Pulling off the black cloth, Disco spoke loudly, with both emotions and extreme exaggeration.

However, his enthusiasm and exaggeration were recognized by many people, and many people suddenly boiled.

Behind the black cloth is a three-meter-high steel cage. Inside, a tiger shark man has iron chains tied to his hands, which looks similar to a human being. There is a layer of webbed flesh between the fingers of his hands, and the same is true for his feet.

The skin is gray and black, and the facial lines are sharp. It is completely like a shark's face, and the nose is also triangular and sharp.

The most important thing is his eyes, fierce, bloody and cruel.


Chapter 2328 Is there Bailey?

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu watched silently. The murlocs looked half-human, half-fish, and could walk upright, similar to amphibians.

However, their strength is very strong, and they are born with more than ten times the wrist strength of ordinary humans.

Just because of being discriminated against by humans, he hid in the Haitian Paradise [-] meters below the sea surface, Fishman Island!

Although humans discriminate against them, many people are willing to spend money to buy them due to their physical conditions, especially the powerful murlocs.

Regarding what happened to them, Liu Xu complained in his heart, it is not your fault to be a murloc, but it is your fault to come out and run around.

Without strength, why bother to come out?

"Having said all that, let's start with our first great deal! Starting bid,—Million Baileys."

Disco held his head high, looking excited.

Soon someone responded to his words.

"Nine million Baileys!"

A fat man dressed in gold and silver held the sign in his hand, shaking his head and waving his hand from time to time, for fear that others would not see the gold jewelry on his body.

"Ten million Baileys."

Other people also started bidding, and the scene suddenly became lively.

The auction of the first murloc was in the heat of the bidding, and finally the final price was [-] million, and the fat man at the beginning directly took it away.

"Then when the auction starts, he is..."

Walking to the second piece of black cloth, Disco grabbed the black cloth off.

"The deputy captain of the Sunflower Pirates, Chloe, has a reward of [-] million. He is a powerful swordsman and a master of swordsmanship. The starting price is [-] million."

It is not surprising that the pirate was auctioned. Liu Xu's eyes were on Nacro, with disheveled hair, slender figure, and powerful hands. He seemed to be a powerful swordsman, and he was also a deputy captain. It's good.

"Unfortunately, he no longer has any will to fight."

Liu Xu shook his head greatly.

"Major General Liu Xu, how did you find out?"

Tina was surprised, since when did the major general be so accurate in seeing people?

Also, don't be so serious, okay?Tina is not used to it.

Liu Xu smiled lightly and said: "He is a swordsman, and I am also a swordsman. From his eyes, I can't see the aloofness, nobility, perseverance, persistence, calmness, and patience of a swordsman. So he has been abolished. In my eyes, he is not even worth [-] Baileys."

This is how Liu Xu evaluated this swordsman.

A person who has lost his fighting spirit and given up his faith as a swordsman is no longer a swordsman. Even if he picks up the sword again, he will not be as brave as before.

Deep doubt appeared in Tina's eyes, Major General Liu Xu is still a swordsman?

"Major General Liu Xu, are you really a swordsman? Then why..."

How can you be called a swordsman without wearing a sword or using sword moves?

After she said this, Liu Xu smiled immediately, with a bright smile on his face, and a hint of complacency in his star pupils.

"Tina, if you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm a somewhat accomplished swordsman! Another day, another day I'll give you a glimpse, the kind that doesn't charge tickets!"

Although I use a sword, in this world, as long as you use a weapon, regardless of the sword, you will call yourself a "swordsman".

When Tina heard the black lines on her face, she didn't charge tickets?Take a peek?

Can we still have a good chat, can we have fun, can we stop talking so much that people commit crimes?

"I haven't seen it before, Tina is very sorry."

Her slightly disappointed tone and frowning slightly made someone almost unable to bear it.

The Zilei sword technique is a martial art that can shatter the void.

During the conversation between the two, Disco's auction gradually reached its climax.

"Next, please enjoy the presents we have prepared for you. Big Kuai Dao [-] Works, Thunder Dao! The starting price is [-] million Baileys."

This sentence made Liu Xu's ears prick up, sword?Selling swords?

Turning his head to look at the stage in an instant, he saw a maid dressed as a bunny girl holding a tray with an unsheathed Taidao on it. The blade was ten centimeters long, parallel in purple and black, the handle was red and black, and the blade was The cold light flickered, and purple light bloomed under the light.

The scabbard is simple and simple, with a gemstone printed with the lightning logo embedded on both sides.

Like it, Liu Xu was completely attracted at first glance.

Thunder Knife, the color is exactly the same as my warship and ability, and the name is also the same, no matter how I look at it, I like it.

So far, he has not owned a weapon of his own. Although the quality of the standard katana swords used by the Navy is acceptable, it is completely inferior to those that are extremely large or large. chop.

"Three and a half million Baileys."

A man with the appearance of a swordsman stood up immediately, looking at the thunder knife with fascination in his eyes.

One of the things a swordsman dreams of, a powerful knife.

"Major General Liu Xu, do you like this knife very much?"

Although Tina was asking, her tone was very firm, and her beautiful eyes were full of affirmation.

As smart as she was, she could tell the unconcealable excitement of this man just by looking at him.

Liu Xu nodded again and again, but never took his eyes off Thunder Knife.

"Don't you think this knife is completely prepared for me? Thunder knife, my swordsmanship is called 'Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder', what else could it be if it wasn't prepared for me?"

Tina's black line hangs down, can you stop being so shameless?Then if you get a skill called a black knife or something, then the black knife will have to be given to you?

Suddenly, Liu Xu's gaze moved away from Thunder Knife, turned to Tina's charming face, and said, "That, ahem, that, is there Bailey?"

Speaking of which, although he is a navy, it seems that he hasn't caught any pirates until now. The group of unlucky guys before were directly reduced to ashes by him, and he didn't even have a chance to exchange them for some Baileys. Shy and embarrassed.

Tina was stunned, the major general wants to borrow money?Is this a big joke?Wouldn't he be reluctant to spend his own money to borrow it?Did you pay it back after you borrowed it?


Chapter 2329

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Puzzled eyes fell on the man next to him, well, this question is worth considering.

Will you be short of money?Don't be kidding me, okay?

Liu Xu's old face was about to fade away, his little eyes were so sharp, it made people feel ashamed.

"Well, I haven't caught any pirates yet, so, so there is no Bailey."

The confidence is not enough, but he can't blame him. Naturally, if he is caught by a pirate, he will not get a bounty, which is a very realistic problem.

Suddenly, a warm smile bloomed on Tina's face, and she said, "No problem, I'll lend it to you."

Then she said seriously: "I have to pay it back."

Liu Xu nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, not to mention paying it back, even giving you interest...

"Twelve million."

There were voices of competition one after another, and not only swordsmen but also businessmen participated in the bidding.

The minds of businessmen let them know this is a business opportunity.

Some people who like to collect are also very interested in this. It seems that collecting a large knife and twenty-one work is a very pleasant thing to show off for a long time.

A pirate with a bounty of tens of millions may not be as precious as the twenty-one work of the big fast knife.

Rare things are more expensive, there are only [-] big knives in the world, although the general value is about [-] million.

But things are rare and expensive, there are more than twenty-one pirates in tens of millions, there are many, many.

"Fifteen million!"

Liu Xu raised the sign in his hand and yelled, his voice overwhelmed the others, causing people to stare at him.

"Huh, now, hurry up and make a decision!"

He screamed wildly in his heart, but hurry up, Diss, otherwise if someone else gets it, this young master will definitely kill you.

"Twenty million, I want it."

Suddenly, an arrogant and arrogant voice sounded from behind.

Liu Xu's heart suddenly turned cold. Does this world allow people to be a good swordsman?Still let people not be happy to participate in the auction?

Angry, angry, a group of anger arises in my heart, and I turn my head and shout angrily.


Tianlong people, the nobles of the world, have supreme power!

Tianlong is proud and arrogant, and considers himself a descendant of the creator, and everyone in the world is inferior to them.

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