Looking at the face of the person in front of me, it's really exactly the same as the one in the newspaper.

For a while, he was completely messed up.

The major admiral that the Navy Headquarters advertised a while ago, now wants to kill the Tianlongren?

In other words, this Tianlongren is too deadly!

There is no reason to attack a major general of the headquarters, and he wants to take his subordinates away. It is no wonder that he is going to be angry.

After being stunned for a while, Dele came back to his senses, still with a serious expression on his face, and said: "Major General Liu Xu, although I really don't want to do this, it is my duty to protect the Tianlong people. If you offend them, please tell me." Let's go!"

"Bastard, I want you to arrest him and torture him!"

Holy Charros is angry, didn't this guy hear what he said clearly just now?take him away?Where would he go to find someone?

"Stupid, retarded."

Dele cursed inwardly.

But Liu Xu sneered, and said, "Major General Dele, I'm afraid things won't work out for you. I didn't do anything wrong. I stick to justice. A villain like this should be killed."

What he said made Dele feel embarrassed for a while, and almost burst into tears.

Major General Liu Xu, won't you cooperate?Let's see how to deal with it then!

I can't tell, he has a pretty good heart...

Chambord Islands, outside the Human Auction, on the street.

The news that the Tianlong people were attacked by the navy and attracted other navy protection spread, and the whole archipelago boiled.

What has not happened in this archipelago for hundreds of years, what no one dares to challenge, has happened today, and it is still started by the navy.

Irony, a very ironic thing.

Also because of this incident, the people of GR1 fled desperately to other islands.

If the Tianlong people are attacked, they will definitely attract admiral-level naval protection, and the serious naval headquarters will even destroy the island.

The idle people outside the human auction venue have left, leaving only Saint Charles Rose and many navies, as well as a few daring pirates.

Major General Dele was very sad, his face flushed red from his intense breathing, his chest heaved and heaved, and his blue curly hair fluttered in the wind.

"Major General Liu Xu, please come with us and explain this matter clearly."

Rear Admiral Dele sighed inwardly, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and there was a hint of unbearableness on his face. He had to do this due to the duties of the Navy and the orders of the World Government.

But Liu Xu disagreed, so what's the point of following you guys?If he couldn't even protect his own subordinates, then why would he be such a major general?

"Major General Dele, please forgive me, you have your responsibilities, and I have my justice."

Righteousness is awe-inspiring, and there is a lot of perseverance in his eyes, and his body takes a step back to block Tina.

Major General Dele also bent slightly, and said, "Please think carefully, Major General Liu Xu."

Standing behind the major general, St. Charles Rose, his face unabated, his teeth clucking, pointed at Liu Xu with one hand, and shouted, "Catch him and let me torture him..."

"I let you catch him and let me torture him."

Speaking of this, St. Charles Rose was emotional, waving his hands wildly, and the bubble hood was almost knocked off by him.

Ignoring him, Major General Dele's resolute face was full of dignity.

What do you think the people who dare to fight Tianlong are like puppies and puppies!

The other party is younger than him, but he is by no means an ordinary person, otherwise how could the headquarters publicize him so much?

The pirates at the door laughed lowly, the war between the navies is really exciting.

The soldiers did not trouble these people, because this is an illegal zone, and the navy can't control it.


Chapter 2333 The first blow, the spring thunderstorm

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Major General Liu Xu, let Tina go!"

Tina walked out sideways, her eyes were sharp and cold, without any other emotions.

"Go back, this is an order."

Liu Xu snorted softly, why is this silly woman here to join in the fun at this time, does she really want to wander the world with her, come to sleep and fly together or something?

This is not bad!

Tina clenched her fists, finally lowered her head halfway, and retreated to the back without saying a word. No one knew what her heart was thinking now.


A dazzling light rose from Major General Dele's waist, accompanied by a slight murmur, which persisted for a long time.

"Good knife."

First feeling, a very good knife.

Major General Dele held a sword in his right hand, a very typical tachi at that time, with a snow-white body and red and black stripes on the hilt.

Other than that, there are no other outstanding highlights of this Taidao.And it was such a knife that Liu Xu couldn't help admiring.

"The name of the sword is white blood, and it is a good and quick sword with fifty craftsmanship. So far, I have cut down [-] pirates in my hands. The sword body is pure and flawless, and it is not stained with any blood, hence the name. Please advise!"

Liu Xu greatly agreed. With some achievements in sword intent, he can tell the quality of a Taidao. This one is a bloody Taidao.



A crisp sound came from Liu Xu's body, followed by a burst of purple light flashing, arcs entangled around him, and strange purple lightning flashed in his eyes, confronting Major General Dele in front.

"Sky Strike!"

Major General Dele took two steps forward, and Bai Xue raised his head and held the hilt with one hand. He slashed from top to bottom in quick succession, and the white shock wave fell downward.

"Ten million volts. Thunder Knife!"

In the face of the attack from above, he calmly responded, instead of retreating, he advanced, his hands continued to release dark purple lightning, and he lifted it above his head. The dazzling light burst instantly.


The thunder knife cut through the white shock wave and slashed towards Major General Dele, who had not yet fallen into the sky, without reducing his speed by a single point due to the shock wave.

"Tide Tiger!"

Seeing this, Major General Dele held the hilt of the sword with both hands and assumed a tiger stance. The white blood was like the fangs of a tiger. With a loud noise, the sword slashed down twice in a row, and the white tiger-shaped shock wave slammed into the sword of lightning... …


The shock wave hit the lightning blade, and the lightning blade was hit by a large amount of lightning resistance, which quickly shrank to about four meters long.

Major General Dele also used the reaction force of the attack to turn his body a few times in the air and landed on the ground properly.

The Thunder Knife shrinks, but Major General Dele's heart is heavy. The newly promoted Major General Liu Xu, this girl is not human at all, how can someone so young be so powerful?

Without taking advantage of the situation to pursue, the Thunder Knife returned to the posture that quickly expanded to five meters long under Liu Xu's traction. The purple thunder light flickered slightly, like a judgment blade to judge all evils in the world.

At the moment when the battle started, Tina and several pirates had retreated again and again and stopped inside the gate.

The navy soldiers have also dragged St. Charles to a safe distance, leaving enough space for the battle between the two.

"Your attack is not bad." Liu Xu said seriously.

It is very good that the local navy can reach this level, even if he is a major general.

Dele said without arrogance or impetuosity: "Using the air pressure generated by continuous slashes to form shock waves, this is what I am most proud of."

Liu Xu nodded secretly. If he learned this without a teacher, he would definitely be proud of it. Many swordsmen can't reach his level.

Ordinary swordsmen can only increase their strength and times by using continuous slashes. For the slashes of Major General Dele, it requires a certain understanding of the air flow of air pressure to be able to slowly feel it out.

"Come again."

Liu Xu yelled, fighting with people is what makes his blood boil, and only by fighting constantly can he figure out his own attack method and accumulate enough experience.


The sword of thunder and lightning hangs above his head, the mysterious purple light is mysterious and noble, and the sword formed by the power of the nature department slashes at Major General Dele, who is ten meters away.

Major General Dele didn't dare to be careless, he once again assumed the stance of a tiger, and the pure white blood on the blade slashed upwards twice in a row.

"Tide Tiger!"

The same slash, this time the tiger-shaped shock wave seems to have grown a little bit, and it actually blocked the thunderbolt knife abruptly, which made him happy and shouted.

However, he did not see the smile on Liu Xu's face opposite him.

"One cut!"

The Thunder Knife suddenly raised and then cut down. The five-meter-long Lightning Knife did not shrink, but kept its original shape.

A purple thunderbolt left in the sky, shining brightly.

"Two cuts!"

The Thunder Sword suddenly moved sideways, came to the side of Major General Dele, and cut it down with one blow.

Major General Dele was shocked, how can this girl fight like this?Shouldn't you hit me up?Sure enough, Major General Liu Xu is not a vegetarian.

The attack speed was too fast, it was too late for him to dodge, the white blood blocked his side, and the sword of thunder and lightning slashed on it at once, the huge force and powerful current made him retreat again and again, and his body appeared out of control, completely unable to control it. .

After the slash, a purple lightning bolt was left in the sky again, and it was quickly connected to another lightning bolt.

"Three cuts!"

Like a talisman, as the voice fell, the Lightning Saber changed direction again, this time appearing behind Major General Dele, without any fancy moves, simply slashed down with a single knife.


After being stabbed in the back, Major General Dele couldn't help shouting, and rushed forward more than ten meters.

"Thirty million volts. The first strike of the seven strikes of purple thunder. The spring thunder storm kills!"

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