"Liu Xu, the phone bug will help you when you are in trouble."

Qing Zhi said lightly, her attitude was also extremely lazy, as if she would never be able to cheer up.

Liu Xu really wanted to shout out: "Brother Qingzhi, you are more honest!"

"Liu Xu, let's go, be careful all the way."

Garp grinned widely, but it was not a nervous smile, but an inexplicable seriousness, with sharp eyes.

"Okay, see you next time."

Liu Xu waved his hand, turned around and walked directly to the warship.

The warship sailed away from the port slowly, and the people behind were still watching. They entrusted too many things to Liu Xu's voyage, and they could not be ignored.

"Huh? That's..."

Suspicion suddenly appeared on Zhan Guo's serious face, as if he saw something.

On the mast of the deep purple warship, a flag was raised quickly, the familiar navy flag, it was nothing.

But, why is there a dark purple lightning bolt running through the entire flag?

"Liu Xu, come back to the old man."

Garp roared, wishing he could jump into the sea and swim after him.

The Warring States period was also furious, what does this kid mean?Cursing the navy for thunder strikes?

Qingzhi watched silently, not saying anything.

Only the crane sighed for all his thoughts.

"Young people are so energetic!"



The Holy Land Mary Joa, the seat of the World Government Headquarters, is located between the first half and the second half of the Great Route, the peak of the Red Continent.

Mary Joya, this is the residence of the world's most powerful Wu Laoxing, and it is also the residence of the world's noble Celestial Dragons.

Mary Gioia, which permeates the white clouds, is both real and illusory. The combination of new and ancient buildings brings out a different beauty. The sun shines through the clouds and reflects on the buildings of Marie Gioia. The dazzling city is colorful.

Looking down from a height, it is full of fairy spirit and beautiful.

It's just that there is a great conflict between the beautiful appearance and the inner reality.

Here lived the world's aristocratic Celestial Dragons, a group of Celestial Dragons who thought highly of themselves and disdained to breathe the same air as ordinary people.

A stunningly luxurious building complex in Mary Joa, surrounded by walls more than ten meters high, Gothic buildings are scattered, bluestone-paved roads lead in all directions, and there is a miniature forest inside. Onion, full of life.

Everything here is branded with a name, Madeline!

Madeline, who intoxicated and awes countless people in the Navy headquarters, is still a well-known figure passed down from mouth to mouth in Mary Joya, where the world government headquarters is located. Her every move is the focus of people's attention.

In the pink and white main hall, twelve thick columns support the entire hall, engraved with a variety of beautiful flowers, one thing they have in common is pink and white.

A red carpet extends deep from the doorway, and there are twenty-four armored warriors on both sides.

At the end of the living room, a platform with nine steps is built, a typical royal high-back chair, and two-meter-high crystal vases are placed in the four corners on both sides of the platform. Beads are sprinkled on the petals, holy and noble.

On the wide high-backed chair, Madeline was wearing a red and white lace and silk short dress. The short dress vividly reflected her figure, and a red satin windbreaker covered up her beautiful figure.

The eyes are crossed and stacked together, revealing a small part of the heart-pounding white calf, and the red crystal high-heeled shoes exude a strange charm.

Beside her, an entourage in a black suit stood respectfully, with a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes.

Holding two pieces of paper in his right hand, he looked at them with his head half down, the corners of his mouth tightly pursed, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

Everything is so normal.

After a while, he flicked the two pieces of paper in his hand, and the paper fell to the ground, on which were the images of two people in astonishment.

Liu Xu, Tina.

Among them are those who drink drinks on the balcony, and those who go out to sea, which are very detailed.

Madeline lightly tapped the armrest with her fingers, her cherry lips parted slightly, and said, "It's a shame, it's not etiquette."

The man in the suit next to him lowered his head when he heard this, and said, "His Royal Highness, please bring him here."

"When will you be able to make a decision?"

Without looking at him, Madeline spoke at a calm speed, her eyes showed a hint of arrogance, and the corner of her mouth wore a smile that looked down upon the world.

The man in the suit trembled, and suddenly knelt down on the ground with a "bang", his head pressed against the ground.

"His Royal Highness, please forgive your ignorance."

"Go down."

Frosty, the warriors in the hall suddenly came up to two people, dragged the man in the suit out, and could vaguely hear the man in the suit shouting.

As for Madeline, she never looked at him from the beginning to the end, and her eyes never left the image on one of the papers.


Chapter 2321 Tina's Mantra

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The dark purple warships galloped on the sea, and the collision between the warships and the sea caused waves, which were colorful under the sunlight.

From a distance, the flag on the warship is very eye-catching. It belongs to the flag of the navy. Everyone in this world knows the flag of the navy.

However, there is a dark purple lightning bolt running through the entire flag on this flag.

If you put aside the warships, no one would think that this is the flag of the Navy just from this flag.

On the vast sea, all kinds of pirate groups emerge in endlessly.

The pirate ships built by some powerful pirates are not inferior to naval warships in terms of quality and image.

The soldiers on the deck stand guard with due diligence, and their standard weapons include muskets and katana swords.On this warship, there are all the personnel needed to go to sea.

Combat players, lookouts, helmsmen, navigators, etc.

As soldiers who were sent off by several naval heroes and legends when they went to sea, they felt extremely honored, and this was the greatest honor given to them.

The marshal sent them off in person, which was really unprecedented.

There are also the general staff, the general and the naval hero Lieutenant General Karp.

They knew that it was the owner of the warship, Liu Xu, who prompted all of this.

Occasionally, his admiring eyes turned to the open-air balcony on the third floor, and he could only sigh: "Major General Liu Xu is really a role model for my generation. This easy-going and resolute character, this quiet and indifferent atmosphere, and that powerful strength are all worthy of admiration." Subdue them deeply."

On the balcony, Liu Xu was lying on the beach chair, with a relaxed expression on his face, with a drink in his left hand and a book in his right, living a comfortable life.

Next to her, Tina, who was asked to wear short clothes on board, frowned slightly. Would such a life be too depraved?

Major General Liu Xu, whom everyone admired, had no energy at all.

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina is very disappointed."

Er, it appeared again, Tina's catchphrase!

Someone who was drinking a drink and reading a book didn't look up, with a straw in his mouth, and asked, "Well, what's the disappointment?"

"Major General Liu Xu, why don't you check to see if there are any pirates nearby? Tina is very disappointed."

This trip to sea is to hunt down pirates, and it is the entrustment of the marshal and others, how can they be so sloppy?

"Do you still need to read it? Use it here!" Liu Xu rolled his eyes and pointed to his head, "You are not me, how do you know if I have read it!"

"Please explain, Tina is curious."

"I use domineering..."

Liu Xu's knowledgeable and domineering, can sharpen the five senses, and can detect the breath and emotional changes of the surrounding creatures.

He can also foresee the actions of others, and then make a series of countermeasures.

This ability is just an ordinary power of arrogance. After imitating Enel's heart network, it can enhance a large range by receiving radio waves and listen to the voices of others. This kind of power is too heaven-defying.

"It's the domineering look, do you understand now?" After repeating the domineering look, Liu Xu asked with a smile.

It is the most comfortable thing to activate the ability monitoring of Xinwang.

However, Tina next to her showed deep contempt and guard in her eyes, and said, "Listen to your heart? Tina was surprised."

Liu Xu was embarrassed, put down the book in his hand and slapped himself on the forehead, this is really a shame, why did he say it, he hid Ting Hao.

The other party's guarded eyes made him a little unbearable, Liu Xu said: "Hey, hey, what do you mean, do you think I will eavesdrop on your voice? Ah...you still watch..."

How could Tina easily believe that when she thought of having a man who could listen to others' voices at any time, she felt extremely uncomfortable. Doesn't this mean that she has no secrets in front of him and is completely transparent?

"Major General Liu Xu, please allow me to calm down."

As she spoke, she suddenly took out a lady's cigarette from her pocket and put it near her mouth. After lighting it, she gently blew on the cigarette, her movements were graceful, and she didn't feel that she had any bad image of smoking.

Liu Xu is going crazy, I really didn't eavesdrop on your voice, you are slandering without evidence.

"Tina, ah...don't look at me like that, look again? I want to listen to your heart, when the time comes, hehe..."

Sure enough, the threatening words worked, Tina sat upright with a calm face.

"Major General Liu Xu, please pay attention to your image."

"Image? Why pay attention to image! This is my warship. Besides, when Qingzhi's afro is full of gossip, why pay attention to image?"

Qing Zhi, Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

He vaguely remembered that when he heard something about someone and Princess Madeline at a certain banquet, the state he displayed was completely different from the usual lazy and cold!

Tina was speechless, what does this have to do with General Kuzan?Can you speak without thinking like that?

"Major General Liu Xu, let's not talk about these things. Excuse me, where is our destination this time?"

Speaking of this matter, Tina's heart was broken. When going out to sea, no one would just say to the navigator: "Drive forward, just don't overturn the boat."

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