Suddenly jumped up and lay directly on the railing. In the distance, two small black dots sailed side by side, gradually moving away.

"Go after him and fuck him."

He decisively issued an order. The captain of the Bailey Pirates seemed to have a bounty of about [-] million yuan, which harmed many girls' families, so he was a good target.

Moreover, the depressed emotions at this moment need to be vented.

The warship accelerated in an instant, and the soldiers on the deck were armed with rifles, waiting in full force.

If a pirate ship competes with a warship in speed, it is destined to be left ten blocks behind. Liu Xu waited calmly on the balcony.

Seeing the warship approaching little by little, the strange purple lightning in his eyes became more and more obvious, and there was a mocking smile on his face.

Hundreds of combat members are ready, as long as they are within range, they will definitely launch a stormy bombardment.

The angle of the twelve cannons in the front row has also been adjusted. The cannons of the naval warships are a major blow to the pirate ship.

However, when they approached the pirate ship two hundred meters, the soldiers were dumbfounded.

"Fifty million unicorns!"

The sailing speed of the warship was very fast, and it didn't take long to catch up with the two pirate ships in front.

On the balcony, Liu Xu raised his hands above his head to elementalize, and the dark purple lightning flashed out from his hands with a continuous "cracking" sound, drawing beautiful arcs and flying into the air.


The thunder suddenly started, and a thundercloud with a length and width of about [-] meters appeared in the originally clear sky, and arcs flashed continuously in the thundercloud.

Suddenly, a dazzling deep purple light emerged from the thundercloud, and a roar came from within.

Qilin, a dark purple unicorn made of lightning descended from the thundercloud, directly covering the area [-] meters below, and the lightning from its body was also released at this moment.

The Bailey Pirates, with a total of [-] members, are divided into two pirate ships. The captain Bailey King, a strong man over two meters tall, has a bounty of [-] million.

"Boys, tomorrow is the time to log in to Ghost Island. Conquer Ghost Island and witness our strength. Get rid of the navy behind me!" Bailey laughed, and his pirates shouted.

"Huh? What's the deal?" A loud noise suddenly appeared in the sky, making him startled. Damn, can't he be struck by thunder when he blows water?

Looking up, I saw a strange thundercloud appeared in the sky, and purple lightning flashed from time to time in the thundercloud.

Suddenly, a beast with a strange shape rushed down from the thunder cloud, causing his eyes to widen.

Your sister, what is it?

Aquaman class?

The Qilin's attack can only be reached in an instant, one thousandth of a second, which is one of the attacks that cannot be evaded.


The unicorn landed on the pirate ship, and the purple electric light exploded instantly.


"Oh oh oh..."


The arc passed through the bodies of the pirates, causing them to scream, and cracks appeared on the hull.

A strong light flashed, turning the entire sea surface into purple.

On the warship side, Liu Xu's subordinates were stunned.

Here, Major General Liu Xu, can we have a discussion so that we can have a good time too...

"Oh, what a relief. Oh, how much more!"

Turning over the two pirate ships in an instant, Liu Xu clapped his palms, and the thunderclouds in the sky gradually dissipated.

The power of the unicorn can easily destroy even a small mountain, let alone two pirate ships.

"Major General Liu Xu, please pay attention to your image, Tina is very angry."

Tina behind her couldn't help but speak.

Liu Xu suddenly became embarrassed, angry?

"Tina, the image and so on are all imaginary, understand?"

In this regard, a certain woman is also helpless.

This boss looks neurotic all day long. If he hadn't seen his righteous and persistent side, he would have wondered if there was something wrong with his brain, maybe he really was a softie...

Tina picked up the drink on the table and drank it.

"Huh? What's the situation?"

Suddenly, Liu Xu exclaimed, which startled Tina who was drinking, and her face turned purple from choking.

"Hurry up, put away that wooden barrel."

Liu Xu pointed at the place where the pirate ship was destroyed and yelled. Now there is a two-meter-high wine barrel rising and falling, and Xinwang heard the same sound from there.

The warship quickly approached the destroyed pirate ship, and there were bodies floating on the sea, all of which were pirates destroyed by the unicorn.


Dark purple warship, on deck!

Wearing a pure black suit, with a bad smile, even the two thick eyebrows have gentle ripples, as if they are always smiling, curved, like the bright and bright first quarter moon in the night sky.

Fair skin sets off pink lips, handsome and prominent facial features, perfect face shape, especially the dazzling diamond earring on the left ear, which adds a touch of unruly to his sunny handsomeness. On his head is a black hat His jazz hat, and a black and shiny sniper rifle slanted across his back showed his identity.


A powerful class that implements one-hit kills.

On the opposite side, a handsome man of about [-] years old, with black broken hair, sharp facial contours, dazzling eyes like the most dazzling star in the night sky, with a kind smile slightly raised at the corners of his mouth, casual shorts in black and white. Set off his easy-going and calm temperament, his eyes show the light of easy-going, perseverance and perseverance.

Liu Xu tilted his head halfway, a little puzzled.

"In other words, you drank too much and were put into that wooden barrel and sent to the Bailey Pirates, just woke up?"

The man opposite took off the black jazz hat on his head with his right hand, bowed his body slightly forward fifteen degrees, and put his left hand in his left pocket.

"Yes, Mr. Great Major General, please allow me to introduce myself. My dear Columbian, codenamed Demon Sniper, currently has no fixed job."

Columbia moves elegantly, like a gentleman with rich culture, and every movement is just right.


Chapter 2342 Peeping

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu returned a military salute from the navy and said, "Devil sniper? What a good title. Cough cough, my young master Liu Xu, a major general of the Navy headquarters."

Columbia on the opposite side felt a little embarrassed when he heard this. Mr. Major General Liu Xu, is it appropriate for you to speak to a gentleman like this?

Standing up straight, Columbia had a soft smile on his lips.

"Respected Mr. Major General Liu Xu, please allow me to have lunch on your warship. Oh, it's really rude to make such a request just after meeting."

Liu Xu was taken aback, why does this guy always talk like this?Can't you be more cheerful?

"I said, can you speak more directly? It's hard to listen to it with such a weird accent. Also, are you really not a pirate?"

Columbia maintained the same gentlemanly demeanor and said: "Dear sir, this is what a qualified gentleman should have. Please forgive me for not being able to change it. In addition, I am indeed not a pirate. Well, it should be said that I have a bad record. It’s just a hand. It’s a pity that I paid a lot for this.”

Bad record?

Now Liu Xu is interested.

"Hurry up and talk about it, and tell everyone about your regrets to make everyone happy."


A faint look of embarrassment appeared on Columbia's face. Can such a thing be said?

"Major General Liu Xu, please pay attention to your image."

Tina next to her couldn't bear it anymore. Can we communicate properly? How can I be happy to let others say things I regret?

By the way, what's his bad record?Really curious.

The other navy soldiers also wondered, what is his bad record?

It is really exciting to be able to survive the attack of the major general.


Devil Sniper Columbia, a sniper wandering in the first half of the Great Route.

He neither belongs to the pirates nor to the world government. He is a sniper who pursues the highest level of sniping.

A sniper may not be very powerful in the eyes of others.

Because the snipers are long-range attacks, and some people need to cooperate with them to protect them, otherwise they will basically be crippled if they get close to them.

The title of Colombian Demon Sniper was given to him by others, which also proved the power of his sniper realm.

Domineering, armed domineering appearance on the body of a sniper is very surprising.

When this news was leaked, Liu Xu was really depressed.

Why do so many people have the color of arms, but they only have the color of knowledge?

But it doesn't matter!

The color of knowledge is more suitable for picking up girls.

Hearing that he was going to tell his bad record, Columbia was really embarrassed for a while. After thinking about it, he finally said helplessly: "Dear sir, my bad record is a bit embarrassing, please don't mind."

"Don't mind, don't mind, just say it."

Liu Xu was very interested, could it be burning, killing and looting?Oh, that's so ungentlemanly.

Columbia bowed slightly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"My bad record includes: peeping, stealing, lying, oh, it's really embarrassing."

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