It's just that judging from the picture that appears now, it may be subverted a bit.

"Dear Captain, you are so...great."

Colombia secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his liver trembled, and this great captain seems to have an unknown side. Is it a good thing to get on this ship?

The movements of Liu Xu's hands remained unchanged, his face was full of anger, and the strange purple light in his eyes flashed from time to time.

"This bastard is too good at pretending, doesn't it hurt? Then let him know what pain feels like."


"Ahhh... That guy is treating the boss like this, I'm going to kill him."

"Damn it, hurry up and save the boss!"

The members of the French family exclaimed and burst into tears. The eldest brother suffered there, and these younger brothers could only watch here, which is really ashamed.

"To shut up."

Tina's beautiful eyes flashed sharply, and the black iron rings that restrained the gangsters tightened a bit, causing them to scream in pain.


Chapter 2349 Millennium Kill

"Dear Captain, when are you going to fight like this? Iron Man will feel dizzy at most."

Liu Xu's movements stopped abruptly. That's right, why did he forget about this matter?Dizziness is not a painful thing, what to do?

"Major General Liu Xu, attacking with six moves, even if he is an iron man, he should not be able to bear it."

Although Tina had a little sympathy for this man, she quickly forgot about it.

Whether it is a pirate or a navy, as long as they are sailing at sea, the ship is their partner, and the flag is their belief.

Now this guy is attacking their warship, isn't that just to destroy their partners and crush their beliefs?

Six styles?

These two words made Liu Xu stunned for a moment, how could he forget the six styles.

The Thunder Knife was retracted to hang from his waist, and Liu Xu squatted beside Franky with his hands in the shape of Yin Yin.

"Finger gun. Millennium kill!"

Quickly attacked with both hands, inserted into a certain place of Franky with lightning speed, and picked it up.

Frankie, who was feeling dizzy, felt a tearing pain somewhere in his body, his brain was instantly clear, his body stiffened like a petrified stone, his entire face quickly congested into purple, and his body made of steel trembled violently. The sensation from somewhere made his liver tremble, and his limbs suddenly propped up on the ground, suddenly jumping forward.


Unbearable, unable to bear the pain any longer, Franky shouted loudly, venting the pain as if from the soul.


Unable to look directly, I didn't see clearly the scenery in front of me, I suddenly hit the bow of the warship, and was quickly bounced back.

Falling heavily to the ground, Franky's eyes were empty, his mouth was wide open, and a certain place was raised high and trembled from time to time.

Liu Xu stood up from the ground, took out a white cloth from his pocket, wiped his fingers, and flung it away lightly.

"Happily done."

Silence, as silent as the eternal void, none of the pirates, soldiers, and gangsters on the beach made any sound, only the sound of the waves gently beating on the beach.

The pirates were about to cry, and they felt the same when Franky was attacked. The navy, when did the navy have such a powerful attack?After that move, I'm afraid I can no longer stand confidently, right?

The soldiers were dumbfounded, Rear Admiral Liu Xu, is this the Sixth Form of the Navy?Why is it different from the image of the navy's glorious justice?Can we still happily be a navy?

The gangsters' eyes were dull, their mouths were wide open, and their jaws almost hit the ground.

Boss, you, you have suffered, you have been humiliated, you, are you okay?

Columbia is not calm now, and can no longer maintain his image of a gentleman. His hand holding the sniper rifle hangs down, and he steps back two steps.

Dear Mr. Captain, why is your nature so cruel?

Tina's head is full of black lines, her fists are clenched "snapping", Navy Six, is this the Navy Six?Why does it make people feel so uncomfortable?

"Major General Liu Xu, please pay attention to your image, Tina is very angry, very angry."

Liu Xu turned his head and gave a big white eye, and said, "Tina, it's boring to say the same thing too many times, how about this trick of Millennium Kill? I think Lu Qi was defeated by this trick back then. Tsk tsk , You didn't see his face at that time, the strongest killing machine, the cold iceberg, they were all bragging."

Now Tina finally understands why Rob Lucci, who claims to be the strongest cP9 in the past century in Dock No. [-], doesn't want to fight him. After being tortured like this once, who wants to fight again?That will leave a deep psychological shadow, okay?

"By the way, I remembered something, hehe."

Suddenly, Liu Xu laughed strangely, grabbed Frankie's head, and rushed towards the warship.

What Lu Qi said before made him think a little bit. Since it was delivered to the door, the young master laughed.

His sudden action and smile made people feel creepy, this, is this really appropriate?

"Mr. Captain, he won't be, he wants to..."

Colombia can't believe his own mind, is it really going to be like this?

"Shut up, don't smear the reputation of the Navy."

Tina has a sense of justice in her heart, and it is necessary to maintain the righteous image of the navy.

"Well, pretty lady colonel."

Columbia instantly returned to his gentlemanly image, bowing slightly, very graceful.


For an hour, there was silence on the beach. The gangsters went from shouting at the beginning of Frankie away to the silence at the back. The pirates had already slipped away. There was such a ferocious navy here. is a fool.

The soldiers tried their best to keep calm. Major General Liu Xu is very busy now, and the most important thing is to maintain the order of the warship.

Columbia and Tina did not board the warship, but stayed where they were and waited.

There are still a dozen gangsters here who need to be dealt with further.

It may also be due to other reasons, he is temporarily reluctant to board the ship.


A burly figure was kicked down from the balcony on the third floor of the warship, and smashed in front of the gangsters with the sound of "huhu".

The purple lightning flashed by, and Liu Xu appeared next to Tina in an instant, with a bright smile on his face, full of spring breeze.

"Major General Liu Xu, are you done?"

Tina even forgot her habitual suffix, tilted her head and asked in a low voice.

"It's over, and it's very... ah... Tina, how can you think so, this young master is not that kind of person."

Halfway through, he seemed to think something was wrong, what was going on with this little look?And Colombia, what do you mean?Put that disgusting look away, okay?

No one would believe what he said now, crazy, completely crazy.

"Major General Liu Xu, we understand, Tina is very sorry."

With a little bit of loss, Tina did not expect that the people she followed would adopt such a method. Is this an insult to the justice of the navy?


Chapter 2350 Clarification

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Liu Xu was petrified, and went mad again, scratching at his hair indiscriminately, and said, "Hey, hey, you can eat and talk nonsense, this young master is normal."

"We understand."

Columbia sighed softly, lowering his head halfway.

An elegant gentleman, when such a thing happened to the people around him, he thought it was his dereliction of duty and did not bring positive energy to the people around him, really, ashamed.

This, this is over, how to explain this?Liu Xu felt that the world was going crazy, didn't he just take something from him?As for thinking about it like this?

"Bastard, this young master is a man with a wife. He has a charming and distinguished wife! Her name is Madeline Yinggong, Tina, you know it. You bastard, what do you mean?"

Poor, in order to clarify this matter, even Madeline was moved out, so it can be seen that she was forced into a hurry.

Huh?have a wife?Or a charming beauty?Tsk tsk, I can't see it!

Everyone's attention was suddenly diverted to Liu Xu's wife.

The gangsters breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, the boss was not defiled, which was the greatest blessing.

Looking at Franky who was unconscious in front of them, tears welled up in their eyes, it was not easy!

Tina naturally knew that he had a wife, and as he said, her status was honorable, so honorable that she would not be punished for doing such a thing in the Chambord Islands.

"Yes, there is indeed a very beautiful wife with a distinguished status."

This passage was to clarify to Liu Xu what might have happened, and the huge stone in everyone's heart finally fell.

"Dear Captain, please forgive me for my presumptuousness. It is really disrespectful."

The Columbia sniper rifle slanted across his back, took off the black jazz hat on his head with his right hand, and tilted his body slightly at fifteen degrees, a standard gentleman's etiquette.

"Humph, go, it's boring to stay any longer."

The misunderstanding was clarified, Liu Xu snorted a few times, and headed towards the warship as soon as he shook his head.

"Let those people go, they're just gangsters, they don't need to go to war."

Hearing that, Tina directly lifted the ability of the threshold fruit, and the black iron ring that bound the gangsters disappeared in an instant.

"Cum clap clap!"

As soon as they regained their freedom, the hooligans lifted Franky who was in a coma, and trotted away.

This beach hurts my self-esteem too much.

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