Generally speaking, they all live in the Holy Land Marie Gioia, but some also live in the Chambord Islands.

At the entrance of the auction hall, there was a fat man wearing a bubble hood, dressed in fancy clothes, with black hair tied up in a braid, a snot hanging from his nose, and a mustache around him.

Behind him, there are more than a dozen servants dressed as servants, and there are a few ragged, muscular efforts, with collars around their necks, and an iron chain extending to the snot-nosed man's hand.

On their backs, there is a red circle with three triangular cones evenly spaced, and a triangular cone in the lower center.

The hoofprint of the Nine Heavens Xianglong!

The exclusive slave mark of the Tianlong people, as long as they are branded with this humiliating mark, it means that they will always be inferior, and this is the exclusive power of the Tianlong people.

Walking dead and numb, these two words are the best words to describe slaves.

Unspirited, humiliated crawling, even used as a means of transportation.

The few slaves, accustomed to their humiliation, remained silent.

As soon as the snot-nosed man arrived, the entire auction hall suddenly boiled, and there was constant noise.

Many people stood up and knelt on the ground trembling, not daring to look at the snot-nosed man.

The snot man is used to this, it is his privilege, and the descendants of the almighty Creator enjoy so many privileges.

Ok? !

Suddenly, the snotty man's small eyes turned, and his facial features were crowded together, like crumpled paper.

In the auction hall, there are still several people who did not kneel!

"Bastard, why don't you low-class people kneel down and look at me with your humble eyes?"

The snotty man pointed at those people, exasperated.

In the front row, none of the seven people knelt down. They were still sitting in their seats, looking at the snotty man with their heads slanted.

Liu Xu's eyes also looked over, um, these people are not bad, they have a good breath, they should be powerful people.

It should be a pirate or bandit, but I don't know how the bounty is.

"Major General Liu Xu, these are all pirates, the one on the far left is the captain of the Bucked Pirates, with a reward of [-] million, and the two next to him are his deputy captains, with a reward of [-] each Wan and [-] million. That one is the captain of the Tutulu Pirates, with a reward of [-] million... The last one is the captain of the Hawkinglai Pirates, with a reward of [-] million Baileys."

Tina whispered beside her, and the identities of several people were explained in detail.

Liu Xu really wanted to sigh, this already feels like a secretary, if it is equipped with a notebook and pen, it will be perfect.

But, why is she speaking so strangely?It's not like her usual tone!

Liu Xu was puzzled and turned his head away, only to see Tina kneeling on the ground on one knee, this...

With a sigh in my heart, the power of the Tianlong people is fully reflected at this moment.

Even Tina, who is well-known in the Navy headquarters, still cannot escape the fate of kneeling when she sees a Tianlongren.

If the god of heaven does not make beauty, then fight with heaven.

"Tina, get up."

Calm words resounded from Liu Xu's mouth, and there was a calmness on his face. The carelessness of the last second had disappeared, replaced by solemnity.

Tina's pupils shrank, and she couldn't help but feel anxious. Could it be that the last scene you don't want to see is about to happen?

"Tina, get up."

The same sentence has not changed in the slightest from the previous one, even the speed and tone of speech have also remained the same.

Tina felt a burst of sadness inexplicably, this approachable major general may not escape this disaster.

Without standing up, Tina just sighed and kept her head down without speaking.

Seeing this, Liu Xu didn't force her. He didn't try to help her up. He sat in his seat and looked at the thunder knife on the stage.

St. Charles Rose, seeing that those people were still indifferent under his roar, suddenly became furious. He only felt that his status as a noble in the world was being challenged, and he was furious.


Chapter 2330 Tianlong people are so strange

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Trash, why don't you arrest them?"

He kicked the three slaves in front who were on all fours, and at the same time let go of the chains in their hands.

The chain fell, and the three kneeling slaves suddenly burst into flames, rushing towards the pirates in the front row, spreading their hands like wild beasts.

None of the pirates moved, turned their heads and continued to look at the stage, slaves, they are not interested!

Suddenly, when the three slaves were about to rush to the front row, the captain of the Buckde Pirates on the far left suddenly shot.

Without looking at the three of them, his right hand suddenly pointed back.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were three loud bangs, and golden light flew out of his hand, hitting the foreheads of the three rushing slaves with lightning speed, making their bodies instantly stiff.

On their foreheads, blood slowly spilled from a tiny hole.

In Buck's hand, a revolver made of pure gold was still smoking from the muzzle, confirming that it was his action just now.

Silence, dead silence.

Except for a few people in the auction venue, everyone's eyes widened.

shot?Did you shoot the Draco slaves just now?

Soon, the venue gradually became noisy, and some people had already moved slowly towards the door, but St. Charles Rose

At the door, let them dare not do anything to provoke him.

Saint Charles Rose did not expect such a thing to happen. Someone dared to attack his slaves. Is this to challenge the dignity of the nobles of the world?

The life and death of slaves are in the hands of noble nobles like them. When will it be this person's turn to decide?

After reacting, Saint Charles Rose understood what was going to happen.Since he killed the slave, would he also kill himself?

The body took a few steps back, but at this moment, he saw the figure of another person. The back of the shining coat of justice was very dazzling, but it also made him furious.

This person didn't even kneel down, and he didn't help him in the dangerous situation just now. This is simply unforgivable.


The gunshot rang out again, but it was no longer from Buckard, but Saint Charros. In his hand, a beautifully crafted pistol was pointed at the back of the man in the coat of justice in the third row in front. A puff of smoke came out of the muzzle.

Liu Xu was watching Lei Dao, when suddenly there was a sharp whistling sound from behind, and a strong sense of crisis spread all over his body, making the hairs on his body stand on end.

The elementalization of instinct, a bullet passed through his head as soon as it was completed, and brought a deep purple electric light to the siding under the front stage.

The elementalized body quickly recovered, and Liu Xu's face darkened. There was only one person in the entire auction venue who could shoot himself at such a time.

Charles Rose St!

This scene made many people feel that the Tianlong people are changeable. Isn't the navy protecting them?Why did they suddenly attack the navy?This is exactly the rhythm of murder!

Tina, who was half kneeling on the ground, heard the gunshot and looked up at Liu Xu, but just in time to see the scene where his head was pierced by the bullet, a cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she slowly stood up.

This change of hers made Liu Xu somewhat comforted. The Tianlong people are cruel and regard human life as worthless. Do you want to protect them like other navies and let them do whatever they want?

Sorry, whoever makes this request will go to hell!Master Ben doesn't mind giving him a ride.

Quickly controlling his emotions, he turned his head and looked at Saint Charles Rose.

The icy coldness, like a glacier that has not melted for a thousand years, is undisguised in his star pupils, and the bewitching electric glow fills Liu Xu's eyes, and murderous intent is gradually revealed.

Facing this gaze, Saint Charlos didn't feel anything. He pinched his nose with his left hand fingers, and his nostrils swelled and shrank.

"Bastard, if you haven't arrested these people and made them my slaves, what is your navy doing?"


One second he shot and killed the other party, and the next second he asked the other party to arrest him as his slave. Perhaps only a Tianlong person could say such a thing.

Don't doubt, Tianlong people are so weird!

The pirates in the front row were either grinning, sneering, or sneering. Tianlong people are indeed garbage, and they can always do such disgusting things.

Liu Xu's icy face suddenly broke into a smile, his smile was like peach blossoms blooming in March, which made people feel like a spring breeze, and his easy-going temperament could be seen at a glance.

"Are you a Celestial Dragon? A world noble?"

He asked softly, with a gentle smile on his face, making it impossible to see any questions.

Saint Charles Rose smiled proudly, his face full of self-satisfaction, superior to others.

"Yes, I am the world's noble Tianlongren. Navy, I order you to arrest these people now. And why don't you kneel down, and why does this female navy stand up? It's unreasonable, it's too presumptuous."

The original superiority felt the anger behind him, which explained his changeable character incisively and vividly.

Turning his eyes to Tina, Saint Charles Rose suddenly glowed with golden light, and his small eyes stared at Tina and looked up and down, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

"Now I've changed my mind and dedicate this female navy."

He raised his head and pointed at Tina with one hand, as if his words were a gift.

Tina's body trembled, a mature and steady woman couldn't help feeling a little frightened at this moment.

She has been in the Navy headquarters for many years and knows some of the ways.

The World Government, the Navy Headquarters, will not offend the Celestial Dragon just because of her as a colonel.

Her fate seems to have been decided.

At this moment, the sky seemed to be falling.

No one spoke in the auction hall, except for the few pirates, everyone else bowed their heads in silence.

And the pirates were also happy to watch the affairs of the navy and the Tianlong people, not worried about any trouble at all.

"It seems very interesting to see the Tianlong people forcibly occupying the navy!"

Captain Tutu Lu had an obvious smile on his face.

The other pirates laughed softly and didn't answer.

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