"Damn, this navy is crazy."

A person is not calm anymore, does this bastard want to fight?

Well, retreat strategically!

Thinking like this, the man slipped away at once, and others followed suit, and they ran away almost in a blink of an eye.


Liu Xu put away the lightning the moment they left, and the thunderclouds in the sky quickly dissipated.

"Mr. Captain, it's not gentlemanly to scare people like this!"

When Columbia's voice came, Liu Xu turned his head and said, "What's there to scare people, otherwise they..."

He stopped halfway through, full of black lines.

Beside him, Columbia was holding a black sniper rifle with the sights turned on.

"You're not a gentleman, are you?"

Liu Xu rolled his eyes. It seems that this guy is even more vicious than he looks with a gun!

"Let's go, big purchase."

Waving his hand, Liu Xu shouted, and a group of people walked into the bustling city.

On the other side of the beach, the two figures quickly disappeared.

The waterways of the Seven Islands of Water are extremely prosperous. There are rivers that can be seen everywhere on the road. Basically, renting a blue here will be able to travel unimpeded, which is most suitable for large purchases.

Under the urging of the navy soldiers, the ten blues went to the shops and stalls, preparing all the supplies needed for the subsequent trip to the East China Sea.

One of the biggest differences between naval warships and pirate ships is their size. Most warships are much larger than pirate ships, and they are made by skilled craftsmen. They can store a lot of food resources.

"Major General Liu Xu, what shall we do?"

Tina frowned slightly. Now she seemed to be a life housekeeper. In addition to daily training, she also needed to take care of someone's daily life.

With a bright smile on Liu Xu's face, he turned his head and said, "Of course the coolies go to work, and the rich locals enjoy it."

"Uh... isn't it appropriate?"

Tina frowned and twitched a few times, Coolie?Land rich?Rear Admiral, where do you place the sailors?

On the other hand, Columbia next to him agreed, nodding slightly, with an elegant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Dear Mr. Captain, I agree with your opinion."

"Look, Comrade Sniper agrees, the minority obeys the majority, let's go!"

Liu Xu chuckled, the matter was decided so happily.

There was a look of helplessness in Tina's eyes, but Major General Liu Xu, can we be more serious?

No matter how much resistance he felt in his heart, this matter was still carried out according to Liu Xu's wishes.

Soon, Tina also relaxed, things cannot be changed, so just accept it!

The pace of life in the Seven Islands of Water is very slow. Except for the annual water gods who need to temporarily take refuge in the sanctuary, nothing else seems to affect this city full of water culture.

"Oh, sure enough, the warship is comfortable."

Sitting on a [-]-meter-long Bulu (ox fish), Liu Xu was very disappointed. The comfort level is there, but the speed is too slow, isn't it?

"Dear Captain, Bruce's actions have always been slow, unless you have something important to do. Otherwise, for this kind of shopping behavior, Bruce's speed is very slow."

Columbia with a slight smile, but also with a little mystery.

"Forget it, this thing is not suitable for me, this young master will go for a stroll."

With that said, he got up directly, jumped off Bruce's body, and plunged into the crowded place.

Tina brushed her forehead and said, "Major General Liu Xu, wait..."

Before I finish speaking, where can I see Liu Xu again?

"Beautiful Miss Colonel, I have something to do, farewell."

"Tina is very happy, let's go, see you."

Tina replied decisively, this unscrupulous sniper is better out of sight, the whole is a wolf in a gentleman's skin.

Columbia bowed slightly, and then jumped off Blue.

The rest of Tina was much simpler, and said directly to Blu: "Just turn around, don't crash, or you will be locked up."

Bruce (Niuyu) felt creepy, this female navy is too dangerous.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Tina is just an instinct out of her own fruit ability, black prison Tina, that is not bragging.


"Huh? Tavern?"

Liu Xu, with a Thunder Knife hanging from his waist, wandered all the way, and the coat of justice on his body was the focus of everyone's attention.

Navy is not very popular in Water Seven, and neither are pirates.

However, there are still countless pirates and navies resupplying here every year, and this is a perfect transfer point.

Just like the Chambord Islands, a bustling city.

The tavern in front of him reminded him of a character, a person who played a lot of roles on this island and possessed peculiar abilities.

"It looks like this is Bruno's pub, right?" He walked in with a little doubt.

"Welcome, sir."

On the Fuwu platform in the tavern, a man with a strong figure and horns on his head spoke slowly, with a feeling of rapping. He was holding a quilt in his hand and was gently wiping it.

Seeing the person coming, the man's expression was a little dull, and he didn't seem to react.

Liu Xu looked at this person, Bruno, one of the members of cP9, his power value was several times lower than that of Lu Qi.


Chapter 2344 Looking for Columbia

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


The power value of a navy soldier is about [-], and his [-] seems to be twelve times that, able to withstand twelve navies, but it is not calculated like this in real battles.

Lu Qi's [-] Dao Strength value can easily kill [-] soldiers, this is the gap.

"Have a glass of rum."

Sitting on the bar counter, Liu Xu said with a smile, but his eyes were observing this man.

"Sure enough, it is the same as the legend, more like a cow."

He sighed.

After a while, Bruno asked, "Sir, what did you just say?"

"Uh...it's nothing, I said you're handsome."

Liu Xu was embarrassed, why is this girl so slow in her reaction?Is it really as dull as a cow?

An hour later, Liu Xu paid the money and left and returned to the place where he was separated. He couldn't have a pleasant chat with Bruno. After nine out of ten questions, he asked him what he said. Can we still chat?

Tina has already driven Niuyu back here to wait, and is now drinking a drink comfortably on Niuyu's body.

"Tina, there's nothing interesting about Water Seven Island, forget it, let's go back!"

Liu Xu muttered, originally wanted to take a look at the bustling city and experience the so-called food competition, but he was very disappointed in the end, he lost his temper because of Bruno's slowness in the tavern...

Tina sat up straight and smiled softly.

"Major General Liu Xu, this is your choice."

There was a gleam of pleasure in her beautiful eyes, she seemed to have understood something smartly, someone must have encountered something depressed.

Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said depressedly: "Tina, at least I am your boss, so you don't know how to share the burden for me? Hmph, you're not good!"

Hearing this, the quiver in Tina's eyes quickly disappeared, and she said with a worried look on her face, "Major General Liu Xu, are you okay? Did someone chop off your arm? Or was your hamstring broken? If you dare to treat you like this, I will clean them up."

Liu Xu's head was full of black lines hanging down, Tina, what did we say to be mature and stable?What about the justice we talked about?You are taking revenge.

"Oh, then go and help me get revenge, well, the enemy is cP9, you should know it."

Tina was stunned, her heart almost collapsed, Major General Liu Xu, we were just joking with you, can we not be so bad?

"By the way, where's the sniper? Where did he run off to? Shouldn't he peek at some beautiful lady again? Oh, that guy's aesthetics are definitely not good."


Colombia did not return to the team in time, which was not an important matter. There are actually many attractive places in this bustling city. It is normal to linger for a while.

However, two hours later, Liu Xu's originally relaxed and laughing face gradually changed, and the sharp cold light kept flickering in his eyes.

"Tina, things have changed, look for Colombia."

Tina tilted her head halfway, and said in confusion: "Major General Liu Xu, why did you go to him? I guess he is still in the arms of some woman!"

Thinking of this Tina gives me goosebumps. Why does this man feel so bad?

However, Liu Xu did not relax, and the coldness in his eyes increased instead of diminishing.

"Tina, do you think a sniper who is committed to one-hit kills will be an unpunctual person? It may be possible in half an hour, but in two hours, there must be a problem."

Having said that, Tina also became serious, and it seemed that it was true. No matter how frolic the snipers were, there was no doubt about their punctuality.

"Major General Liu Xu, let's search separately!"

Saying that, she jumped off the bullfish and ran towards the crowded place.

Liu Xu directly opened his heart network, and he heard all the sounds within a five-kilometer radius.

This is the magical effect of knowledge and domineering combined with thunder and lightning power, which has excellent results in all aspects of reconnaissance.


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