These two places can be said to be next to each other.


The number one island in the Chambord archipelago, a maddeningly lawless area.

When a warship slowly sailed into the port, it was destined to arouse the curiosity of countless people.

When coming from a distance, the eye-catching navy logo made many pirates who stayed on the ship suspicious. Why did the navy ship come here?Did something important happen?Why haven't you heard the news?

When they were in doubt, they saw the dark purple lightning that ran through the entire flag, and they felt relieved. This guy is also a pirate!

Tsk tsk, what kind of enmity does this have with the navy? Is it worth cursing others like this?However, refreshing enough.

However, when the warship approached and saw the heroic and imposing naval soldiers on it, their hearts became cold again.

The conscience of this warship is greatly broken, and it actually used this method to deceive them, liar, big liar.

The ups and downs of life are too fast for people to accept.

The pirates silently watched the warship dock. No one would be foolish to think that the pirates must run away when they see the navy.

where is this place?

In the illegal area of ​​the Chambord Islands, the people who run are fools.

And no one would foolishly think that when pirates see the navy, they must fight with them. Have you seen the black cannon?one

The gun goes down, and the pirate ship is almost there.

When the warship docked, Liu Xu jumped down, and Tina walked down the ladder with graceful steps.

The first feeling of seeing this island is that there are many bubbles, the second feeling is that there are too many bubbles, and the third feeling, what else can there be other than bubbles?

Bubble culture fills this island, speedboats made of bubbles, tables made of bubbles, houses built on top of bubbles.

"It's crazy too."

Sigh, Liu Xu sighed harshly.

Dressed in black and white casual shorts, dressed in a navy justice coat, with sharp facial contours, dazzling star eyes, a sloppy smile on his handsome face, a little soft casualness and sharp determination in the star eyes .

Tina stopped behind him. At this moment, she had changed into the same short outfit as Liu Xu, with fair skin, beautiful appearance and good temperament.

The number one beauty in the Navy Headquarters is wearing a pair of sunglasses, her long pink hair hangs down to her waist, a black printed casual vest reveals a section of her belly, pure white hot pants reflect her slender and straight legs, and black fish mouth high heels Set off the slender and white legs.

Mature, steady, sunny and confident.

Such a character and a beautiful appearance make many people's eyes cast on her, unscrupulous and undisguised.

In the illegal zone, even if the opponent is the navy, it can't stop everyone's aggressive gaze.

"Tina is angry."

A voice like an orchid in the empty valley rang in his ears, Liu Xu turned his head and wondered, why did he get angry again after being so well-behaved?

Fortunately, he is not stupid, and he immediately noticed the eyes of those people, pirates?Then it should look like a pirate.

A wicked charm appeared on his wild and uninhibited face, and his eyes instantly turned into sharp swords.


A crisp sound came from his body, followed by a burst of purple light. The strong electric light made everyone's eyes close unconsciously. The strong light made their eyes feel tingling, until they felt a little more comfortable. Opening their eyes to look, they soon turned their eyes away.

Liu Xu's body was continuously entwined with purple arcs, and his eyes also shone with a strange purple light due to the power of the thunder and lightning. His whole body was bathed in the thunder and lightning, like an angry thunder god above the clouds.

"Those who can!"

A few pirates exclaimed, then took their eyes away from the two of them, turned around and whistled leisurely, but, can you stop shaking your legs?

The other pirates also turned around after realizing it.

Conflicting with a naval ability user for the sake of feasting his eyes, it is not worthwhile to calculate this account!

Without the eyes of these people, Liu Xu put away the arc in an instant.

You will be dishonest if you don't go crazy.

Turning to look at Tina behind her, she saw that the sunglasses on her forehead were already put on.

Liu Xu was embarrassed immediately, and said, "Tina, can you stop hitting me like this?"

Tina, wearing sunglasses, was not affected by the electric light, and there was a refreshing smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina is very smart."

Well, Liu Xu was convinced of putting gold on his face like this. He shook his head and turned around. His unrestrained smile returned to his face, and he walked slowly towards the town.

Tina followed closely behind, and suddenly said something after a while.

"Tina is very happy."

Um?Are you happy?

Liu Xu had to sigh, this woman's mood changes too fast, most men can't keep up!


Chapter 2327 Population Auction

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


In town, the duo's outfits doom them to still being the center of attention.It's a bit annoying, but I'm getting used to it.

Can't discharge all the way?That is to be envied.

After a long walk, the lively scenery around is inconvenient, and even a bit more crazy.

"Ah, where are you going and what are you doing?"

Liu Xu covered his forehead with one hand and looked far away. The pedestrians around were very lively, and people came and went everywhere.But there is always one point that stands out. It seems that many people are going to the same place.

"Human auction venue?"

Six large characters appeared on the plaque of an extremely luxurious clubhouse. There were people coming and going at the door, and people kept entering inside. You only need a little Bailey to enter at will.

The human auction venue is a place where slaves are traded and auctioned. The targets of the sale are criminals and citizens of countries that have not joined the world government. There are also some special groups, such as the murlocs, mermaids, etc., and there are also some pirates.

These are all on the list of auctions and sales.

While human trafficking is banned worldwide, the Human Auction House appears to have the acquiescence of the Navy, which it also calls career referral offices.

In fact, acquiescing to the existence of such a place is a real slap in the face of the World Government.

The attitude of the world government, which advocates absolute justice, towards the human auction is ridiculed by many people.

However, regardless of the attitude of the world government, this place is destined to attract countless people.

Pirates, merchants, Tianlong people, etc. will all appear here.

Some are looking for powerful companions, and you may get a powerful subordinate with Bailey, some are buying bodyguards that can be sacrificed at any time to escort your caravan, and some are buying slaves just based on preference.

Every day the human auction venue will be very lively, and the flow of funds here is huge every day.

But such a place is super fat in the eyes of countless people, but no one dares to come here to make trouble. People familiar with the matter said, don't make trouble casually.

Uninformed people see the attitude of everyone, and they mostly keep silent, silently obeying the rules here.

Shichibukai, Don Quixote Doflamingo, the behind-the-scenes BoSS of the Human Auction.

A hundred years ago, the Don Quixote family was the original royal family of the Dressrosa Kingdom in the New World and one of the [-] kings who founded the World Government.

Abandoning his throne in Dressrosa due to moving into the holy land of Mary Gioia, the Liku family became the next king, and then Doflamingo took it back ten years ago and became the king of Dressrosa.

Doflamingo, making good use of the authority granted to Qiwuhai by the world government, controls many industries around the world, and his power in Qiwuhai is also huge.

It's just that he hides it very well, and many people don't know his details.

Liu Xu is well versed in the details of the human auction venue. Qiwuhai is composed of seven powerful pirates. Together with the Four Emperors and the Navy Headquarters, they have become the three great powers of the Great Route, an existence that is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After paying a little Bailey, Liu Xu walked in excitedly.

Good luck, today is an unusually lively day at the Human Auction Hall, the seats are full, and it was crowded with people in just a few minutes.

In the trading floor, the slave owner pulled his slaves to display like goods, clearly marked the price, as long as you have enough Bailey, you can take people away.Here, there is a lot of noise.

When we came to the auction hall, it was much quieter than the noisy trading hall.

Rows of seats are neatly arranged, corresponding to each number.

At this moment, the place is full of people, including civilians, pirates, businessmen, bandits, etc.

The few people at the front caught his attention, their aura, a kind of aura only possessed by the strong, it is difficult to judge their identities only from their clothes.

In front, a huge red carpet was laid out on the stage, with spotlights and flashing lights constantly intertwined, and objects covered by black cloth were placed on it, some as tall as five meters, and some as tiny as only one meter.

The identities of the two caused a commotion again, and the navy appeared here?Isn't it here to arrest people?

Pirates are the most sensitive to the navy, and one word is enough to express it.

sworn enemy.

Pirates who stare at tigers, civilians who are terrified, businessmen who are puzzled, and bandits who gloat.

Everyone's emotions are different, and their mentality is naturally different.

Staring at such complicated gazes, Liu Xu calmly sat down in his seat, slightly in front, in the third row.

After a short time, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed and plunged into darkness.

A few seconds later, the spotlights suddenly converged, and I saw a man with a tall hat, star-shaped sunglasses, and long pink-purple hair, holding a microphone in his hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this venue. It is an honor to meet you. Today, I, Disco, will hold this auction for you. This auction..."

Disco, known as the super-special auction that can walk, is fluent in eloquence, is good at driving the atmosphere of the scene, and makes people compete with each other unconsciously. This is his ability.

And he is also Doflamingo's subordinate, the organizer of this venue.

"The first auction item this time is..."

After finishing the opening remarks, Disco went straight to the topic, walked up to one of the black cloths and put his hands on it, with a wicked smile on his face.

"The tiger sharks of the murlocs. As we all know, the murlocs are the most brutal and powerful in the seabed..."

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