Kaku became anxious all of a sudden, how could this person just let go?It's so out of line.

However, what he said later was stopped by Lu Qi's look, his cold and ruthless eyes.

Liu Xu's anger finally calmed down when he heard the word release, and he said with a smile: "It should have been like this a long time ago, facial paralysis. Ahem, I won't bother you guys anymore, I will send you to my warship." ,not see."

As he said that, he was about to turn around and leave, but he was destined to not be able to leave this place so easily, Lu Qi had already stopped him.

He didn't ask, but he glanced at him with doubtful eyes. Could it be that he was unwilling?

Lu Qi glanced left and right, and said in a low voice: "Pluto, I wonder if Major General Liu Xu is interested?"


Not only Liu Xu, but also Tina's heart skipped a beat.

This guy suddenly mentioned Pluto, what does he want to do?

Pluto, this is a legendary ancient weapon.

Rumor has it that it is a super battleship built by the boatmen of Seven Islands of Water a hundred years ago. It has the power to destroy an island with a single blow.

Ancient weapons, each with a powerful destructive power.

His mind was spinning rapidly, Lu Qi would not be aimless, he should have some kind of purpose.

Pluto is Lu Qi's goal here, why did he tell this matter and expose his goal for no reason?

Liu Xu didn't understand. Looking at the iceberg-like face in front of him, well, he still couldn't figure it out.

"Why tell me this? I'm not interested in that stuff."

huh?not interested?

This is a bit unexpected for Lu Qi, and there is a person who is not interested in ancient weapons. God, are you kidding me?

Lu Qi was dumbfounded, this guy must have a brain problem, he doesn't know what Pluto represents, right?

Sure enough, he was still so nervous.

"Lu Qi, something like Pluto is too far away. What I believe in is my own power."

These words dispelled Lu Qi's thoughts, relying on his own strength?

That's a lot of confidence.

Tina secretly gave it a thumbs-up, good job, this is the Major General Liu Xu who Tina follows, how can she rely on that Pluto to improve her strength, it is simply too weak.

"Major General Liu Xu, why don't we use another method, how about you help us get the blueprint of Hades?"


Liu Xu decisively sprayed him in the face.

"Lu Qi, are you sure you have no brain problems? Oh, my God. The great cP9 actually asked others to assist in completing the task? Lu Qi, this joke is not funny at all, your EQ is too low."

Lu Qi's liver trembled again, what does this guy mean?reject?Low emotional intelligence?joke?

"Major General Liu Xu, I hope you can assist us. This is true. We have received news from Pluto, and we should soon be able to get the blueprints and hand them over to the world government to maintain the existence of justice. This is not exactly what you are doing something?"

"Facial paralysis, you are so poisonous..."


The ancient weapon Pluto, a super battleship, can destroy an island with one blow.

Such a powerful warship is destined to be complicated in craftsmanship, exquisite in craftsmanship, and huge in investment.

For the world government, there is no problem in terms of funds, nor in terms of boatmen, nor in terms of materials.

The only problem is the blueprint, the blueprint of Hades.

If the navy can equip such a super warship, or use Hades' blueprint to develop a similar but less powerful warship.

Then there will be a huge change in the pattern of the whole world, at least, the number of pirates will be reduced to the extreme.

In this era of great pirates, there are many strong ones, a large number of pirates, and various forces gather.

The great route is an extremely dangerous route.

The devil fruit endows human beings with powerful combat power and has an indelible impact on the world.

And they all have one thing in common, that is sea water, as long as they enter the sea water, their strength will be lost.

And a super battleship of Pluto's level can destroy an island with one blow, and directly shoot down the strong man into the sea.

Can the number of pirates still be the same as it is now?

"Lu Qi, don't use the word justice, I, this young master will not take this one."

Liu Xu put on a face. In his heart, Lu Qi made a big fuss about the word "justice". If you don't help you, you will catch up with the threat, right?

There was no trace of emotion on Lu Qi's cold face, and he said calmly: "Major General Liu Xu, the navy exists to uphold justice. Don't tell me you, as a navy, don't want to protect justice? It's shameful not to want to protect a just navy."

Soft knives, the most feared are soft knives, killing people without blood.

Liu Xu snorted, and choked back without thinking.

"Facial paralysis, this is the task of your cP9, don't let me down. I still have a lot of things to do, I don't have time to play house with you here. Really, you are so old, can you be rational A little? Can you be a little more responsible?"


Liu Xu and Kaku were dumbfounded. Major General Liu Xu, where did you come from?play house?reason?Responsible?

Damn, cP9's mission is just playing tricks in your old man's eyes?What about other people's tasks?Three-year-old tricks?

Tina was very calm and used to it, but she still kindly reminded: "Major General Liu Xu, pay attention to your image."

"Major General Liu Xu, please consider carefully."

Lu Qi still didn't give up, and opened his mouth with the last hope.

"My young master hates being threatened. If you continue to entangle whether you believe me or not, this young master will kill him again for a thousand years, so that you can recall your past pleasures?"

Goosebumps, goosebumps kept appearing on Lu Qi's body, he instinctively tightened a certain part, and now it's a little sad in retrospect.


Chapter 2347 Transformation Franky

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Tina, let's go."

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he walked away without saying a word, and Tina was also very eye-catching, and quickly followed behind him.

"Lu Qi, just let them go?"

Kaku is very puzzled, this major general Liu Xu is so capable, how can he let Lu Qi have such an attitude?Also, cP9 never asks for help in his missions, why is he doing this?

Looking at the two people leaving, Lu Qi turned his head and said after a long time: "Kaku, there are some things you don't understand. The last time I visited the Navy Headquarters, I made a lot of discoveries. I'll tell you later!"


On the beach, the pirate ship and the navy warship docked side by side. The huge warship and the smaller pirate ship formed a sharp contrast.

In the special place of Water Seven Island, such a situation is not very special.

A blue airplane head, wearing sunglasses, beachwear and a pair of triangle swimming trunks, as well as an iron nose and a uniquely shaped chin, about [-] meters tall, surrounded by two strange hairstyles, body A woman in a bikini followed by a strange figure.

"What a beautiful warship, super...beautiful."

Looking at the dark purple warship in front of the plane, it was full of joy, and the two bikini women behind it also agreed.

"Boss Franky is so right."

"Then, bring it back!"

Frankie touched his chin with his hand, with a smug smile on his face.

Naval warships are really worth studying and cutting!

"Oh, come on."

"Move away, move away."

All the subordinates were very excited and moved away a warship. This is really unheard of. It should be able to create a record for the French family, right?

A dozen people rushed forward, and the target was the dark purple warship.

On the deck, the soldiers who were standing guard on duty heard a loud shout, turned their heads and looked over, suddenly dumbfounded.

Damn, what do these people want?To die?A group of gangsters still want to rush to the warship. Could it be a mistake?

"Call me!"

A captain gave the order without hesitation, and the soldiers on the deck aimed directly with their rifles.

"Bang bang bang..."

The continuous gunshots sounded, the rifle spit out fire snakes, and the dense bullets flew towards the people who were impacting with a whistling sound.


"There are enemies!"

More than a dozen gangster-like people cried and wailed for a while, quickly looking for cover.

But the corner of Franky's mouth curled up, and he said, "Navy? It's really interesting."

Immediately, I saw him rushing forward directly, heading straight for the warship.

"You can't do this if you want to die!"

The captain of the navy pouted, aimed the rifle in his hand, shot, shot!

"Bang bang bang!"

The bullet landed on Franky's body accurately, but the sound of "ding ding ding" was heard along with the sparks.

"What's going on? Transforming people?"

The captain of the navy's eyes popped out, this girl is actually a reformer, isn't it too cheating?

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