This sentence makes people dumbfounded, what are these bad records?Hello, what about the gentleman's demeanor?These seem to conflict with the gentleman's demeanor, right?

Liu Xu was in high spirits, it was too exciting. A gentleman who did these things that ruined the gentleman's demeanor was simply devoid of conscience and tragic.

"Sneaking what? Could it be peeping at a woman taking a shower?"

Columbia maintained a smile, lowered his head slightly, and said: "Yes, my esteemed sir. Your guess is really accurate, please allow me to praise you. What I have done has broken the code of conduct that a gentleman should have. Unfortunately, I am It's a pity that I can't control my eyes and hands and feet."

His decisive admission made Tina look at him differently. This guy, I didn't expect to be a hidden sexist.

For a moment, she moved behind Liu Xu, fire, theft, and cesium wolves, women should always pay attention when they go out!

"Then what? Bailey? Weapons?"

Hearing this, Columbia sighed, with sorrow in his eyes, and said: "It's really a pity to talk about this one, a beautiful lady lost a very important thing, this beautiful lady proposed to make it Seeing her elegant posture when taking a bath, I went to help with a gentleman's helpful attitude, and sneaked into a certain naval base to bring back her things. For this reason, I was chased by the navy, and in order to escape the navy I lied about the chase. And it’s a pity that the beautiful young lady didn’t keep her promise when she got the item.”


Liu Xu sprayed decisively, this demon sniper is too cruel.

Tina hid behind Liu Xu even more tightly. After all, this guy is a lustful ghost, how could he ask for such a reward?

"Colombia, you're so powerful. But what did you help her get back? As for going to the naval base?"

"A gun, here, it's the one that I have on my body!"

As he said that, he took down the sniper rifle behind him. The pitch-black sniper rifle shone slightly under the sunlight, with an aura of murderous beasts.

Liu Xu was confused, gun?Is this what a woman loses?That woman seems to be a fierce person, but this one doesn't seem to have very good taste.

And his attention was quickly attracted by this sniper rifle, which was no different from an ordinary sniper rifle, except that two 'GB' silver letters were printed on the butt, and the gun also had a creepy danger breath.

"By the way, didn't you say you handed the thing over to that lady? Why is it in your hands again?"

Columbia was a bit outraged when the question came up.

"Dear sir, we gentlemen have always been strict with ourselves and do what we say. The beautiful lady didn't fulfill her promise, so I stole this sniper rifle. Well, it's not bad, it's very good. smoothly."


Chapter 2343 Solicitation

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


That's okay too?Now Liu Xu is completely dumbfounded, Columbia, what has your gentlemanly demeanor spoiled you?This kind of thing is too immoral, what about the gentlemanly demeanor?

"Cough cough, what happened to you is too embarrassing, in short, that's how it is."

Columbia finally summed it up, and it really wasn't a big deal.

It took Liu Xu a long time to come back to his senses and re-examine this gentleman.

Good image, good strength, and a sniper, bad record or something, well, it's easier to forgive.

"Colombia, do you have any dreams?"

"Dream? My dream is to be the most powerful sniper, to stand on the top of the sniper. Oh, please forgive my arrogance."

When it comes to his dreams, Columbia is bright-eyed and enthusiastic, destroying the so-called gentleman again all of a sudden.

But Liu Xu laughed and said with a grin: "Then, join my warship, find your dream in this sea, and become the most powerful sniper."

"I reject."

Very decisive, Columbia refused without thinking.

"Huh? Are you sure? Although this young master only has one warship, his strength is still adequate in all aspects. You will not suffer a loss by following this young master."

"Dear sir, I am only suitable to be a sniper wandering in the sea. Your kindness, I cannot do it."

Confused, Liu Xuche was completely entangled, finally seeing such a suitable man, why is the other party so uncooperative?Damn, did he do it on purpose?

"Colombia, do you think your dream can be achieved by one person?"

It was a very simple question. Columbia was silent, with his head half down, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"It seems that you also know that this dream road is not easy." Liu Xu said.

"Dear sir, please allow me to think about it." Columbia said seriously.


Seven islands of water, a prosperous water city!

The warship named "Pluto" on this island a hundred years ago was built by the shipbuilders on the island, and it became famous for a while.

The waterways of the Seven Islands of Water are quite complicated. In addition to the transportation on the flat water surface, there are also waterways extending down from the heights of the Water Capital.

Since the Seven Islands of Water will be hit by a huge tsunami named Yakwa Laguna (God of Water) every year, the local residents will pay special attention to the weather report of the God of Water, so that the God of Water Before coming to the city of water, prepare for disaster prevention. The island will also provide temporary shelters for the people.

In addition, after the gods of water attacked the city of water, they would leave a high concentration of sea salt on the eaves of each house, and local residents would also use the sea salt left by the gods of water for cooking.

The Water City hosts a mask carnival on certain days, during which residents dress up in masks.

Merchants and pirates sailing at sea will supply supplies or repair ships here.

Dock No. [-], there are often ships here for repairs. There are merchants, pirates, and sometimes warships. It is very prosperous.

The prosperity of the Seven Water Islands is destined to attract multiple forces, and all kinds of people gather here.

A dark purple warship slowly approached from the sky, and the huge flag on the mast was particularly conspicuous.

The obvious naval logo, a thunderbolt runs through the entire flag, which makes people imagine.

On the beach, many people looked at the warship with obvious strange expressions.

Who is this girl?Such a blatant challenge to the authority of the navy, is this the rhythm of death?

However, this is too powerful.


On the warship, Liu Xu and others stood on the deck, and the huge warship slowly sailed towards the Seven Islands of Water.

"Dear Captain, do you have to go to this island?"

Colombia is obviously a little hesitant, and it seems that he is not willing to face it there.

Colombia finally joined Liu Xu's warship and became his strictly first partner.

He is obviously different from Tina. Tina is due to the appointment of the Navy Headquarters, although there have been many twists and turns.

Therefore, Tina is more like a subordinate than a partner.

As for how to make her a partner, it depends on how Liu Xu persuades the strategy.

"Columbia, is that beautiful lady you speak of there?"

Liu Xu was very perceptive, and immediately thought of a possibility. Could it be true?

Columbia smiled slightly, lowered his head and said, "Dear Mr. Captain, you are so wise, you have insight into people's hearts, and you discovered it all at once."

Unexpectedly, he really made himself right, Liu Xu laughed loudly, and said, " are too weak, are you afraid?"

Columbia immediately objected, saying: "No, I am not afraid of that beautiful lady, but, hey, it is very troublesome to talk about, so let's not talk about it."

Now he is really curious, what is it that can make him so taboo?

In guessing, the warship had already docked, and the soldiers threw the anchor into the sea to fix the ship, and then they were ready to stand guard. It was one of their tasks to guard the warship.

People on the beach are curious, who will come down?

In their anticipation, the three walked down.

Two men and one woman, two of whom wear the Navy Justice Coat.

Behind them, there is a group of about ten soldiers, who are responsible for replenishing supplies.

"I'm going, it's actually the Navy?"

A businessman's eyes widened. Could it be his own dazzled eyes?

Um?There are beauties?

"Asshole, it's really the Navy."

A pirate's eyes popped out, and he quickly pulled up his companions and fled away.

"Really, every time she looks like this, Tina is very angry."

As soon as she got off the boat, she became the focus, a beautiful navy woman, and she was also an officer. This status, coupled with her beautiful appearance and tall figure, formed a special temperament that attracted people's attention all the time.

Liu Xu knew that he might have to come again.

Sure enough, more and more people stopped to watch around, and some even saw the three of them look a little young, and their courage suddenly became fat.


Chapter 2343

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Being treated like a monkey."

Liu Xu's brows twitched, and then quickly turned into elements. The strange purple lightning in his eyes flickered, and thunder and lightning appeared between his hands and spread out to the left and right. Suddenly, an arc flashed on the beach, and the sound of "cracking" suddenly sounded, and subtle thunder and lightning fell. On the beach.

The beach seems to be the world of thunder and lightning.

The appearance of thunder and lightning made many people flinch, and they simply turned their heads and ran away. Only some seemingly powerful people remained in place, watching and watching.

"Oh? It doesn't seem to frighten them!"

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Liu Xu's mouth, and then more arcs flashed on his body.


In the sky, a group of thunderclouds more than [-] meters long appeared abruptly, and the purple lightning in the thundercloud seemed to split the sky.

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