However, the purple lightning condensed, and his body quickly recovered.

The three-story building behind him was directly reduced to ashes, kicking at the speed of light, and a single blow could destroy a building.

"Not bad, good attack."

Huang Yuan spoke slowly, his thick lips opened and closed, his body was split into two, at the wound, the yellow light condensed, and his body was also repaired.

On the ground behind him, a crack that was twenty meters long and one meter wide was particularly eye-catching.

The first time they met, the two seemed to be on a par.

"General Polsalino!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, such as the empty valley orchid, with a bit of a low voice, and a slightly anxious tone.

Huang Yuan looked over, as if something sounded.

"Colonel Tina, you are here!"

Tina gave a salute, a flash of struggle and determination flashed in her eyes, and said, "Your Excellency General, it's my lead..."

She wanted to explain something, and Kizaru also listened and seemed to be very serious.

But Liu Xu interrupted her directly. He looked at the other party with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "Tina, you are my subordinate, and I have an obligation to protect you. You shouldn't be involved in this dispute." , I will bear everything alone."

The righteousness is awe-inspiring, and Kizaru nodded secretly. It sounds very comfortable to hear, is it for the sake of his subordinates?

Those who achieve great things are informal, but stick to the bottom line.

You can be free and carefree in life, but when it comes to dignity and other things, you can't tolerate a little bit of defilement from others.

As a rear admiral of the Navy headquarters, he considers himself obliged to protect his subordinates.

Facing Huang Yuan's high combat power, how could he let his subordinates take the blame?

"Kizuna, let's continue our battle, don't waste too much time, it's good to eat after the fight, isn't it?"

"You seem very confident."

Huang Yuan heard another flavor from his seemingly nervous words, is he really that confident in himself?

Liu Xu didn't answer, and pulled away Tina who was next to him. Electric arcs kept flashing around him, and today was going to fight to the death.

Huang Yuan looked at him, and suddenly said: "Yeah... where are the Tianlong people? It's really strange."

Huh?Liu Xu was dumbfounded, Tina was also dumbfounded, Rear Admiral Dele and the navy soldiers were also dumbfounded.

What does this mean?Why did you ask where the Tianlong people were?Shouldn't you have fought Rear Admiral Liu Xu and brought him back to the Navy headquarters for trial?

By the way, can your thinking not be so jumpy?

Liu Xu pointed to the location of St. Charles Rose, and said, "There, it was blown up by your shell just now."

Huang Yuan's face instantly became embarrassing, was it blown up by a shell?Why is this Tianlong person so unlucky?You won't die, will you?

"I'll drag him out first."

Turning around, the yellow ape walked directly towards the position of St. Charros.


Saint Charles Rose, a few holes have been burned by the flames in his gorgeous clothes, and half of the black braids have been burned. The face like a bun is stained with black marks, and the disgusting snot at the nose is also burning. black dust.

The bubble hood, which symbolized their noble status, was nowhere to be seen, perhaps it also symbolized their pride.

"Cough cough..."

Coughing violently, Charlos Saint didn't know, only that now the Admiral was here and he was safe.

"Your Excellency Charles Rose, are you alright?"

Huang Yuan half bent down with his hands on his hips and looked at the short and fat man in front of him. His posture was not very good, but his tone was a little respectful.

Saint Charles Rose snorted, scowling.

"Admiral, didn't you see my noble world nobleman fall to the ground? You dragged me out with such a rude movement."


Chapter 2336 Killed

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Huang Yuan did what he said, and indeed dragged the Tianlongren out of the fire and rubble, ignoring the opponent's screams all the way.

"Yeah, it's really weird that you didn't get killed."

囧, Charles Rose 囧, is this world crazy?Did the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters treat the nobles of the world like this?He wanted to run away, he didn't bully Tianlong people like this.

If Kiabou knew what he was thinking, he would definitely be wronged, it was just his catchphrase...

"Your Excellency Charles Rose, please stand aside, I will bring Major General Liu Xu back to the headquarters for trial."

Um?The plot reversed?

Saint Charles Rose was overjoyed, wiped his nose hard, stood up quickly, and pointed to Liu Xu in the distance.

"Arrest him, and I will torture him myself."

Kizaru pursed his lips with an unfathomable smile, stood up straight and picked up the black phone.

"Saint Charles Rose has been found, please reply."

After a while, the phone bug squinted his eyes and looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Please reply, please reply."

As you can imagine, the black phone bug made no sound.

Huang Yuan put it away directly, and walked towards Liu Xu's position with an inexplicable smile.

Saint Charles Rose wanted to cry behind him.

"How did these bastards in the Navy Headquarters find such an idiot? Can the black phone bug communicate? You bastard, that's for eavesdropping."

Following behind Kizaru, Saint Charles Rose is still very confident. The major general can't beat you, but the general can beat you, right?

Standing still, Huang Yuan slowly opened his mouth and said, "Major General Liu Xu, follow me back to the Navy Headquarters for trial."

The words were slow, but unquestionable.

Huang Yuan didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and there was indeed no possibility for him to worry about a major general.

Liu Xu's face was serious, and his starry eyes were as determined and persistent as ever.

"General Yellow Monkey, I'm afraid it won't be as you wish. If this kind of wicked person is not killed, it will be hard to dispel the hatred in my heart. Finally, my subordinates, I must protect them, even at the cost of my life."

He once again threatened to kill the Tianlong people, now Huang Yuan is not calm.

"Major General Liu Xu, you've said too much!"

Saint Charles Rose next to him was furious when he heard the words, and he dared to threaten to kill him again and again. Does this completely ignore the world's nobles?

"Did you hear what this bastard said, I changed my mind, killed him, and handed the female navy to me. I want her to be the lowest slave and march through the Chambord Islands every day to atone for her sins."

Kizaru's eyes moved, and he squinted at each other, the navy?slave?

In a trance, a deep purple electric light suddenly flashed, and the whole world was rumbling with thunder, and the streets were filled with purple electric arcs.

"Ten million volts. Thunder Knife!"

The five-meter-long thunderbolt sword was cut down by his side, and it was too late for Kizaru to make a move.


The Thunder Knife slashed at St. Charros from top to bottom, and instantly penetrated the opponent's body and went straight into the ground.

The ground shook suddenly, and a crack that was [-] meters long and one meter wide appeared, with lightning flashing in the crack, and the sound of "cracking" continued.

The purple light dissipated, and the yellow ape fell silent. He didn't need to check the situation below to know the result.

St. Charles Rose, could not have survived that knife.

The navy soldiers and the others must have opened their mouths, unable to believe what they saw.

Killed, really killed!

Major General Liu Xu really killed the Tianlongren!

The same is true for Tina, who was protected by Tianlong people, world nobles, world government and navy, and was killed by her boss.

"Liu, Liu Xu, major general."

The mature and stable Tina also lost her composure, staring blankly at the crack where the electric light flickered.

She knew that all of this had something to do with her. Major General Liu Xu's assassination was for her future.

On the other hand, Liu Xu didn't have any regrets after he cut it with a knife, and his gaze was still firm and persistent, without any change.

It took a while for Kizaru to recover from the silence, his eyes gloomy, his head half down, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Major General Liu Xu, there is no room for maneuver."

Huang Yuan's words were still slow, but he did not hide his strong killing intent.

Under his protection, the Tianlongren was finally killed. This was his mistake, an unforgivable mistake.

"General Huang Yuan, Tina is my partner. For the sake of my partner, I can throw my head and blood, and never allow anyone to hurt them. As I said, even Tianlong people can't do it."

Without flinching, facing the general's murderous aura, they didn't have any timidity.The bottom line, once touched, will surely usher in his stormy revenge.

"Damn bastard, kill him."

With an angry roar, a group of people approached from far to near. The leader was an old man with light green hair, two curly black beards, a light green beard on his chin, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, A cane, a luxurious costume and a bubble hood on his head declared his identity as a Celestial Dragon!

Behind him, a group of heavily armed guards and seven naked slaves.

Kizaru seemed to be very familiar with the visitor, and turned his head and said with his lips raised: "Your Excellency Saint Roswald, long time no see."

St. Roswald rushed over and was furious upon hearing the words, "General Polusalino, why was my son killed under your protection?"

"Killed, no way."

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