
Chapter 2331 The big event!

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu nodded and said, "So you've taken a fancy to her, Tina, what do you think?"

A question was handed over to Tina, which surprised the other party, and an indescribable anger gradually arose in her heart.

Major General Liu Xu, I'm giving up on her!

Colonel Tina, who is sunny and confident, Colonel Tina, who is mature and stable, and Tina, who has explosive combat power, can't help feeling angry at this moment.

Falling into the hands of the Tianlongren, she will only be teased by them at will, and finally abandoned or killed. How can she accept it?

The most unacceptable thing is that Major General Liu Xu is so weak and incompetent at this time.

St. Charles Rose laughed, his nose drooping to his mouth, and his image looked even more disgusting.

"By the way, are you qualified to make any decisions on my subordinates?"

Suddenly, Liu Xu's face changed, and the warm smile disappeared, replaced by a fierce murderous intent and endless ice.

Things are changing too fast, and Saint Charles Rose feels that his IQ is not enough. Didn't he want to dedicate this female navy to himself?Why do you talk like that again?

Without waiting for him to ask, Liu Xu continued: "You are a useless Tianlong who dare to covet my subordinates. Do you want me to beat you up here, or kill you? Remember, no one can do anything to me." If the subordinates do anything to hurt them, the Navy Headquarters will not do it, and neither will the Tianlong people!"


What seemed to be a statement made everyone stunned, waste Tianlongren?Killed the Celestial Dragon?Tianlong people are not qualified to do any harm to his subordinates?

Crazy, madly shocking, madly touching, madly convincing.

"This kid is a character."

Captain Buckard exclaimed, turned and gave a thumbs up.

Captain Tutu Lu, who was going to watch a big show, also turned around and said, "Although they are opposites, I still have to praise them!"


Tina was stunned, Major General Liu Xu, what did he just say?

"Major General Liu Xu..."

The ups and downs, Tina's heart was moved at this moment, in order to fight against the Tianlong people, Major General Liu Xu, you will be the first person in the Navy headquarters.

You are someone worthy of Tina's following.

She had already made a certain determination in her heart, and this determination was destined to change her.

"Tina, don't say much."

Liu Xu interrupted her.

"Now, it's time to settle accounts with this disgusting guy. Stand aside and don't do anything, I'll take care of everything alone!"

As he said that, he stood up and walked towards Saint Charles Rose. Every time he took a step, an electric arc appeared on his body, and the mysterious dark purple electric light surrounded his body, like a god who dominated thunder and lightning, majestic and inviolable.

The Navy and the Celestial Dragons had a conflict, which was definitely a shocking event.

The little IQ of Saint Charles Rose finally played a role at this time. He seemed to understand that the visitor was not good, and he stepped back in horror, seeing that he had walked out of the gate of the auction venue.


Suddenly, the people in the venue became lively, but they were not discussing, but fleeing.

Everyone rushed to the door and fled.

People in the Chambord Islands all understand the iron-clad fact that the admiral is guarding the Celestial Dragons.

Once the Tianlong people are killed or insulted, the admiral will appear, and then it will be bloody.

Even a devastating bombing of an area, no one wants to face that kind of bombing.

The crowd passed by, but Liu Xu's pace did not change, maintaining a steady speed, and his eyes were always on St. Charles Rose.

St. Charles Rose walked out of the auction venue, so terrified that he forgot to run away, and fell to the ground on the street.

The surrounding people were terrified and inexplicable, and ran away desperately.

The dozen or so servants behind him were also terrified. They were just ordinary servants. How could they dare to face a navy capable person without strength?

"Saint Charles, the nobles of the world, is nothing more than that."

Liu Xu looked down at the other party and despised the Tianlong people so much in front of everyone, how many people in this world dare to say such words.

St. Charles Rose was even more terrified, pointing at him with one hand, his nose dripping.

"You, don't come here, go away, go away..."

At this moment, he was secretly resentful. If he borrowed a captain's slave from his father when he came out today, things would not be so passive, and maybe he could get the female navy.

At this time, Saint Charles Rose is still thinking about Tina, what a courtship!

However, now he only has regrets.


A crisp sound, crisp and pleasant, and unusually harsh.

Nearby, apart from the few pirates, there were no other civilians, and maybe some were watching carefully from a distance.

Liu Xu flicked his right hand and didn't care.

With a slap, St. Charles Rose felt a severe throbbing pain on the left side of his face, and his head suddenly turned to the right.

In the air, the bright red with white spots is particularly eye-catching.

Big event, definitely a big event!

"So tough, this slap slapped his teeth out. If he is a pirate, I must be friends with him!"

Huo Jinlai clapped his hands, he was the one with the highest reward among these few people, and naturally he was also the one with the highest strength among them.

Several pirates have already come out of the auction venue, and so is Tina.

At this moment, she did not have the previous panic and anger, but put on a consistent professional smile, infinitely magnifying her charm.

"Well, I, I want, I want to kill you."

A slap in the face freed St. Charros from the panic. The aloofness he had accumulated over the years made him unacceptable to be slapped. The inferiority of most Celestial Dragons is fully reflected in him.


With another slap, Liu Xu moved his wrist with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"This slap is the price you paid for making my subordinates kneel, and the slap in front is the small price you paid for attacking me."

"Next, is the real punishment."

It seems that he made a lot of sense when he said this, and it was completely reasonable.

However, this world is not about reason, but about strength.

Saint Charles Ross received two slaps, and he fell directly on the ground, his face and clothes covered with snot and tears.


Chapter 2332 Major General vs Major General

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The Celestial Dragon was beaten, and it looked like he might be killed.

The news quickly spread throughout the Chambord Islands, and even spread to other islands under the propaganda of some special people.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The sound of neat footsteps came from a distance, hurried and fast.

Dressed in blue and white soldier uniforms, the navy came quickly with rifles in their hands. The number of soldiers in several rows was about a hundred, which was almost the same as the number on Liu Xu's warship.

In front of these people was an officer wearing a justice coat, cyan curly hair, and a blue and white striped suit. He was about [-] meters tall and had a sword hanging from his waist.

Mighty and majestic, he rushed to the human auction house in front of him with neat steps.

In a blink of an eye, the navy team came to them. With a wave of the officer in front, hundreds of soldiers directly surrounded Liu Xu, and he walked up to St. Charles Ross and helped him up.

"His Royal Highness Charles Rose, how are you..."

St. Charles Rose was helped up, with a look of horror and anger on his face, pointing at Liu Xu.

"Hurry up, arrest him, I'm going to torture him, damned inferior."

The officer turned to look at Liu Xu, with a look of surprise in his eyes, Navy?officer?Damn it, what kind of trouble is this?

The Tianlong people are protected by the world government, so the navy will naturally protect the Tianlong people. What's the situation now?Navy officers had a conflict with the Celestial Dragons?Not only beat him, but also wanted to kill him?

There were too many doubts, so the officer went directly to Liu Xu.

"Rear Admiral, Dele."

Liu Xu looked at him and said directly, "Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Liu Xu."


Dele felt like throwing up, why is he the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters?Are you really kidding me?Compared with the local officers, the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters is three ranks higher, that is to say, the status of Liu Xu in front of him is much higher than him.

"Major General Liu Xu, please explain what's going on here." After saluting, Dele said seriously, even if the other party is a major general of the Navy headquarters, it's not a joke to offend Tianlong people for such a big thing.

Liu Xu didn't care, and slowly said what happened before.

just, huh?This name sounds familiar, Liu Xu, where did I hear it?

Wait, Liu Xu, isn't he the newly promoted major general three months ago?The Marshal of the Warring States Period seems to have promoted this matter very much!

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