The power of knowledge-colored domineering is gradually increasing, and the coverage area of ​​Xinwang has also increased a lot, from five kilometers to ten kilometers in radius, which is already a very good result.

The power of lightning gradually increases, and the volts that can be used also increase accordingly.

The strength of the body has also increased a little under the tempering of the thunder and lightning, and the rest is the knife technique.

The improvement of sword skills requires more actual combat training. There are no masters of sword skills and sword skills on the warship, so the improvement of this kind of strength is very slow.

What has improved is only the sword intent.

"Huh? Why is it so slow?"

The speed of the warship slowed down a little, and Liu Xu, who was basking in the sun, was stunned by the vibration during deceleration.

"Your Excellency Major General, found an abnormal situation."

A soldier shouted from the deck with a telescope in his hand.

situation?Liu Xu is not calm anymore, is there a pirate who wants to fight?Or are there giant Neptunes?

"Dear Captain, it's a man, a man in a boat."

Columbia, who was next to him, spoke softly, with a hint of shock in his words.

Liu Xu turned his head to look, but saw that he was already holding a sniper rifle and was observing with the eyepiece on it. His finger was already lightly on the trigger, ready to be pulled at any time.

In Columbia's eyes, behind the calmness was a touch of horror.

Who can make him behave like this?a man?The man in the boat?Huh?It looks a little familiar!

Suddenly remembered something, Liu Xu directly reached out to grab Columbia's sniper rifle.

However, an accident happened just like that, and Columbia's fingers snapped when he was robbed in such a way.


There was a loud bang that made people's ears go numb, a roar.

A pitch-black bullet flew out of the gun and flew straight into the distance.

It landed on the surface of the sea properly, causing a small splash of water.

And in front of the bullet was a man in a boat.

The accident stunned the three of them, while Tina and Colombia were dumbfounded.

shot?And still shot at a seemingly strong man?

God, major general Liu Xu, can you not be so harmful?

And Liu Xu was also dumbfounded, what the hell, shot Hawkeye?

And it's the kind that shoots directly without saying a word, without hesitation.

"Shoot at Hawkeye?"

Liu Xu muttered in a low voice, and the two people beside him heard it clearly.

Hawkeye?That person is Hawkeye?Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman and one of the Qiwuhai kings?

God, what the hell is going on.

Uh, Major General Liu Xu, don't blame yourself so much, don't be so nervous.

"Major General Liu Xu, don't be nervous, nothing will happen."

Tina said softly, Major General Liu Xu must have been frightened, right?

The same is true for Columbia, and said softly: "Dear Mr. Captain, I will take care of anything independently."

The two of them said from the bottom of their hearts, they are sincere, they are partners, they are responsible for each other, and they care about each other.

However, just as they finished speaking, Liu Xu beside him held his chin with one hand and nodded repeatedly.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that there are not many people who shot at Hawkeye, right? Well, my young master will try it too."


The two decisively petrified, major general Liu Xu (respected Mr. Captain), what are you doing?Can you be more serious?The target of his "bang" shot just now was Hawkeye, the world's number one swordsman!

"give me."

Thinking this way, Liu Xu actually wanted to snatch the sniper rifle. According to his thinking, he shot them all anyway, and it would be the same if he shot them a few more times...

Do you really want to add a few more shots?

Columbia was restless, clinging to the sniper rifle and unloading the magazine.


There was another loud noise, this time it was not from the sniper rifle, but from the warship, and at the same time a shock made the warship completely stop.

"what's going on?"

Liu Xu stabilized his body quickly. When did the warship stop so fast?

"Young, Your Excellency Major General, hit, hit the ship."

A soldier on the deck stammered, looking flustered and inexplicably terrified.

The other soldiers are basically the same, either holding muskets or samurai swords, and are cautiously on guard.

"Crashed? With whom? Where is the ship?"

Liu Xu wanted to vomit blood, such a large warship collided, so where is the collided ship?Did it hit a hellokity?Can you stop being funny?

"I was the one you hit me with."

A cold voice came from under the bow of the warship, and then a person jumped onto the bow from below, his sharp eyes swept across the deck and the three of Liu Xu.

Short black hair, eagle-sharp yellow eyes, a short beard, a black top hat with white fluff, a burgundy patterned top, a black vest, and white trousers.

Only from his eyes can determine the identity of the person in front of him, Hawkeye Mihawk.

One of the rumored Qiwuhai, the world's most powerful swordsman!

In front of him, a pendant in the shape of a cross hangs on a necklace, which is exquisite and small.

Behind it, a black knife.

Black Knife. Ye, the Supreme Twelve Swords, the blade is chaotic blade, heavy T-shaped, known as the strongest black knife in the world.

Hawkeye can use this black blade to unleash a super powerful and long-distance slash, which is green in color.

Liu Xu was completely sure now that he was really Hawkeye.


Chapter 2353 Just shooting, not firing...

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Are you Hawkeye Mihawk?"

Knowing the reason, Hawkeye stared at Liu Xu's eyes smoothly.

With this pair of eyes, even a powerhouse of the same level would feel at a loss what to do.

No effect?

Hawkeye was a little puzzled. There were too many people who were shocked by his gaze, and few people could maintain a look of doubt and interest under his eyes.


Hawkeye said something, and then jumped from the bow to the deck.

Seeing this, Liu Xu turned into an element directly, and the purple lightning flashed by, and he was in front of him in an instant, observing this person more closely.

Well, from head to toe, I watched it with my eyes.


For the first time, a strange feeling appeared in Hawkeye's heart, as if he was being treated like a monkey. It was really... a wonderful feeling.

Hawkeye Mihawk originally sailed freely on the great route, and set off to the new world along the route.

Everything was calm, but a warship that suddenly appeared in his eyes caught his attention.

The dark purple warship, the navy flag was pierced by a bolt of lightning, which completely matched the information he had received before.

Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Liu Xu.

Liu Xu, who had been hyped by the navy for a while, came into Hawkeye's sight, but now he ran into him here.

It's just that the way they met was a little uncomfortable.

A well-rounded bullet shot towards him, but fortunately it was slightly offset, otherwise he would have to make the bullet change its trajectory by himself.

The sudden shooting made him feel a little uncomfortable, but when the warship behind directly hit him, the discomfort in his heart dissipated in an instant.

This, this should be said to be due to my bad luck.

Finally, when he saw the so-called rear admiral of the Navy headquarters, his calm heart rippled a little.

Not only was he not overwhelmed by his own eyes, but he also treated himself like a monkey.

This, this is simply going against the sky.

"So handsome!"

Suddenly, Liu Xu yelled, and the person in front of him who maintained the image of a cold iceberg was completely dumbfounded.

This, I haven't met such a tough person since my debut decades ago, can I not be so surprised?

Liu Xu naturally didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he laughed and said, "Look at this image, how handsome it is, and the little eyes, which can pierce people's hearts like knives. Well, it's just that these two beards are too ugly gone."


Hawkeye's heart has already vomited, are you doing it on purpose?

Tina was already dumbfounded. Tina opened her mouth and her eyes were dull.

Major General Liu Xu said that Hawkeye, doesn't he know how powerful the person in front of him is?

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