What's going on inside the nobles of the world?Can you not be funny?This is obviously Major General Liu Xu killed a Tianlongren, and, where is Major General Liu Xu a Tianlongren?

Saint Roswald scolded angrily when he heard the words, and said: "It's a bunch of nonsense, and you still want to deceive me, go to hell!"


Sparks flickered at a dark hole at the end of the cane, and a bullet flew out of the hole, directly passing through Liu Xu's head.

"Really, father and son are both of the same virtue." Liu Xu had a headache, and opened his mouth angrily: "Stupid head, put your thing away, or I will kill you later."

Huh?It was silent again, and all the people fell silent again. Liu Xu's words made them feel full of thoughts.

You just killed someone's son, and now you want to kill him too?

Major General Liu Xu, how big is your heart!

"Major General Liu Xu, that's too much."

Kizaru is a little calmer, which is also determined by his temperament.

And those men in black nodded in agreement, and said: "Your Excellency Roswald, Major General Liu Xu is the husband-in-law of our Princess Madeline, do you have any comments?"

"Bastard, what Princess Madeline..."

St. Roswald was furious. Whose man is the other party? What does it matter to him?But I felt something was wrong again, it seemed, it seemed, maybe, that was the name that person said just now, right?

"Your Excellency Roswald, do you have any opinion on our Princess Madeline?"

The man in black said with a blank face, and the name he said made several people present feel dizzy.

Madeline?Tianlongren Madeline?

That... Madeline Yinggong?

It's hard for the wrinkled and wrinkled old face of Huang Yuan to calm down. God, it's really the one who sent it, and it's a sin.

However, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "It's finally resolved, oh, what a pleasant thing."

Thinking of this, his mood suddenly became more comfortable, although his face still had that wretched feeling on his face.

It seems that although Yang Ying is a combination of a goddess and a female man, she still loves him very much...

However, there are people from Madeline here?

No, these people are definitely not here in the first place, they are definitely here.


Liu Xu was indignant, his life was under the surveillance of a woman, did he still have privacy?Can you still live happily?

Madeline, your power is too cruel.

"Impossible, how could it be her?"

St. Roswald shook his head, not believing it at all.

No matter what the man in the suit said, he didn't believe it, but who knew if he already believed it!

The outsider, the yellow monkey, expressed his views calmly at this time.

"Your Excellency Roswald, I have already heard that Major General Liu Xu is Princess Madeline's husband-in-law when I was in the Navy Headquarters. This is Princess Madeline's own admission."

What he said gave Liu Xu the illusion that this was not intentional, was it?

Now that you know, why didn't you say it just now?

Sure enough, this person who doesn't care about anything is too dangerous...

The slow and calm words made St. Roswald's face stiffen, it's over, he actually got that one, this is the rhythm of death!

The man in the suit breathed a sigh of relief, turned serious, and said with a serious face: "Your Excellency Saint Roswald, our master has given an order to ask you to handle this matter well, and show your sincerity to solve this matter perfectly. "


Liu Xu sprayed gorgeously, what is this all about?

You killed someone else's son, and you need others to show sincerity to solve the matter?

This is totally illogical.

Liu Xu's face was weird, and he looked suspiciously at the man in the suit. Could it be that his brain is burnt out?

Don't make trouble in the end.

As a result, things were unexpected, and Saint Roswald agreed with gritted teeth.

"Help me tell Madeline, I will give her a satisfactory answer to this matter, sincerity, there will definitely be."

Saint Roswald was crying in his heart. If he was in his own home now, he was sure to cry out from the door to the toilet, the one that fainted all the way without waking up.


Everyone was speechless, and didn't know how to look at the things in front of them. All this was so incredible and shocking.The world's aristocratic Tianlongren actually gave in here, even though he was punished by another Tianlongren.

"Since it is a matter within the nobles of the world, then I will leave."

Huang Yuan, an outsider, finally seized the opportunity to speak. After speaking, he turned around and completely ignored the people behind him.


Chapter 2339 Sincerity

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The scene fell silent again, and after a while, a voice suddenly sounded.

"So tough, that woman Madeline is too tough."

The man in the suit looked over, but it was Liu Xu who spoke.

I saw emotion on his face, the serious and resolute expression before had disappeared, replaced by a touch of nervousness.

He was very unbalanced, did the minister give Yang Ying any other benefits?

Damn it, that fellow General Chen must have bitten my woman!

"Master Liu Xu, Princess Madeline asked me to convey it to you according to her original words: 'Liu Xu, be more careful in doing things in the future, observe the rules, and I won't save you every time.'"


Madeline entrusted her subordinates to go to the Chambord Islands to handle this matter, and the way she handled it could only be said to be extremely domineering.

"Help me tell Yang Ying that she doesn't care about my young master's affairs. I'm not her servant, so I don't need her to lecture me. But thank you for your help."

With a tiger's face, Liu Xu's heart is broken at the moment.

That woman actually thinks of herself as hers, obeying the rules?Be careful what you do?Is this an order to Master Ben?

The dignified son of time travel, how can he be ridden on the head by a woman, and it's not just sex...

The man in the suit bowed, with an extremely respectful attitude, and said, "Master Liu Xu, the villain will help you convey your attitude."

Liu Xu still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, when did he become a little sufferer?With such a handsome and compelling image, why is he also an aggressive character?

"Okay, remember to tell her clearly that since you want to marry into the Liu family and be my young master's woman, you should settle down."

As he spoke, he shook his head and aimed at that St. Roswald. It seemed that this was a big fat sheep!

The man in the suit wiped the sweat from his forehead, Mr. Liu Xu, can we not speak so fiercely?How bad it is for Princess Madeline to hear.Your old man may be fine, but those of us who are subordinates may suffer!

"Yes, yes, Mr. Liu Xu, you can now collect the sincerity you want from His Excellency Roswald. This is what Princess Madeline means."


Liu Xu resolutely sprayed, what's the matter with that woman?This guy is now his own trophy, and he has the power to distribute it. Well, he doesn't need that woman's instruction at all!

Full of dissatisfaction, Liu Xu walked towards St. Roswald and said, "Hey, your son's disrespect to me has been offset, and now it's time to settle the account of your disrespect to me."

Saint Rozwald's teeth are itching with hatred, this is just a fox and a tiger, if it weren't for that woman, you would have been killed long ago.

However, the situation is stronger than people. Now that the general has left and the woman has spoken, he has to recognize the reality.

"Please speak!"

"Well, one billion Bailey's mental damage fee, oh, and you should also pay for that thunder knife!"

Who is the person with the least money in the world?

Dragon people!

What is the richest?

Still a Celestial Dragon.

One billion Baileys, this is a huge fortune.


"No problem, just a small matter."

Saint Roswald answered very simply, without any hesitation.

Liu Xu really wanted to give himself a slap in the face, he owed it, he was so generous, why did he ask for such a little.

This fat sheep is definitely very fat, and it squeezes a lot of oil.

It's just that as soon as the words are spoken, naturally, there is no way to go back on it.

"It's cheaper for you."

After muttering something in a low voice, Liu Xu walked directly into the venue and took out the thunder knife.

At this time, no one in the auction house will jump out to accept Bailey...

Inside the venue, the pirates who had run in before had disappeared, and the pirates who had offered a reward of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, still resolutely evacuated when they saw the Admiral of the Navy, and did not confront them at all.

"Tina, let's go, the matter has been resolved, continue sailing."

Liu Xu pulled out Tina who was hiding behind the gate. He didn't have much thought to stay here any longer.

Under Liu Xu's strong request, Tina did not leave the gate, and hid in the gate obediently, waiting for the outside matter to be resolved.

"Liu Xu, major general."

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