"Well, your understanding of the sword is like this, and I have a different understanding. My sword is for protection. If it endangers what I care about, I will draw the sword and kill the enemy mercilessly. This may be The difference between me and you!"

Liu Xu considered it carefully, and it was different from Hawkeye.

The opponent's personality is calm and calm, and he is a little bit his own way. His sword is a murder weapon, and he can draw the sword directly according to his own wishes.

As for my own difference, if it is not necessary, why draw the sword?

Sometimes thunder and lightning are good, once the sword is drawn, blood will be seen.

Hawkeye did not agree, but he did not object to his words. Everyone has their own understanding. It is not what a swordsman does to impose their own ideas on others.

"Guardian? Are you referring to them?"

There was an inexplicable look in his eyes, and he glanced at Columbia who was sitting leisurely on the beach chair next to him, and Tina who was looking at something with sunglasses on.

Liu Xu smiled so brightly that his eyes narrowed into crescents, and said, "Of course, they are my partners, partners for life!"

"Is it a partner? What a good partner."

Hawkeye half lowered his head and smiled, but his eyes were still sharp.

Columbia, who was next to him, smiled lightly, nodded slightly, got up and walked over.

"Dear Captain, how about I suggest to have a banquet tonight?"

"Oh? Banquet, okay, then have a banquet."

Liu Xu chuckled, the banquet is the most interesting, maybe you can see some interesting things.

Columbia smiled lightly, bowed slightly, and said, "Yes, my humble partner, respected Mr. Captain."


The long conversation with Hawkeye was very rewarding. One of the world's largest swordsmen's understanding of swords, his experience is a huge asset.

The sea breeze blows, and the sun sets.

The crescent moon hanging high in the sky covered the sea with a layer of mysterious clouds, and the waves were like dancing silver elves under the reflection of the moonlight.

The end of the sea is slightly bright, hazy.

The balcony on the third floor was brightly lit.

The light tea has been replaced with golden rum, and there is a burst of wine fragrance in the huge wooden wine glass.

"Drink, what are you afraid of? You won't do anything to offend you while you're drunk. No one wants to do anything like you!"

Liu Xu half-closed his eyes, walked to Hawkeye's side with a wine glass, and patted him on the shoulder with his palm.

The eagle eyes fixed on the wine glass in his hand. It seemed that he attended very few banquets, and basically only went to one person's banquet.

"Major General Liu Xu, please pay attention to your image, Tina is very sad."

Tina was also holding a wine glass, her red lips parted slightly.

"Tina, don't mind so much, it's rare to be so happy today, right, sniper?"

Tina sighed in her heart, her gaze was always on Liu Xu.When is your old man unhappy?You should come out and see.

The Colombian glass is different, not a huge wooden wine glass, but a crystal glass of a few sizes smaller.

In a word, how can a gentleman use such an unfashionable glass, even if it is not noble and elegant red wine, he still has the temperament of red wine.

"Yes, Mr. Captain, I am very happy today. Just have fun."

Columbia smiled, raising the glass in his right hand and shaking it in the air.

The atmosphere of the few people was not bad, and Hawkeye finally started to drink the wine glass.

At night, among the laughter of several people, no, it should be said that the curtain gradually ended with Liu Xu's big laughter.

The waters near Gaya Island, this is the waters where Hawkeye meets.

It was originally planned to go to Xiaojingyuan to find Hawkeye, but he did not expect him to go to the new world along the route.

And Liu Xu came all the way, so naturally they met here.

The warship continued sailing. Although he had already met the person he wanted to see, Liu Xu did not order the warship to sail to the calm zone and enter the East China Sea from the calm zone.

Along the route, according to the current route, it should enter the East China Sea through the Reverse Mountain.

Huge warships, strong hulls and experienced navigators can safely enter from the Upside Down Mountain.

They did not stop in any World War I, and the supplies on the warships were enough to support them to go to the East China Sea. Then, if they could find a place to replenish their supplies, they would be able to continue sailing for a long time.

Navigating according to the course, none of the people who belonged to the warship had any objections, and the only one who had a problem was Hawkeye.


Chapter 2357 Drum Island Sea Area

ps: I recommend a book "The King of Special Soldiers in Film and Television"


At this moment, calm and calm, he also felt a little sad. Isn't the route he is sailing now the same as the one he came over before?

This is tantamount to going all over again, tangled, can only be said to be tangled.

No one paid attention to his sadness, this warship, Liu Xu has the final say.

"Don't put on a dead face, don't you just walk again, it's great, you won't get lost after walking one more time."

Liu Xu was also tangled, the other party looked at him all day with his little eyes, making people have fun playing?Isn't it just one more walk!

Hawkeye didn't answer, just stared at him intently.

"My young master told you that you haven't paid the rent after boarding my boat!"

Liu Xu is angry, does this girl really want to steal the show?

Hawkeye's complexion changed, and his two jet-black eyebrows were in the shape of a 'Chuan'. Pay rent?Can you stop being so nervous, I'm just here to kill some time.

"That's right!"

Seeing the other party's gaze shifted to other places, Liu Xu chuckled, and the corner of his mouth raised a narrow arc.

Comrade Hawkeye, after all, you still stay here obediently, ahem, give more experience.

"You haven't talked about the relationship between Garp and the three of them yet!"

Hawkeye didn't look at him, his eyes fell on the ocean in the distance, the eyes were still as sharp as eagles.

It's embarrassing, Liu Xu is completely embarrassing, Comrade Hawkeye, do you want to know the situation when you stay on this warship?Can your hexagram not be so strong?

It's not to blame that Hawkeye has such a strong heart for hexagrams, but the things he fabricated are too weird.

Lieutenant Admiral Garp, the hero of the Navy, Lieutenant Admiral Tsuru, the Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters, and Marshal Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters, if there is any strange relationship between these three people, it will shock the whole world...

"Actually, the relationship between the three of them..."

Liu Xu had a smile in his eyes and spoke slowly, looking straight at someone.

Moved, ears moved.

Liu Xu smiled to himself. Instinct, instinct still exposed Hawkeye's strong hexagram heart. What does the movement of the ear mean?

Even Tina and Columbia are curious. Tina has been in the Navy headquarters for so many years, and it seems that she has never heard any rumors about the relationship between the three. How did Major General Liu Xu know?Is there something inside?She was very curious about this.

Colombia's curiosity is based on the identities of the three, who are all well-known figures.

"Their relationship is that of colleagues and superiors."

Liu Xu finished speaking quickly, then lay down on the beach chair, drinking tea leisurely.

Silence, silence on the balcony.

The black lines on Tina's head drooped, and the corners of her mouth twitched. Major General Liu Xu, you are so humorous, it made Tina very angry.

Columbia smiled lightly, well, life needs such a little cold joke to be interesting!

Hawkeye's behavior was very strange, there was no rage, no murderous intent, and no swearing.

Instead, he looked straight at the other party, his eyes were still sharp, but with another emotion.

Did not get the indiscriminate bombardment as imagined, Liu Xu was puzzled, turned his head to look, and turned his head back quickly after seeing it.

"Hawkeye, don't look at this young master so resentfully, this young master has not done anything to be sorry for you, really."

As he said that, he picked up the small book on the table next to him and looked at it, his body shaking violently.

Hawkeye got up, silently left the balcony, and walked to his temporary residence.

"Is he all right? Looks like he's been hit."

Tina frowned slightly. Silence is the most terrifying weapon. I really don't know when it will explode.

"Should be fine, right? Hawkeye's tolerance won't be so weak."


There was a muffled sound, Liu Xu laughed and raised his eyebrows.

"Hey, I'm so old, my temper is still so irritable, I need to change it!"

At this moment, he seemed to be an old man who had gone through all the vicissitudes of life, shaking his head, and he was about to brush his beard.


There was another loud noise, and the warship shook violently a few times, which caught people off guard.

Liu Xu got angry and yelled inside.

"Hawkeye, you stingy bastard, you have no guts at all, you want to dismantle this young master's warship? I..."

However, what he said later was planned before he said it. The height of the warship seems to be a problem!

Um?What's with the angle of inclination?

Something was wrong. If it was Hawkeye's attack, then the warship would have been cut into two pieces by him, not just tilted like it is now.

Now, the warship seems to be too high by something, is it a sea king?

"There is an enemy attack!"

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