Who made the Tianlong people a bunch of bloody bastards!

"...you bastard."

St. Roswald couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and his teeth clucked.


St. Roswald, the father of St. Charles Rose, is a world noble who dominates the Chambord Islands.

His own son was killed in GR1, which was an unbelievable fact for him.

The anger in his heart was burning so fiercely that he couldn't calm down.

Huang Yuan's words made him even more angry, he was killed, what can he do?

Chapter 2337 Confrontation of Light and Electricity

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"General Polsalino, it is your duty to protect the nobles of the world. Do you want to abandon this duty now?"

The nobles of the world have supreme power. Even if the opponent is a general of the Navy headquarters, he dares to bluntly say what the opponent is wrong, and reprimands them harshly.

Huang Yuan's eyes were cloudy, and it was really uncomfortable to be scolded so directly!

"Your Excellency Saint Roswald, I can only arrest the prisoner and hand it over to the Navy Headquarters for trial."

As he said that, he turned around, but his face was indifferent, as if what he just said was false.

But Liu Xu knew that Huang Yuan had a wretched appearance and a lazy personality. He spoke slowly as if he didn't care about anything, and there was nothing that could make him care.

However, this is the most dangerous part of the yellow ape. He can wear a bright smile, but he can give you a laser beam in his hand. This is his scary place.

Outsider, perhaps this word is the most appropriate to describe him.See things from an outsider's point of view and deal with things in an outsider's way.

"Major General Liu Xu, you don't need to resist any more. I really let go of the battle just now."

Yellow Ape speaks slowly, making it easy for people to ignore important things.

Liu Xu didn't dare to be careless, his eyes were wary, and he said in a deep voice, "I will fight to the end for my companion!"

Of course, it's a beautiful companion, if it's a man, you kill it, you take it away, I don't feel bad.

"It's really unpleasant. I'm actually here for fun."

Huang Yuan's tone was relaxed and very calm, but his movements were not relaxed at all.

A yellow spot of light condensed on his right index finger, and he shouted: "Laser beam!"

As soon as the voice fell, the light spot on the index finger flew out in an instant, forming a beam of light, and the dazzling light flickered.

Liu Xu directly elementalized his body, and he was ready when Huang Yuan was about to attack.

"Five million volts. Thunder Shield!"

He spread his hands left and right, arcs of lightning flashed between his hands, and lightning formed a two-meter-high shield in front of him, which was magnificent.


The laser beam of the yellow ape can reach, directly hit the lightning shield and penetrate it, and the beam extends to a distance of hundreds of meters and hits a building.

The building suddenly exploded violently, and under the power of the light beam, thick smoke and dust rose up and turned into dust.

"so close!"

Liu Xu's heart trembled. Huang Yuan's strength was too strong. As he said, the battle just now was a serious letdown.

Fortunately, he dodged this move, otherwise he would definitely make a hole if he hit his body.

The highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, one of the three generals, is indeed well-deserved.

With just one blow, Kizaru made everyone understand what the general's power represented. It was an almost insurmountable gap.

Saint Roswald snorted and kept stepping back under the protection of the guards. He knew that he just had to wait for the result now.

"Ten million volts. Thunder Knife!"

The lightning shield dissipated, and Liu Xu raised his hands above his head. Both hands released lightning to form a lightning knife, and the five-meter-long lightning knife was displayed again.

"It's not good to be hacked!"

Huang Yuan was very calm, raised his right foot, and the yellow light spot appeared again.


A dazzling light flashed by, and Huang Yuan kicked Liu Xu in the abdomen, and the Thunder Knife fell down.


"call out!"

The sword of thunder and lightning fell on the ground, the ground shook again, and a crack up to one meter wide appeared instantly.

Liu Xu's figure flashed, turning into a dark purple thunderbolt and rushing forward.

And the yellow ape was right behind him.

It can be seen that Huang Yuan's combat power is indeed beyond the table, and he avoided the attack of Thunder Saber in just an instant, and gave Liu Xu a blow.

In Liu Xu's abdomen, a hollow appeared, and the purple electric light continuously dissolved the hollow.

Huang Yuan was not in a hurry to attack, but pouted and said: "Major General Liu Xu, don't waste everyone's time, come with me!"

Liu Xu secretly hated that Huang Yuan's combat power was too strong, and it was really uncertain what the outcome of this battle would be...

Suddenly, a voice came from a distance.

"Stop! Who dares to take away Major General Liu Xu?"


Liu Xu wondered, why did reinforcements appear in the middle of the fight?Who will it be?Karp?Childish?Major General Dele?

It turned out that he was thinking too much. Garp was still eating snacks leisurely in the Navy headquarters, and Qingzhi didn't know which piece of sea he was riding a bicycle on.

It was already very lucky that Rear Admiral Dele didn't bring him back to the Navy headquarters.

In the distance, a group of people in black came over, very fast.

"Lord Liu Xu."

The men in black stopped and bowed together.

All of a sudden, Liu Xu was stunned, my lord?Since when did someone call themselves that?Looking at the uniform clothes of these people again, they are all over [-] meters tall, wearing sunglasses, and they are really strong men.

"who are you?"

It was not Liu Xu who spoke, but Huang Yuan.

The sudden appearance of this person made him feel weird. When he was fighting, he was suddenly shouted to stop or something. It really was the most annoying thing.

One of the men in black looked at him and said, "General Polusalino, who allowed you to do something to Lord Liu Xu?"

Silence, deathly silence.

No one would have expected that things would develop like this, and a team of unknown people would be so tough?

The opponent is Admiral Kizaru Polusalino, one of the three generals of the Navy Headquarters!


With these two tones, Huang Yuan tried his best to keep calm, and he seemed to have discovered something in a seasoned manner, while the navy soldiers were helpless.

"God, he actually spoke in such a tone?"

A soldier is faltering, is this the rhythm that scares people to death?

"I must have read it wrong. Why does he think he is equal to the general?"

Another soldier's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide enough to swallow a watermelon.

Roswald Saint in the distance saw that the fighting had stopped, and was stopped by a group of men in black, and now he lost his temper, and ran over "Ceng Ceng Ceng".

"Lowly inferior, whoever allowed you to interfere, kill him."

The words of the Tianlong people are like the supreme order, completely crushing the tendency of others.


Chapter 2338 The Princess' Husband

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


These people who suddenly appeared, no matter who they were, would be puzzled, what kind of identity do they possess, dare to talk to the general like this, and they seem to be against the Tianlong people.

Huang Yuan couldn't figure out what the key point was. As he always liked to look at things from the perspective of an outsider, he couldn't think of any possibility for a while.

The same goes for Liu Xu. It was supposed to be an earth-shattering battle, but these people ruined it, even though that name sounds very comfortable.

St. Roswald's roar The men in black suits didn't care at all, bowed to him, and said, "Your Excellency Roswald, please tell our master if you have any questions."


This special vocabulary changed the faces of several people, including Liu Xu.

The words of the man in the suit made the aristocratic world aristocrat furious, shouting: "This bastard killed my son, General Polsalino, kill him immediately, and these people."

His son was hanged here, and now his words are not being listened to, which is really annoying.

Simply, the cane was pointed at Liu Xu.

"Your Excellency Roswald, General Polusalino is not qualified to take action against Lord Liu Xu. This is a matter within the nobles of the world. It is against the regulations for you to let the navy do it!"


Sprayed, Liu Xu resolutely sprayed, Huang Yuan was embarrassed, Tina was dumbfounded, and Major General Dele was confused.

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