When Liu Xu held her hand, a red cloud appeared on Tina's face, but there was more emotion and firmness in her eyes.

"Needless to say, you are my subordinate!"

Liu Xu smiled brightly and didn't care.

This caused Tina's mood to fluctuate more violently. It was the first time that she met such a boss.

"Major General Liu Xu, Tina will always follow you and repay your kindness."

Tina thought silently.

She is a mature, stable, sunny and confident woman, and she is very sure of her own strength in all aspects.

If her companion came forward during the battle, she might not feel much emotion.

But in this kind of thing, she was deeply moved.

What will the Tianlong people do when they get slaves?

It was nothing more than abuse, violence, and trampling her dignity and personality to nothing.

Life and dignity, Tina chooses the latter!

When they walked out of the venue, Saint Roswald and the man in the suit had disappeared.

On the streets, there are only countless collapsed buildings and cracked ground.

Rear Admiral Dele and the navy soldiers are picking up the pieces, and the destroyed area needs some effort from them to restore it to its original state.


On the warship with the sea breeze blowing slowly, there is a third-floor balcony!

Liu Xu lay on the beach chair as always, with a drink and a book, and his life was so comfortable.

Standing beside him is a Taidao with a red and black hilt and a primitive scabbard embedded with two lightning symbol gemstones.

One day has passed since the incident in the Chambord Islands. During this day, Liu Xu's warship has sailed on the sea, and he has little chance to feel the ups and downs of the outside world.

Tina is training soldiers and combat team members on the deck, and they need to carry out fixed training every day to ensure that their level will not decrease.

And the current training is to improve.

The more arduous training was carried out under Tina's plan to maximize the potential of the soldiers.


Chapter 2340 Heart Network

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The handwriting is vigorous and flamboyant, and there are a few illustrations with text annotations next to it.

This is a book that records the six styles of the Navy, and it belongs to Liu Xu himself.

"Sure enough, it's not suitable for me to study moves." Liu Xu closed his book, took a few sips of his drink, and relaxed his mind. "It's more suitable for me to catch pirates..."

Based on the six abilities, the Navy Six Forms can develop countless moves. Combining the Six Forms with each other and adding some special skills can still play a very good role and achieve the effect of creating Six Forms moves.

Lu Qi is a good example, he has developed six styles of various abilities.

Perhaps the most skillful and perfect person who uses the Sixth Form of the Navy is Lu Qi.

"Tina, come up."

Shouting down, Tina, who was training soldiers, heard the words and walked up.

"Major General Liu Xu, what are your orders?"

Tina bowed slightly, maintaining her usual poise. At someone's request, she has now changed out of her suit and put on a black and white casual short suit, fully reflecting her proud figure.

"Go to the Seven Islands of Water, replenish your supplies and head to the East China Sea."


The warship continues to sail. If it departs from the Chambord Islands, it will inevitably pass through the ghost island, which is the terrifying three-masted sailing ship of Moonlight Moria, one of the Shichibu Sea. Regarding the fight between the apes, Liu Xu realized his own shortcomings, and it was more important to continue to practice, so he could only stop and continue to the Seven Islands of Water.

Thunder God (the name of Liu Xu's warship), three decks.

"It's time to find someone to practice." Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, with a deep smile on his lips, "Xinwang!"

Xinwang, an ability extended from knowledge and domineering.

Knowledge-colored domineering is the power that can strongly sense the surrounding atmosphere, and can sense enemies out of sight or further predict the opponent's actions.

After adding the ability of thunder and lightning, it can hear sounds within a certain range by receiving radio waves, and even hear the voice of people.

Liu Xu's mind network ability has now covered an area with a radius of five kilometers, and all sounds in the entire area are transmitted back to his ears through radio waves.

"No pirates?"

After half an hour, a strange look appeared on Liu Xu's face.

Didn't you say that there are many pirates at sea?Why haven't you found any pirates for so long?

"I'm going crazy."

Liu Xu scratched his hair, should he continue to study the Sixth Form of the Navy...

Tina gently pushed open the door, and Tina walked in with a thick document.

After experiencing the Tianlongren incident, there was an indescribable emotion in her heart.

Looking at Liu Xu on the balcony in front of him secretly distressed, she walked over gently, with a swaying posture and a refreshing fragrance.

"Major General Liu Xu."

Mature and stable, her speech is not like a girl's like water and songs, but like an orchid in an empty valley.

Hearing her voice, Liu Xu put away his worries and pointed to the beach chair next to him.

"Sit down!"

Tina heard the words and walked over, turned her body gently and sat down.

"Uh, can I not look at this thing?"

As soon as the other party sat down, he saw the document in her hand, and suddenly had a headache.

Tina smiled slightly, and there was a smile in the corner of her eyes, Major General Liu Xu, it seems that you are very afraid of these things!

Putting the documents in his hand on the table next to him, he sat upright and said seriously: "Major General Liu Xu, there is news from the headquarters about the Chambord Islands."

Killing a Tianlongren is such a big matter, the Navy Headquarters has no reason not to come forward, even if Saint Roswald does not pursue it, the Headquarters has to do something.

Liu Xu still knew this, and it was more like punishment than anything else.

"Tell me, what does he want to do with the beard?"

Liu Xu spoke weakly, but he didn't care about his words.

"Major General Liu Xu, according to the decision of the headquarters, you should return to the Navy headquarters for trial for killing a Tianlong man. But since you are the husband-in-law of Princess Madeline, you are also a world nobleman in a strict sense. Therefore, you and Ross The headquarters of the Ward St. family will not comment, I just hope that you will not be too reckless in doing things in the future, and think clearly about the consequences before acting."

Liu Xu is completely petrified, husband-in-law?noble?Is he really going to be given such a name?

"Tina, I really, then, like to eat soft food?" Liu Xu said hoarsely.

Tina is also confused, how should I answer this?


Liu Xu holds a little hope. Tina's opinion is more important than the people in the Navy Headquarters who think they are soft-fed...

After all, she is his secretary!

Um?Wait a minute, it seems that he acted too relaxed when he fought with Huang Yuan last time!

Ah, Huang Yuan, you dead monkey, you actually think of this young master like this?

Liu Xu became angry, and suddenly remembered that Huang Yuan's fighting power was definitely beyond the charts, but he still fought with him for so long.

That guy must have heard something.

It seemed that Madeline's power was everywhere, like a shadow, making the resistance in his heart more and more serious.

The woman who directly identified herself as her man was too strong.

Looking at someone whose eyes were shining with hope, Tina's black line drooped down.

"Major General Liu Xu, in fact, Tina thinks that you are definitely not a softie. You are obviously very powerful, so how could you be a softie..."



"Did I ever tell you that when you lied, it was too obvious?"


For a while, the two fell silent.

Tina was half lying on the beach chair, enjoying the feeling of the gentle sea breeze.

"Report, two pirate ships were found, visually estimated to be the Bailey Pirates."


Someone who complained about himself came to his senses when he heard this, Pirate Ship?


Chapter 2341 Sniper

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Where? Where? Bailey Pirates? Damn, what an ugly name."

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