The soldiers who made the big purchase came back, and the large and small bags of supplies were continuously transported to the warship. It took more than an hour to deliver all the supplies. This amount is a bit too much.

"Did you just buy this?"

However, it seems that some people are not very satisfied. The supplementary supplies are enough for a month. If you are sailing at sea, it is already a very good resource.

However, the words "wealthy and powerful" can describe his current situation.

One billion Baileys were obtained from St. Roswald. From this alone, countless supplies can be easily replenished without even applying for funds from the Navy Headquarters.

With Bailey, the requirements of this life have also increased. Eat the best, drink the best, and use the best to easily describe his current life on the entire warship.

The soldiers also get a lot of benefits because of this, at least in terms of life, they are much better than other naval soldiers.

"Major General Liu Xu, is it really okay to let those bastards go? Tina is very confused."

Tina asked softly behind her, the justice of the navy is not only on the pirates, even if you encounter these gangsters, you are obliged to take care of them, right?

Liu Xu smiled casually, and said, "Who care about what those bastards are doing? So far, it seems that they haven't done anything harmful to nature, so don't care."

Tina is messy, this, regardless of the justice of the Navy?

"But, since you don't think they did anything wrong, why do you treat their boss like that?"

"Hey, who told him not to be conspicuous, he actually hit the master's warship with his idea. Humph, how can you not give a profound lesson."

I was a little bit filled with righteous indignation after I said it, my character is very good, but you can't just bully me because of my good character!

If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If you do it, you will have to pay the price.

Tina took it, your old man just said that he offended you, it's just that simple and rude.

"Sniper, your marksmanship is very sturdy. How did you cause such a lethality?"

Columbia's marksmanship on the beach shows his power, and although the opponents are just some gangsters, he may not use all his strength.And the consequences he caused are very significant, which is worth looking forward to.

When asked about strength, Columbia smiled slightly and said: "Dear Mr. Captain, my gun and bullets are wrapped around armed domineering, so my ability has improved a little."

The armed color is domineering, slightly improved.

Liu Xu was speechless. Has this girl ever considered that this young master is only domineering and knowledgeable?Can you stop hitting people like this?

There are two ways to use the armed color domineering, one is wrapping, attaching the armed color domineering to fists or weapons to attack.

One is hardening, which attaches the armed color domineering to the body and turns the skin color into pure black, and the hardness increases with the strength of domineering.

Armed-color domineering is the same as knowledge-color domineering, which can be cultivated and improved through acquired practice, which is different from innate or inherited domineering-color domineering.

People with armed domineering powers can improve their defense and attack power, which acts like invisible armor; it can also evolve into attack power, and then compete with devil fruit ability users, and even touch the entities of natural fruit ability users .

The attack attached to the weapon is the way to use the entanglement, and people in this world use it vividly.

Demon Sniper Columbia, a well-known sniper in the first half of the great route, with his own strength and excellent marksmanship, is enough to convince many people.


Chapter 2351 Set off to the small garden

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Colombia, how far can you shoot? Also, what level of lethality can you achieve?"

Liu Xu swallowed his saliva, developed and developed, this time he really found a treasure.

"The effective range of shooting is [-] meters, but the accuracy will be reduced a lot, and the power will also be weakened a lot. Therefore, I usually shoot within [-] meters to [-] meters. In this range, the accuracy is basically ignored, and it can be maximized. Guaranteed shooting strength. The accuracy of distances above [-] meters is greatly reduced, and generally only a single enemy strikes. Ashamed, the power of my fellow still needs to be improved."


Liu Xu smacked his lips. A sniper is indeed a powerful profession. Enemies within [-] to [-] meters basically ignore accuracy, so don't you know where to hit?

"Sniper, you really are a hidden beast, you are too powerful."

"Ashamed, this is still because of this gun. This gun is the life's work of a foundry, and it is different from other rifles and muskets. It is unique."

The snipers in the world of pirates today actually use muskets or rifles, or even slingshots.

Special sniper rifles like the Columbia are actually very, very rare and vary in power.

The pitch-black and shiny sniper rifle has a murderous aura, and it has an innate chilling aura.

Coupled with an excellent sniper, the perfect fit.

Liu Xu took a deep breath, the first official partner, a powerful sniper, is ready.

"Let me calm down, sniper, good job."

Liu Xu flashed away as he said that, his body elementalized and went straight to the balcony on the third floor, lying on the beach chair all of a sudden, thinking about his own thoughts leisurely.

On the other hand, Columbia and Tina were very straightforward, arranged for the soldiers to store the supplies, and the warship set sail again.


Sail out to sea, and the dark purple warship rides the waves to the distant sea level, riding the wind and waves.

The waves caused by the high-speed sailing of the warship are colorful under the sunshine, forming a dazzling blueprint.

The seagulls flew on both sides of the warship following the air currents, croaking from time to time.Dolphins jumping out of the sea in the distance are one after another, chasing the freedom they yearn for.

The flag of the warship is the strength of the entire warship. The well-known navy flag has a purple lightning running through the entire flag. There is a little bit of evil in justice, which is eye-catching.

On the balcony, Liu Xu was lying on the beach chair according to the old rules, with a book in one hand and a drink in the other, and Lei Dao leaned against the chair. Life was so relaxed and happy.

Sailing is tedious, with nothing but the occasional Aquaman to provide a little spice to life.

The windless zone is the sea area distributed on both sides of the great channel. There is no air current or current here, and it is a sea area that is always calm.

It is impossible for ships that rely on wind to move through, and the calm zone is an extremely dangerous sea area.

This is also the base camp of Neptunes. All kinds of Neptunes of different sizes appear and disappear. They may appear on the side of the ship, or appear directly from the bottom of the ship, swallowing the ship directly.

The bottom of the naval warship is equipped with sea floor stones, which can enter and exit the great route through the windless belt at will.

Tina proposed to go directly through the windless zone and enter the East China Sea, so as to minimize the waste of time.

"Tina, your suggestion is very good, but I'm afraid I can't go to Donghai so quickly now, that guy has appeared."

Liu Xuda agreed.

Tina frowned slightly, that guy?which one?Is there anyone else worthy of Major General Liu Xu's attention?

"Major General Liu Xu, who are you talking about? Tina is very confused."

Liu Xu laughed straight, with a bright smile on his face, and said, "That person, of course, is the world's number one swordsman, Qiao Lakel Mihawk, known as Hawkeye."

Um?Hawkeye?One of the Shichibukai under the king?

Tina is depressed, the king's Qiwuhai appears, what does this have to do with your old man?

"Major General Liu Xu, is it appropriate to waste your time for Qi Wuhai?"

Tina's brows were tightly furrowed, and there was a little doubt and worry in her beautiful eyes.

huh?It seems that Hawkeye's status is not very high in her mind, what's the situation?

"Tina, that is the world's number one swordsman. You have to see and see if it is really the same as the legend, with the eyes of an eagle. Hehe, I am really looking forward to it. By the way, he is in Xiaojing Garden, let's take a look."

The transmission of information in One Piece World relies on phone bugs, and sometimes on carrier pigeons.

The carrier pigeons here are not used to deliver credit, but to deliver newspapers and leaflets. Even in dangerous seas like the Great Route, they can fly safely.

Suddenly a newspaper appeared, which said that Hawkeye appeared in the small garden in the first half of the great route, which was too surprising.

As for why Hawkeye's whereabouts are reported, this is not something Liu Xu wants to study, it is directly attributed to the star effect.

Hawkeye is definitely a big star.

Tina has already adapted to the various strange ideas of her boss. It may be his temporary intention to meet the world's number one swordsman, one of the Seven Martial Seas.

Forget it, just do it according to his old man.

Thinking so, Tina turned around and left the room.

"Let's go to Xiaojingyuan."


It takes a certain amount of time to go to Koboen because you have to pass through many islands.

The supplies on the warship had already been replenished at Water [-] Island, enough for them to rush all the way to Xiaojingyuan.

Calculated according to the normal time, it will take more than [-] days from the Seven Capitals of Water to arrive at Xiaojiao Garden, which is the speed of ordinary pirate ships, and this does not include the rest time.

The navy's warships are different. Generally speaking, the speed is faster, and it takes about [-] days to reach Xiaojingyuan.

However, after ten days of sailing, the speed of the warship suddenly slowed down.


Chapter 2352 King Qiwuhai, Hawkeye

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


Still on the balcony, Liu Xu drank leisurely, surrounded by Tina and Columbia.

If you want to improve your strength, you need constant challenges and continuous practice.

During the day, it is not a good time to practice.

Although it is only a warship, there are things that need to be dealt with every day.

Moreover, the daily training of the soldiers is carried out during the day.

Liu Xu and the other three practiced at night, in the dead of night, when no one disturbed them, it was most comfortable to practice.

Sword technique, lightning power, domineering, the cultivation of the three abilities is very cumbersome, and the effort required is several times that of others.

No complaints or regrets, as long as he can improve his strength, he will continue to cultivate continuously.

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