengthened, and the lightning ability has also been strengthened a lot.

When he asked for the fourth time, dammit, Liu Xu didn't know what excuses he should make, so he just avoided seeing her.

Now that I didn't grasp the timing of eating well, I was directly blocked at the door, and I was immediately entangled.

Miss Tina, can you still have fun together?Not so compelling.

"Well, well, let's talk about this esoteric question next time, okay?"

Liu Xu also wants to go to sea, but one of the key issues now is that the study of the Navy's sixth type is indeed at a critical moment.

Many people can evolve a variety of moves from the most basic six moves, which have played a great role in the battle, and their power is extraordinary. Liu Xu naturally wants to study some of them.

Tina's face remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "Major General Liu Xu, this is the fifteenth time Tina has made a request. Please give me an exact time."

Iceberg Beauty is worthy of being Iceberg Beauty, she doesn't take someone's avoidance seriously at all.

Liu Xu frowned, his mind was spinning rapidly, and suddenly thought of He Zhan Guo's words, it seemed that he would have to go to sea in a month, so why not make good use of it.

"Tina, do you think I don't want to go to sea?"

Serious and righteous, his frowning brows and resolute eyes give people an illusion that he is a very righteous and dignified person.

The surrounding navy felt that there must be a story in it, and suddenly slowed down and pricked up their ears.

Tina didn't reply, but told someone with her eyes: "Yes, that's what I think."

These days, she has been thinking about a question repeatedly, is this guy afraid that the pirates are unwilling to go out to sea, so he finds various reasons to shirk?

These thoughts made her feel as if a boulder had been crushed in her heart, and she felt uncomfortable no matter how she thought about it.


Chapter 2319 Six-style combination, brutal training

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu sighed deeply, and said, "Ah, actually, I also want to go to sea. As a navy, as a passionate man who enforces justice at sea, who wouldn't want to fight those vicious pirates and make them repent before justice. But……"

Shaking his head, his body lowered slightly, a lonely breath was brewing in him, and the flash of disappointment in his eyes was captured.

"But what?"

Tina finally spoke, and her tone softened a little. Maybe there is really some misunderstanding here!

Liu Xu looked up at the ceiling. The forty-five-degree angle can best reflect various emotions such as depression.

"But the long beard, ah, is the Marshal of the Warring States period. He asked me to go to sea in another month, so I stayed at the headquarters during this time and waited for a month to come."

"Warring States, don't blame me, a dead fellow Daoist will never die as a poor fellow! Besides, it is indeed another month!"

He silently comforted himself in his heart, but Liu Xu kept his expression on his face.

Hearing what he said, Tina frowned, how could this be related to the Warring States Marshal?Is there something hidden here?

"Is he really the Warring States Marshal?"

Her tone was even calmer, which showed that she had accepted such an explanation in her heart.

Liu Xu closed his eyes and nodded slowly, "Yes."

Angrily, with this tone, this expression, and this action, who do the Oscar statuettes give up to me?

"Huh!" Tina exhaled, and a huge rock in her heart finally fell to the ground. "Since it is the request of the Marshal of the Warring States Period, then wait another month! Major General Liu Xu, I'm going back to train soldiers."

As she spoke, she turned around and left with graceful steps, a little light, which showed that she was already in a good mood.

Liu Xu secretly wiped his sweat in his heart, and now he finally has time to study the extended moves of the Sixth Form of the Navy.

Well, Lu Qi with a paralyzed face has a good move, you can learn from it.

The other officers in the restaurant shook their heads in disappointment, and it was really disappointing that a big drama disappeared like this.


The basic abilities of the Sixth Form of the Navy are already outstanding, as long as you learn one or two of them, it will be enough for a person to use for life.

However, this is only for ordinary people.

For those powerhouses who are most looking for a stronger state, the Sixth Naval Form is a platform for them, on which they will create their own moves.

Rob Lucci is such a genius. As a member of cP9, he created many extended moves of the Navy Six Styles, such as Razor, Finger Gun Huanglian, Iron Block Empty Wood, Life Return, Paper-painted Wushen, and even Six-style Profound Truth Six-King Spear, etc.

With so many moves, the achievements he has achieved are beyond the reach of many people in their entire lives.

The bedroom on the third floor of the warship has a simple style, the walls are decorated in blue and white, and there are bookcases and wardrobes next to it.

On the big bed, Liu Xu lay half-lying and stared at the ceiling. The six moves used by Lu Qi and even the six moves used by other people kept appearing in his mind.

It is undeniable that every move extended has its own uniqueness, and those that can be created have their own reason for their existence.

"The combination of six styles? The combination of moon steps and paper painting should be more advantageous for dodging in the air, so as not to be unable to deal with attacks from all sides when it is used as a target. The combination of shaving and finger guns should be able to increase the number of finger guns. The combination of speed and impact, Lanjiao and Shave, the same reason, also increases speed and strength. Well, follow this line of thinking."

The more Liu Xu thought about it, the more excited he became, the dark purple lightning in his eyes kept flashing, and electric arcs drew beautiful arcs around his body.

This arc brightened his heart, and there may be a more perfect way to cooperate.

He pressed his hands on the bed, jumped up, and walked out of the bedroom with ease.

The third floor, this is his exclusive area.

The facilities here are all available, including training rooms, study rooms, bedrooms, etc. Soldiers will not enter the third floor unless he gives permission or it is an emergency.

Came to the training room, without a word, began to enter his own experimental stage.

On the deck of the warship, a hundred combatants had already been summoned by Tina.

The neatly arranged square team, blue and white navy uniforms, white training caps on their heads and samurai swords in their hands make them look energetic.

Pen Ting's back and upright face, unyielding will and firm eyes are declaring to people that they are qualified soldiers who have undergone rigorous training.

Tina wore sunglasses and looked serious, pointing at the endless sea with one hand.

"At sea, you are in danger of falling into the sea at any time, and you will face the scene of fighting underwater at any time. Therefore, you must have the ability to survive and fight in the sea. Now, everyone goes to the sea for combat training. I order you to come back , must swim back in three seconds. Remember, when you come up, whoever loses his hat, shoes, or weapon, give me an extra hour for one less."

The soldiers were dumbfounded, Master Tina, is it necessary to play so big?The difficulty suddenly increased a lot!

However, under strict discipline, they still responded loudly: "Yes!"

"Go to sea!"

With an order, a hundred soldiers jumped from the deck into the sea at one time, holding their weapons tightly in their hands, and began to practice with their nearby partners.

Tina was watching their training closely, her eyes were like electricity, and the strengths and weaknesses of each soldier were quickly remembered in her mind.

The other soldiers at the port shook their heads. Heilao Tina was indeed as ruthless and selfless as in the legend. Such a training method was desperate for life.

God bless you poor soldiers...


A month was spent in Liu Xu's experiment and the soldiers' training in the dark. On this day, the port ushered in a lively day.

The Supreme Commander of the Navy, Marshal Warring States, Lieutenant General Staff Officer, Naval Hero Karp, General Qingzhi, and the newly promoted youngest Major General Liu Xu, said goodbye at the port.

The port has been cleared, and on the shore, a dark purple warship depicts thunder and lightning, majestic and majestic, and no flag is hoisted on the mast.

The soldiers on the deck straightened their backs, as if they were being inspected.


Chapter 2320

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Liu Xu, the deadline is up, it's time for you to go to sea."

Warring States looked serious, with a hint of relief and relief on his face.

Garp also laughed and said: "Liu Xu, this time you will give me a good face, eliminate pirates, and uphold justice."

Liu Xu scratched his hair and laughed, today is going to sea, but your battle is too big, right?

Damn, how bad it is to be misunderstood. After all, we also obtained the major general by virtue of our strength. Now we have to be called nepotism.

"Lieutenant General Garp, you will live up to your trust."

Chief Staff Officer Crane smiled, and the wisdom in his eyes could not be ignored.

"Liu Xu, the navy will always stand on the side of justice. The navy represents justice, and the pirates are on the opposite side of justice, causing disaster. It's time for you to act for justice."

What he said made Liu Xu sigh the wisdom of the navy's number one staff officer. This is the rhythm of standing on the commanding heights of morality and suppressing others!

However, we like it.

"Justice cannot be tainted, and the justice in my heart will never collapse."

The crane just smiled and said nothing.

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