Frankie, hey hey direct sales, jumped directly into the sky, his hands stretched forward side by side.

"The wind is coming!"

Two hollows appeared in Frankie's stout palm, with a stern smile on his face.

"One hundred thousand volts. Thunder net!"

A voice sounded, and then a large net made of purple lightning suddenly appeared behind Franky, shrouding his body in it and smashing it to the ground.


Franky, the head of the plane, fell hard to the ground, and his body made of steel did not suffer any damage.

However, at the moment of landing, the purple lightning flashed, and the arc suddenly radiated from the big net and entered his body.

"Ahh... oh oh oh oh..."

Franky trembled violently, and involuntarily made a strange sound in his mouth.


On the beach, a large purple net shrouded a man who was about two meters tall. Purple lightning was released from the large net, and the man was stimulated by the electric current to keep making strange noises.

This bizarre scene made many people stunned, what is this?

"Ah! Boss Franky, he, he..."

Wearing a pair of weird glasses, the voice of praise was trembling. Why, why is this boss surrounded by that net?And still discharging?

The Fang Fang sisters also opened their mouths wide, and couldn't believe what they saw.

After a while, these people reacted.

"Quick, hurry up and save the boss."

Zan Bai took the brunt of the brunt and rushed over first.


There was a loud noise, and Zan Bai's advancing steps stopped instantly.

On the ground in front of him, a pothole with a diameter of one meter and a depth of half a meter appeared, abruptly blocking his footsteps.

Zambé stepped back again and again, and suddenly fell to the ground.Omg, this little heart can't stand being so scared.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my gentleman, the captain, is on business, please do not disturb him, thank you."

A cold and elegant voice sounded beside them, causing Frankie's subordinates to turn their heads and look at them instantly.

Two people, a man and a woman.

The man was tall and tall, dressed in a black suit, neat clothes, and a jazz hat. He was a handsome and strange man, holding a shiny black sniper rifle in both hands.

The other one has long pink hair hanging down to her waist, hibiscus jade face, a pair of sunglasses, a black printed short-sleeved top and pure white high-waisted hot pants, and black fish mouth high heels that set off her straight and slender legs. Wearing a white coat of justice.

The two are Columbia and Tina. Judging from Columbia's actions, he should have shot just now.

"Damn it, you dare to underestimate us."

Zanbai was furious, the two dared to look at them with such a smile, it was really deceiving.

More than a dozen thugs rushed out at once, holding machetes and aggressively.

Columbia shook his head slightly, with a look of pity on his face.

"I don't even want to do this, it's are too annoying."

As he spoke, he lightly pulled the trigger.


There was another loud noise, and a circle of white vacuum waves clearly appeared at the muzzle of the gun, and a bullet whistled towards Zanbai and others.


Chapter 2348 Yeah, I'm an iron man, it doesn't hurt...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"



Just like the scene just now, a pothole with a diameter of one meter and a depth of half a meter appeared on the ground in front of Zanbai.

It directly made a dozen gangsters stop in their tracks, and braked perfectly.

At the same time, Tina next to her took two steps forward and opened her hands directly. The black iron bars extended from her arms and quickly surrounded a dozen gangsters.

"The sill prison!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two black iron bars quickly merged and passed directly through the stunned gangster.

The black iron bars passed through, and more than a dozen gangsters were directly bound by the iron bars, and black iron rings appeared on their bodies to directly bind their bodies.

"Beautiful Miss Colonel, you are very powerful in combat."

Columbia smiled and put away the sniper rifle, as if he was no longer needed.

Tina glanced at him with a look of affirmation in her eyes.

"You are very powerful. Major General Liu Xu has found a good partner. Tina is very happy."

Two shots, two shots can prove that Colombia's combat effectiveness is indeed very sturdy.

It is basically impossible for a normal sniper rifle to produce that effect. What kind of power did he use to achieve this effect?

It's hard to imagine what the consequences would be if he was shot by him.

To pieces?Burst all over?

And Liu Xu here has also stopped, got up from Franky after dispelling the elementalization, and kicked Franky hard.


"Oh, it hurts, asshole."

Forgot for a moment that a certain person's body was made of steel, Liu Xu was unprepared, and suddenly became sad.

"Look at you, how dare you plan on my young master's warship."

Liu Xu cursed bitterly, feeling a little scared in his heart.

If he arrives later, the warship will be in distress. Franky's wind cannon can destroy a huge sailing ship.

No matter how powerful his own warship is, if he hits it a few times, he will have to kneel down.

When they came out of Dock No. [-], Columbia soon appeared beside them. Although they had a lot of doubts, they didn't say anything, but rushed directly to the beach.

Unexpectedly, just after arriving at the beach, he saw Franky attacking the warship. Without even thinking about it, he went over with a thunder net and controlled him.

The [-] volt thunder net is actually not limited to [-] volts, it can increase its power according to the wishes of the caster, millions, tens of millions...

At this moment, Frankie was lying on the ground, his eyes had begun to roll white.

His body was made of steel, but now he was attacked by this thunder and lightning, which made him feel sad.

Leaning down, he grabbed the opponent's neck with both hands and shook him violently.

"Bastard, wake up, wake up, wake up."


The body was shaken violently, and Frankie gradually recovered from the lightning damage.

But immediately after that, there was a whirlwind, which made his brain unable to turn around.

"Say, why attack my warship?"

Liu Xu continued to shake unceremoniously, with the tendency to shake his body apart.

"Major General Liu Xu, he can't speak."

Tina came over with calm eyes.

Only then did Liu Xu realize that he was still clutching his neck, coughing and coughing.

He threw the other party directly to the ground, waiting for the other party's explanation.

Franz recovered from the turmoil, his eyes were still a little dull, what happened just now?Why does it seem a little weird?

It took a while to be fully awake, and this lucidity aimed at the person in front of him, eh?navy?

"What, it's actually a navy, so boring."

Silence, deathly silence.

Liu Xu and the others didn't expect his first sentence to be like this, breaking down, completely breaking down.

"Go to hell."

Liu Xu choked out a word, took off the thunder knife from his waist, and without taking it out of its sheath, directly smashed it on the opponent's head.

"Ah... ah... yeah, I am an iron man, it doesn't hurt..."

"I still don't believe I can't deal with you today..."

The movements of Liu Xu's hands became more rapid, hitting Frankie's head one by one.


The spirit of steel, perseverance, and unyielding will be impressive, but there are times when mistakes are made.

For example, now, the Thunder Knife of the [-]st level of the Big Quick Knife is not out of its sheath, and the handle of the knife hits Franky's head one after another. Even if his body is made of steel, his brain can't be made of steel, right?

The world was spinning, and Franky only knew that the world seemed to be spinning all the time, leaving him dizzy and blank.

Liu Xu attacked without saying a word, pressed Franky's body mercilessly, and every blow landed on his head.

The picture is so beautiful that no one dares to see it.

Tina thinks that she has been with Liu Xu for a long time, at least a few months. In terms of her ingenuity, she thinks she knows him well.

Sunshine, rough nerves, carefree, easy-going, with a little perseverance hidden, this is what she knows about this man.

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