After some searching, Liu Xu's eyes lit up with strange purple lightning, and his whole body quickly became elemental, and his body flew towards a place directly.

Half an hour later, Liu Xu and Tina met again, but there was no news about Columbia, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

"Major General Liu Xu, things are weird, do I need to mobilize people to find them?"

"No, no need! If you mobilize people to search here, there will be too much movement, and there may be some adverse effects. Let's look again!"


Tina responded seriously. At this moment, the two are in a superior-subordinate relationship, and there is no room for carelessness in this kind of matter.

When she was about to leave, Liu Xu seemed to remember something, and said loudly, "Wait!"

"Maybe you can find him somewhere and follow me."

Tina didn't know why, so she just followed behind him and walked towards the place he said.


Dock No. [-], this is the dock of the Carrera Company, and it is also the most prosperous dock on Water [-] Island.

There are the best boatmen here, with the best materials.

Lively and extraordinary, this word can fully describe the prosperity of the dock.

But today, two unexpected guests ushered in here.

"I said, let you hand over Colombia, don't you understand?"

Looking at the long-nosed man in front of him, Liu Xu's face was gloomy, his eyes were burning with rage, and the strange purple light was unceremoniously vented.

On the opposite side, Kaku frowned, who is this navy?It seems that I have never seen it!

"What are you talking about, I don't know."

Kaku directly denied it, and at the same time glanced at the boatmen around him.

The surrounding boatmen were looking at them, and the navy's appearance here really surprised them.

It seems that pirates and navies are not very well received here, what is the meaning now?Does Kaku have conflicts with him?

It was this kind of gaze that made Kaku feel the crisis. If the mission of the cP9 members failed because of this, it would be a sad reminder.


Chapter 2345 Unpleasant Memory

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu clenched his fists tightly, wishing to break off the long nose of the guy in front of him. This guy must have told a lot of lies, otherwise why would he have a long nose!

What Columbia once said on the warship reminded him of a possibility for a while, maybe people are here.

Columbia once sneaked into the naval base to steal, and was finally hunted down by the navy.

And he was very afraid of this place before entering Water Seven Island, so there should be someone who chased him here.

Apart from cP9, who else in the entire Water [-] Island can make a strong and calm sniper like Colombia afraid?

Infer from this, enough to judge!

Facing the matter of his companions, he had to seriously think about the key.

"Kaku, I asked you to hand over Colombia, don't you understand?"

From Liu Xu's body, purple arcs were gradually released, drawing beautiful arcs around his body.

Tina next to her is also ready. At this time, as long as it is the boss's order, no matter who is right or wrong, according to her character, she will definitely carry it through to the end.

The arc appeared, and Kaku's eyes on the opposite side were obviously on guard. This navy wouldn't want to fight here, would it?

Damn, if it gets exposed, hehe, I have to go to the Navy Headquarters to ask for an explanation.

Ahem, if he knew that someone had just killed a Celestial Dragon from the Chambord Islands, maybe he wouldn't have such an idea.

Silence, Kaku responded directly in silence, and it was obviously unwise to confront the Navy here, and he was a little tangled for a while.

There were quite a few boatmen in the dock, and after seeing Liu Xu's purple thunderbolt, they understood that this guy was here to find fault, so go fuck him.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen boatmen rushed over, and one of them was tall, with a big beard and a tattoo of "Boatman" on his left chest, standing in front of Kaku and shouting: "Navy, you are not welcome here. Get out now."

"It's none of your business, go away!"

The possible danger of his companions caused Liu Xu to lose his usual laughter and obvious impatience appeared on his face.

"Don't think that you are the navy and we dare not do anything to you. Are you challenging our authority?"

Thielstone shouted loudly, the knotted muscles all over his body collapsed, and he had a tendency to fight if he disagreed.

Just then, a voice came.

"What's going on, it's noisy."

Everyone looked at the sound, but it was a black suit with a cloak on his body, a black high hat on his head, and a white dove standing on his shoulders.

Rob Lucci!

"Yo, facial paralysis, we meet again."

Rob Lu Qi looked at Liu Xu, his eyes flickered slightly, how could it be this guy?

Damn it, why does it hurt somewhere when I see him, what is this bastard doing here.

"Lu Qi, do you know this guy?"

Telstone was surprised, Lu Qi seemed to know this guy, it was really weird.

Lu Qi nodded when he heard the words, and calmly said, "That's right, it's considered acquaintance!"


Lu Qi, did you do this on purpose?

Is it acquaintance?Liu Xu frowned, obviously he was an old acquaintance, probably because of that unpleasant memory!

Rob Lucci, believe it or not, there will be another millennium kill, let you relive your old dreams?

Lu Qi's eyes swept over everyone, "Everyone goes back to work, it's fine here."

cP is a top-secret organization and a sharp sword of the world government. It has been performing various dangerous missions outside for a long time. Once its identity is leaked, it will be unimaginable.

Tel Stone wanted to say something more, but he stopped talking after seeing Lu Qi's slightly cold eyes.

Well, you are the boss, you have the final say.

In an instant, the boatmen left one by one, leaving only Kaku, Lu Qi, Liu Xu, and Tina.

"Major General Liu Xu, what are you doing here?"

The boatmen left, and Lu Qi's face instantly became colder. There must be no good thing when this guy appears, I hope it won't be too troublesome.

"Facial paralysis, you have arrested this young master's subordinates, and now this young master has come to ask the teacher for his guilt, do you want to ask?"

There was a strong smell of gunpowder in Liu Xu's tone. Columbia was his first partner in the true sense. What if he was taken away by others?

Ciao, the big deal is to make a big fuss here, expose the cP9 matter, and see if you guys still dare to get angry when the time comes.

"Your subordinates?"

"Lu Qi, he said Columbia."

Kaku explained on the side, major general?It seems that this matter is not easy to solve! He and Lu Qi know each other, so nothing will happen, right?

After Kaku said this, Lu Qi finally understood that the thief who dared to love Columbia had become his subordinate.

"Major General Liu Xu, I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you want. Colombia is our main target of arrest. Maybe you can apply to the World Government, and we will release him after approval."

Liu Xu got angry and applied to the World Government?That has to wait until the Year of the Monkey.

Also, is it true that he looks so easy to bully?

"Lu Qi, this is the rhythm that you are going to die. Believe it or not, I will poke your identities out and make your mission here fall short. Let them go, immediately, immediately!"

Suppressing the anger, cP9 people are not easy to mess with, many people know this, but what if they mess with you now?

"Major General Liu Xu, are you threatening me?"

"Yes, this young master is threatening you. What, if you have the ability, come and fight. Come, come and fight immediately."

Purple arcs continuously flashed around the body, and the sound of "cracking" continued to be heard.

Unceremonious, naked threats.

Lu Qi's face was gloomy, and the ice in his eyes made people shudder, as if to freeze people.

After a long time, Lu Qi put away the coldness in his eyes, and said expressionlessly: "No problem, I'll let him go now."

huh?so easy?

"You're not fooling Master Ben, are you?"

Liu Xu couldn't believe it anymore. Lu Qi insisted on dark justice and was a cruel and ruthless killing machine. How could he choose this way?


Chapter 2346 The task of cp9

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Lu Qi only felt that his liver was shaking violently, why is it so hard to talk to this guy?I have to maintain the image of a cold iceberg, can I not destroy it?

"I won't fool you, Major General Liu Xu, I will release you immediately."

There was a little helplessness in Lu Qi's calm words, why is this guy so annoying.


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