Comrade Hawkeye, after all, you still have to obediently stay and dedicate yourself!

Someone didn't know what he was thinking at the moment, and he didn't understand until he was about to leave. This was completely fooled...

"Liu Xu, Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, the killing of the Tianlongren has not been obliterated by the World Government. The magical man, huh? Seems to be a swordsman?"

Hawkeye thought silently, and it wasn't until he walked to the balcony that he found the knife leaning against the beach chair, and the look of interest in his eyes became more obvious.

A strong swordsman can see the difference between swords at a glance, and can judge the quality of a sword with just one glance.

Hawkeye is the number one swordsman in the world, and this kind of ability is naturally no problem.

"Are you still a swordsman?"

Standing at the top of the swordsman world and looking down at all beings, this is the evaluation given to him by the world, and it is also the respect that swordsmen have for him.

On the third-floor balcony, there were originally only two beach chairs, but now there are four, equipped with four parasols, which is a leisurely environment.


Chapter 2355 My big knife is already hungry and thirsty

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


"Hawkeye, what do you think of this thing?"

Liu Xu threw the thunder knife beside him, with a little mischief in his eyes.

Hawkeye didn't even look at it and raised his hand to catch it, and pulled the Thunder Knife a little bit away. Suddenly, there was a chill, and a strange purple light flashed past.


The eagle's sharp eyes took a look, and then sheathed it directly.

"A good knife, stained with the blood of many swordsmen."

Simple and rude evaluation, it seems bland, but it is also a very high evaluation.

Liu Xu had the same eyebrows, and grinned. Hawkeye's evaluation was still very good, at least he didn't hurt himself.

However, this is how to see a lot of blood stained?

"How did you know?"

Doubt, the starry eyes are full of doubts, it seems that he feels that it is a very handsome knife, and it is in line with his image and ability.

"The intuition of a swordsman, you only got it recently, otherwise you will have the same bloody smell as this knife. His previous owner was a bloodthirsty swordsman."

Certainly, Hawkeye was very sure of his own words, and directly concluded that someone had just obtained this knife recently.


Liu Xu sprayed decisively, intuition?Can this thing be eaten as a meal?And so sure.

"You said his former master was a bloodthirsty swordsman, how did you tell?"

"This knife, although the blade is smooth, the breath is too bloody, and its previous owner buried it, I feel its unwillingness."

The sharp look in Hawkeye's eyes remained undiminished, or a little angry.

As a swordsman, how could he watch this famous sword being humiliated.

Liu Xu wanted to say a word of admiration, this expression, this movement, this tone, not being a magic stick really buried his talent.

"Why can't I feel it?"

"You don't have enough realm. You don't know anything else. You are definitely a beginner in swordsmanship. Or, you haven't used the sword well."

"Papa. Papa!"

Liu Xu applauded, there should be applause here.

To put it bluntly, it is true that he has never used a sword properly.

So far, although the sword intent of Zilei Saber Technique has been cultivated, it is rarely used in actual combat.

What is used is basically the ability of thunder and lightning and the ability of domineering.

The practice of sword technique is not just to comprehend the meaning of the sword, but like other cultivation, it must be matched in the exercise, otherwise everything is just talk on paper, without the slightest effect.

"All the sword skills I have accumulated in several worlds are useless, or I will scare you to death..."

"In this world, swords are clearly used, but they are all called 'swordsmen'. This has been ignored before..."

"Well, probably only people with white beards who use machetes, aren't they called 'swordsmen'?"

At this moment, Liu Xu's heart was complicated.

Hawkeye is the most powerful swordsman who has been honed and grown up in actual combat. He has experienced countless battles, big and small, in his life.

Maybe he is the most qualified to speak in swordsmanship, or maybe there are others.

"Hawkeye, how about you take a look at this?"

After Liu Xu finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and then opened them suddenly.

In an instant, the temperament of the whole person changed drastically, and there was a certain aura faintly exuding from the whole body.

"This is……"

Hawkeye's pupils trembled, and the person in front of him gave him a different feeling in an instant.

It's not like the carefree and nonsensical Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters just now.

But a swordsman, a sharp swordsman.

Liu Xu's star pupils were as sharp as a sword, and his body was filled with a cold aura. His whole body looked like a sword, an unsheathed, sharp sword.

As a swordsman, Liu Xu is not as good as Hawkeye in terms of kendo, moves, and actual combat, which he admits.

But in terms of sword intent, he didn't think he would lose much.

Sword intent is a kind of will and spirit, and the true meaning is to have a sword in your heart.

What is shown on Liu Xu's body at this moment is a kind of saber intent.

Resilient and indestructible.

"It's a very strange feeling, I feel an aura that only top swordsmen can have."

It is a very high evaluation. Eagle Eye has two consecutive high evaluations in one day, which is not a small encouragement for a young man in his twenties, but also a kind of affirmation.

"That is, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty."

Liu Xu smiled confidently, and then put away his saber intent, and his sharp and sharp aura immediately subsided.

Hawkeye's sharp eyes also loosened, and he picked up the tea sent by Columbia next to him and took a sip. This guy, does he really understand swords?

"It's very special. It's not easy to have that kind of breath. However, your sword is too sharp, and it's easy to break."

Hawkeye finally spoke, but what he said made Liu Xu tangled up, too sharp?Too rigid and easy to break?

The consequence of being hard-edged may be premature death.

The sword intent cultivated by the Zilei sword technique is extremely powerful, and it also has a great advantage compared with the top swordsmen in this world.

The sword intent is the sword contained in the swordsman's will, spirit, and heart.

The saber intent cultivated by Liu Xu is tenacious, but too sharp. Perhaps this is caused by his strong self-confidence, or it may be due to other reasons.

If a person is defeated in a field where he thinks he is strong, if he is too upright, he will be broken, and he will be directly destroyed spiritually with the defeat.

It is the most terrifying for a swordsman to be mentally destroyed, which will make him no longer able to face the sword in his hand, or even pick up the sword and use it.

Bearing blows is inevitable in the process of growing up, and smooth growth will make people feel strong vanity, thinking that success seems to be taken for granted.

And when failure occurs, the person is easily crushed and never recovers.

Just like the overlord Xiang Yu, who could have retreated, but ended up slaying himself in Wujiang.

Hawkeye can see Liu Xu's too upright side only from the changes in his breath. Young people are always confused by strength and lose their hearts.


Chapter 2356 Understanding of Swords

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


A kind reminder, Hawkeye believes that he has done the best of benevolence and righteousness. Perhaps this is a sympathy for a swordsman, a sympathy for a potential swordsman who may grow into a top swordsman, and he can't bear the possibility of being easily defeated in the future.

"Understood, thank you for the reminder, Hawkeye."

After figuring out the key points, Liu Xu suddenly became enlightened and straightened his face.

If you want to become a strong person, you must be able to stand the guidance of others. If you don't even do this, you are working behind closed doors and living in your own world forever.

There was a touch of approval in Hawkeye's sharp eyes, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Liu Xu, if you are a weak person in the future, then what I said today will be a stain on my life."


Liu Xu sprayed in one gulp, gorgeously.

"Hey, hey, can you stop saying that? It hurts one's self-esteem. By the way, your swordsmanship's main attack speed?"

It seems that Hawkeye's swordsmanship is superb, especially in terms of speed. He finds loopholes in the shortest time and strikes quickly.

Moreover, his slash is very strong, and he can destroy a huge battleship with a single blow.

"Under the same strength, my speed is a little faster than others. Others get two hits, and I hit three times. What do you think the result will be?"

Rolling eyes, gorgeously gave a rolling eye, isn't this nonsense, why show off your speed so much?

"Also, the sword is a murder weapon, a sharp weapon for killing people. At the same time, the sword is also life, the soul of a swordsman."

The former words are fierce and unusual, and the latter words speak the truth, the sword is the life and soul of the swordsman.

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