As soon as the words fell, three thunderbolts fell vertically from the sky and hit Major General Dele's back, causing his body to bend, and the justice coat was instantly burned by the high temperature.


Chapter 2334 The Great Future Comes

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



The ground was hit by the redundant parts of the three lightning bolts and there was an explosion, and the ground of the whole street suddenly sank downwards, and it was directly lowered by half a meter.

At the end of the street, dense cracks appeared on the ground.

The buildings and shops on both sides of the street gradually collapsed, the deafening noise continued, the dust filled the air, and gradually lifted into the air.

Looking down from a high place, the last three thunderbolts of Thunder Saber Triple Slash are evenly distributed to form a triangle, attacking vertically downwards.On the back of Major General Dele, a triangular scar ran through the entire back, and his body was scorched black.

Liu Xu exhaled, and Lei Dao returned to the top of his head and merged into his body.

"Major General Dele, the outcome is already divided!"

Walking in front of the other party, Liu Xu looked down at the other party, Junyi's face was no longer as serious as before, but replaced with a warm and bright smile.

"You have already lost, you have to admit defeat obediently!"

Major General Dele turned his face down. He could only sigh when he heard what he said in front of him. He lost.

But when it got to the back, there were countless black lines hanging on his forehead, Major General Liu Xu, don't bring such a bully...

If you want to flirt, please find another woman...

" hurts..."

He struggled to stand up on his hands, the sharp pain in his back made him grin his teeth, and his dark body was complemented by bright white teeth.

"Major General Liu Xu, I'm convinced, I have no right to stop you from doing anything."

Huh?Really so straightforward?

Liu Xu couldn't believe it, he scratched his hair and laughed, and said, "Don't be depressed, you may challenge me in the future! Come on, be confident."

As he spoke, he patted the other person's shoulder with his hand.

Dele wants to cry, Major General Liu Xu, now that we are seriously injured, can we not be so ruthless?

The faces of the people inside the gate were also weird. Didn't they have a good fight just now?Why do you suddenly become so close like an old friend you haven't seen for many years?

Someone didn't know what he was thinking at all, so he patted him on the shoulder, and suddenly patted his forehead as if he had remembered something.

"Ugh, almost forgot about the slug."

As he spoke, Liu Xu aimed his eyes at the place where the navy soldiers were.

The navy soldier opened his mouth when he saw him like this, and raised his hands above his head, startled.

"Ah... look here."

"God, it's amazing."

"Major General Liu Xu, please don't embarrass these soldiers, please?" Major General Dele begged in pain.

He didn't want the other party to give him a blank stare, and said: "Major General Dele, figure out the situation, this young master is a major general of the Navy headquarters, how could he attack soldiers, idiot. Also, I am the victim of this case, okay?" ?”

Fool?suffer, victim?

Major General Dele was in a mess, and he didn't know how to explain the Tianlong people to the other party.

It seems that the Tianlong people don't have much fighting power!

St. Charles Rose was sad, and barely kept standing with the support of several marines.

Oh my god, why is that man so powerful that even a major general can't beat him, what should we do now?How to do?

Anxiety and panic alternated on his face, and his eyes swept over the navy soldier.

"Asshole, don't catch him yet."

St. Charles Rose suddenly broke free from the sailors who were supporting him, kicked them a few times, and then turned around and ran back quickly.

"Want to run? That depends on whether the young master agrees or not."

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, and there was a look of narrowness in his eyes.

"Fifty million……"

He suddenly stopped when his hands were glowing with thunder and just raised above his head, looking at the air in front of the other party in confusion.

A small black spot in the sky was approaching here, and Saint Charles, who fled below, was terrified and did not see anyone chasing after him, and the panic turned into resentment.

"Abominable low-class people, who actually attacked the noble nobles of the world, I want to let the Admiral of the Navy come to end you personally."

"Huh? It's so noisy...ah!"

St. Charles Rose, who was fleeing, was suddenly frightened by a strange sound, and then a loud noise rang in his ears. A wave of air directly overturned his body, and his head came into close contact with the ground. His life and death are unknown. .

"Yellow ape, so tough."

Liu Xu couldn't help being dumbfounded looking at the flames from the explosion in front of him. Isn't this too cruel?Standing on top of the cannonball?If the shell accidentally exploded in the air, would it blow him up too?

General Kizaru, you are on the stage with your life, you won't die if you don't make it, haven't you heard of it?


In front of the flames produced by the explosion of the shell, a man wearing a navy justice coat, a yellow and white striped suit, nearly three meters tall, with black curly hair, a small beard on his face, and a pair of sunglasses.

Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters!

Kizaru's name is Polsalino, a natural-type glittering fruit ability student, and a student of Black Arm Zefa.

At this moment, with a black phone bug on his left wrist, he lowered his head and said, "Please reply, please restore."

However, the black phone bug didn't respond, half-squinting and ignoring it.

Huang Yuan's expression suddenly became weird, and he said slowly, "Yeah...that's really weird."

Immediately, he put away the phone bug, and walked slowly towards the location of the human auction venue.

The shining way of debut, this should be said to be unique, landing on the cannonball, no matter how you think about it, it makes people panic.

"General, general, the general is coming."

The navy soldier opened his mouth wide, the speed of the general's journey is too fast, isn't it?Arriving here so quickly, my God, is this the rhythm of killing them?

"Tsk tsk, general, then we should withdraw too."

The pirates inside the gate swallowed their saliva, then entered the venue and disappeared without a trace.

The Navy Award, known as the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters, generally allows them to shoot pirates with a bounty of hundreds of millions. They don't think they have the ability to fight against each other.


Chapter 2335 The first collision of light and electricity

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Huang Yuan looked left and right, and finally locked his eyes on Major General Dele who was covered in black.

"Have you been arrested?"

These words were spoken to Liu Xu, which made many people feel helpless all of a sudden. This is really... so speechless.

Liu Xu was also tangled for a while, it hurts, it hurts somewhere.

"General Huang Yuan, I am Liu Xu."

Huang Yuan's eyelids moved, and a strange look flashed across his eyes hidden under the sunglasses.

"So you are the one to be arrested!"

The speed of speech is very slow, which makes people feel anxious for him. Your Excellency, can you speak faster?

Liu Xu nodded, and was mentally prepared for a big battle.

In his impression, Huang Yuan has always been a very calm person who is good at seeing things from different angles.

He always likes to look at one thing from the standpoint of a bystander, so as to put himself in the most favorable position, and to reap the benefits of the fisherman when the enemy is both defeated by watching the tiger fight from a distance.

In the face of such a person, one has to be careful, maybe it will be a sad reminder for him to make such a move or two when he gets violent.

"Your Excellency, Liu..."

At this time, Major General Dele seemed to want to say something, but he was interrupted by Huang Yuan in the middle of speaking.

"Needless to say, just grab it back. New major general, let me see your strength."

Although Liu Xu was publicized by the Navy headquarters, he has already entered the sight of some people.

But during the three months in the Navy headquarters, I didn't see the other two generals except Qingzhi, and today was the first time I met them.

Well, a person who wants to fight directly as soon as he comes out is a very straightforward person.

Not to mention Liu Xu's body quickly turned into elements, and the purple saber was suspended above his head, majestic and majestic.

"Have you ever tasted the feeling of being kicked by the speed of light?"

Huang Yuan suddenly said something, then raised his right foot, yellow photons accumulated under his feet, and kicked them out.

The yellow light flashed past, and Liu Xu's Thunder Saber also cut down at this time.

Purple and yellow light flashed alternately, and the figures were separated in an instant.

"So fast!"

Liu Xu's heart trembled, the speed of light, the speed of the flashing fruit really reached the speed of light, it was too fast.

There was a gap in his stomach, which looked horrific.

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